Best LED for 3x3 flowering


Much of the information you have been posting about Timber Grow Lights is simply untrue. As one of the owners I feel compelled to correct you on a few of your erroneous statements:

1. Timber LED lights were NOT included in the HT review. We have no affiliation nor do we advertise on HT either.

2. I am the only Timber company spokesperson on this or any other forum - we do not use shills - all of the reviews you have read are from actual customers and growers. We are very proud of our reputation in the community and will continue to nurture that.

3. We are not a small "1 or 2" person company. Not that there is any shame or bad in that either. We are a California S-corporation with many employees and have been in the lighting industry for over 11 years, BBB "A" rating, and many industry affiliations.

4. Timber is not the lowest cost option for COB lighting. This is no secret. We charge a fair price for a good product that serves a given part of the market --- as do other upstanding retailers like Rapid and HLG. Each serves a particular niche of the overall indoor horticulture lighting market and to the best of my knowledge, all three enjoy good reputations as a result of their (Timber included) stellar customer service and top quality components.


I don't even know why you bother with that kind of trolls and dick ryders..

It doesn't matter what he said it matter who said it..This forum is full of fukkbois..
Any Normal Good person KNOWS what amare, timber, tastyLed, quantum board represents in growing world..
OtherS can go a F them selfs!!! With they bashing and troling... You should be stomped to ICU !!!
Why do you continue to argue that Timber is overpriced when their 600w Vero 29 pre-assembled fixture is cheaper than the RapidLed 600w Vero 29 fixture that doesn't come fully assembled?
You're just rambling a bunch of nonsense.

maybe he doesn't see good at monitor from wheelchair..Give this mane some break.. Disabled and stupid is real gift from god..:cry:
Lol I appreciate the advice but I already went with the 400w Vero29 setup from Timber. Perhaps a bit pricier than what I could have gotten elsewhere but it's all setup and I'm glad I went with this over the Platinum LED XML2 or w/e it is.

The dude Dan was very helpful though and answered probably 50 of my questions before I made a purchase.

I would tell you to f your self if I was at his place...:D
I don't know what that means. I'm saying I had a legitimate pain in the ass assembling mine. The measurements from the heat sinks were not 100% and measuring accuracy was near impossible. Going out and essentially talking down on others who don't want to assemble theirs unless they are "competent enough to assemble 2 wires" is misleading to say the least.

he is just disabled asshole...
Hard to believe but we have few famous disabled assholes in my country to..Google Đuro gLogoski.. First croatian war assault vehicle!!
There are two ways to quantify the capability of a lamp, and neither of them involve getting an endorsement from HT.

1- Do the math. The good thing about Timber, Rapid, HLG, and Tasty (and a few others) is that in addition to the stats being posted they also provide part numbers and drive currents, at least I believe all those companies do. If you feel inclined to double check or don't trust advertised numbers, get the part numbers and drive currents and do the math. Figure out the PAR wattage and/or PPF for yourself, then you can determine cost per PAR watt and/or cost per mole and you will know which one provides the best value in terms of light output.

2- Grow with them.

My opinion is that a company that doesn't offer radiometric stats or part#s, bin and drive current has something to hide. The owner of a local grow shop just quit offering Kind because they weren't outperforming bulbs and they got tired of handling all the warranty issues.

Also, you're mixing PAR watts with PAR readings which are technically PPFD readings. I don't know of any product that provides 1000 PAR watts :)
Me too, but I do more hate VIPARSPECTRUA, only 2 months, the light burnt:cuss:
Really? I never bought other LED grow light , Cos Lightimetunnel is my favorite brand and I bought two three years ago and It is still work well and their service team are very kind.
if you can only pull .5 gram per watt with a HPS than you need to learn how to grow.
LOL - conveniently ignoring the fact that he pulls twice that with the LEDs.... Hmmm I guess if he were a good grower he would pull less with those LED's... amiright?

crawl back in your hole Troll.
LOL - conveniently ignoring the fact that he pulls twice that with the LEDs.... Hmmm I guess if he were a good grower he would pull less with those LED's... amiright?

crawl back in your hole Troll.

Lol why waisting your time, that a Proven fact from longtime ago and yoda know it, its just the troll inside him that acting like that lol

Much of the information you have been posting about Timber Grow Lights is simply untrue. As one of the owners I feel compelled to correct you on a few of your erroneous statements:

1. Timber LED lights were NOT included in the HT review. We have no affiliation nor do we advertise on HT either.

2. I am the only Timber company spokesperson on this or any other forum - we do not use shills - all of the reviews you have read are from actual customers and growers. We are very proud of our reputation in the community and will continue to nurture that.

3. We are not a small "1 or 2" person company. Not that there is any shame or bad in that either. We are a California S-corporation with many employees and have been in the lighting industry for over 11 years, BBB "A" rating, and many industry affiliations.

4. Timber is not the lowest cost option for COB lighting. This is no secret. We charge a fair price for a good product that serves a given part of the market --- as do other upstanding retailers like Rapid and HLG. Each serves a particular niche of the overall indoor horticulture lighting market and to the best of my knowledge, all three enjoy good reputations as a result of their (Timber included) stellar customer service and top quality components.

Pity you haven't got a official outlet in Europe you'd be even bigger lol there's loads here in the uk who are after timbers but we have limited choice here such as Budmaster etc for example I'm looking for a supplement cree 3590s Just 1 of but the Only places I can get them is the USA and then you have to worry about shipping damage and if it even gets here,DIY is a option i guess but I'm a lazy bastard and won't sleep well knowing I've done the electrical work lol