poppys everything you need to know

people if u just control ur self u will b fine
u cant let ur self get bad off on anything it not worth it

just enjoy ur self

good luck 2 all
i think it would be rather difficult to get addicted to opiates via opium alone. while definitely possible, experience tells me id have to go on a serious, and i mean serious binge to get addicted to it. while different drugs affect all people differently and others may have the potential to get addicted much more easily than others, i feel it is safe to say that opium is the lesser of many evils. on my scale opium <codeine <hyrdocodone <morphine <oxycontin <Fentanyl as far as addiction potential scale goes. that said i would not smoke opium everday like i smoke weed. my 2 cents


i think it would be rather difficult to get addicted to opiates via opium alone. while definitely possible, experience tells me id have to go on a serious, and i mean serious binge to get addicted to it. while different drugs affect all people differently and others may have the potential to get addicted much more easily than others, i feel it is safe to say that opium is the lesser of many evils. on my scale opium <codeine <hyrdocodone <morphine <oxycontin <Fentanyl as far as addiction potential scale goes. that said i would not smoke opium everday like i smoke weed. my 2 cents

Now just get some fallow though and you'll have actual knowledge instead of 2nd, oh I mean 3rd hand info :twisted:;).

And all the best on your plants ;-).

PS: and so what is the flowering rudiment is it like pot 12/12 to flower or 18/6? :fire: And sorry you won't get +rep from me for plagiarism, and for all you that think this is great info, learn how to GooooooGle:idea:!!!! and give my ass +rep for teaching you how to find shit out on your own!


me and my friends get bags of em dried off the internet for "ornamental purposes"
then we make tea. and its just like heroin or pills. not to nice on the old bowels though. and sometimes you puke but yer high as shit for a day.
If you buy the McCorrmick brand poppy seed spice from the grocery store each pod will produce 60 to 75 mg's of morphine(after being extracted, I'm sure there is more because you lose a little morphing during the extraction process). White Persians will yield 80-100 mg's of Morphing after extraction per pod, Hens and Chicks will produce 90-110 mg's per pod after extraction, and gigantiums will yield 100-130 mg's of morphine per pod. This is of course after you extract the morphine from the pods using distilled water, pickling lime, and ammonium hydroxide.:peace:
yes 12/12 4 veg 18/6 flower

#1. u must b in a bad mood smoke 1:weed::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

#2.thanks 4 telling people things they ready know:clap::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger:

#3.good luck on life :arrow:

Now just get some fallow though and you'll have actual knowledge instead of 2nd, oh I mean 3rd hand info :twisted:;).

And all the best on your plants ;-).

PS: and so what is the flowering rudiment is it like pot 12/12 to flower or 18/6? :fire: And sorry you won't get +rep from me for plagiarism, and for all you that think this is great info, learn how to GooooooGle:idea:!!!! and give my ass +rep for teaching you how to find shit out on your own!


yes 12/12 4 veg 18/6 flower

#1. u must b in a bad mood smoke 1:weed::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

#2.thanks 4 telling people things they ready know:clap::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger:

#3.good luck on life :arrow:

It's not that I was in a bad mood I just hate when someone get's rep for other people's work, and have no idea what the fuck their talking about:cuss:, and apparently they didn't know cause you had to show them:shock::idea:!! and I wish you and all the special people good luck in the world. dee deed :dunce:

And I hope that you find someway to make this site beneficial for you, because It sounds like you need all the help you can get. "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink"


Real interesting thread, been wondering about this for years.
About ten years ago here in Australia a big scandal hit the news media that people were growing opium poppies from imported seeds for sale in grocery stores for cooking.
After that the government started irradiating all poppy seeds in order to prevent germination. I wonder if maybe one in every thousand might sprout?
To anyone who thinks smoking opium is not very addictive - read your 19th century history.
Having said that I'd love to try some and agree it would be less addictive than some of the pharmaceuticals these days.
Currently I am addicted to alcohol and nicotine, cannabis is just a trusted friend to relax me from time to time. (What idiot invented these drug laws anyway).
I have an Iranian friend who grew up over there, she tells me that it is very common to drink a tea made from opium poppy husks, that it's very relaxing and pain relieving. And its a normal thing you would find in most peoples kitchens.
Interesting how different cultures view things. Eg. alcohol is illegal over there but opium poppy tea causes no problems....:idea:
Oh I forgot to ask -
Camaro, please tell me that's not your girlfriend on your Avatar.
Let me live in hope that she's out there somewhere waiting for me...:-P