you should trade out that moonpie for another sunkist.. moonpies are gross lol
its oregon, they'll be wearing them for weeks and crashing their fixed gear bicycles into all kinds of shitYou should have seen all the dumb fuckers walking around Eugene with their goofy eclipse sunglasses on or darth Vader helmets on Way after the event was over. Acting like it hadn't passed yet. Lol.
hows your asshole feel?Driving back from totality right now. About 5000 people on this tiny dirt road. It was effing awesome.
34 miles driven so far in 2.5 hours. Stuck in Torrington right now. Worth it.
Driving back from totality right now. About 5000 people on this tiny dirt road. It was effing awesome.
34 miles driven so far in 2.5 hours. Stuck in Torrington right now. Worth it.
I was just south of Jay em Wyoming on county road 12Were you in Carbondale Il? That was the place for maximum, and longest, totality, and will be again in 7 years. Weird. I'm making reservations as far out as I can, don't want to miss the next one...
No lonely farmers.. bummerUnpuckered.
3 hours, 36 miles.