Bye, Bye Steve Bannon?


South African born prick, Cub fan (apparently) and unsuccessful Congressional candidate of the Congressional District of my birth tweets #WAR.

The Chicago Cubs and 69% of the residents of the IL 9th Congressional district disavow this little fucker and would love to meet up with him in a dark alley behind the Pickwick Theater. Anytime, bitch. Anytime.

OK, admittedly, that dark alley now has a Starbucks on it and is Trader Joe adjacent, but I know some others. Dark ones. Reeeeal dark ones.
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Bannon said that military actions would have no effect on N. Korea and Trump didn't like it. Plus hes a douche bag.
Bannon said that military actions would have no effect on N. Korea and Trump didn't like it. Plus hes a douche bag.
Hey potato, I was behind a jeep the other day and he had some bumper stickers. One said "I (heart) offroading" and another said "I'm not leaking oil; I'm marking my territory". Tell me again how all you jeep idiots are super concerned with leaving no trace.
Hey potato, I was behind a jeep the other day and he had some bumper stickers. One said "I (heart) offroading" and another said "I'm not leaking oil; I'm marking my territory". Tell me again how all you jeep idiots are super concerned with leaving no trace.

Even when their rigs don't leak, they can't seem to hold a shit more than an hour or two.
Hey potato, I was behind a jeep the other day and he had some bumper stickers. One said "I (heart) offroading" and another said "I'm not leaking oil; I'm marking my territory". Tell me again how all you jeep idiots are super concerned with leaving no trace.
Mine leaks too,my old Jeep.
Hey potato, I was behind a jeep the other day and he had some bumper stickers. One said "I (heart) offroading" and another said "I'm not leaking oil; I'm marking my territory". Tell me again how all you jeep idiots are super concerned with leaving no trace.
A drop every mile, you drool more than that.
This is the point where trump will burrow himself into the office like a young tick on a hound dog. He isn't leaving until he he is fat and bloated on the blood of the nation and adoration and accolades - which isn't likely to come any time soon.

His ghostwriter thinks he will resign and claim victory like he has done many times before. The only flaw in that logic is that he is far to visible to pull that off now. If he leaves, he will be stamped a loser and a fool. He would rather go down fighting and burn whatever he can along the way.

He already believes he can pardon himself and his family, so he isn't afraid of muehler. He is only afraid of being called a liar and a thief by someone who can prove it. But he can fire muehler, and right now the only person left in the white house who could convince him not to is kelly, and he may fire him before too long also.

So trump is here to stay. You bought him, you own him. This thread will still be here in 3 years, and people will proclaiming he can't win re-election while they fight and attack each others candidates. And sessions will still be seizing farms/property and closing dispensaries and busting people for growing.

Cheery, no?