Father who lost two sons to party drug says drug should be legalized


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Father who lost two sons to party drug says drug should be legalized

Read more: http://metro.co.uk/2017/08/16/fathe...ug-should-be-legalised-6854033/#ixzz4q1n8GNnl
In the Netherlands, they have these ambulance crews on site where you can take drugs to be tested.
They also check your pulse and blood pressure. MDMA can do incredible things to your blood pressure.
One hot day I was 245 over 155, you can get a stroke like that. I have high cholesterol which masks the normal side effects of high blood pressure.

Any other time I have low BP.
many people dabble in drugs late teens/early 20s. My kids did. They are fine, but I would have much rather they had bought lab controlled drugs with proper advice and labelling on dosage, side effects, signs of overdose etc. fentynal/opiods are killing a lot of ordinary people. Portugal is a success story on full decriminalization.
Nah, like in clubs and everything.

Seller is responsible for quality, etc.

Once it's goes commercial you'd have flavored Molly and everything, no more hair spray bombs...
No offense but that sounds quite silly.
No matter what if it is legalized or not...
it will definately be regulated but at the same time, You attract what You intend.
In the Netherlands, they have these ambulance crews on site where you can take drugs to be tested.
They also check your pulse and blood pressure. MDMA can do incredible things to your blood pressure.
One hot day I was 245 over 155, you can get a stroke like that. I have high cholesterol which masks the normal side effects of high blood pressure.

Any other time I have low BP.
Good to know... So You do not recommend older folks using MDMA ?
many people dabble in drugs late teens/early 20s. My kids did. They are fine, but I would have much rather they had bought lab controlled drugs with proper advice and labelling on dosage, side effects, signs of overdose etc. fentynal/opiods are killing a lot of ordinary people. Portugal is a success story on full decriminalization.
That is the way!!!!! 11 !!!!!!!
An idiot because my kids tried drugs but then had a good enough relationship to talk to me about it afterwards? I talk to them about the realities of what is on the streets. Why dont you actually study how they approach it in Portugal? they had a large drop in drug use, almost nobody dies from drugs.
Prohibition doesnt work, not on alcohol, not on cannabis, not on harder drugs. you know?
Good to know... So You do not recommend older folks using MDMA ?
I have heart disease and molly never killed me yet. Just saying take it easy if it is hot outside... also like to take quite a bit, between a quarter and half a gram for a night.
I have heart disease and molly never killed me yet. Just saying take it easy if it is hot outside... also like to take quite a bit, between a quarter and half a gram for a night.
you are making me want to do some ecstasy now
The black market in molly is actually in better shape now than ever before.
Most of the drugs are really clean and contains what it says on the label.
This is especially true of places that provide free testing. (Oh remember to buy some extra, as they destroy the sample you bring for testing.
They can not legally return it to you.
The black market in molly is actually in better shape now than ever before.
Most of the drugs are really clean and contains what it says on the label.
This is especially true of places that provide free testing. (Oh remember to buy some extra, as they destroy the sample you bring for testing.
They can not legally return it to you.
Yeah, but the black market for other drugs is just awful, especially opiates.

Recently nearby, a bunch of people fell out on some counterfeit percocets filled with fentanyl or carfentanyl. I suspect the Chinese are manufacturing them. How fucking evil, people used to taking a few of a "known drug" are ending up in the morgue.
It is a shame, needle exchange and medical provisioning of methadone and in some cases reducing doses of opiates themselves have been proven over and over to produce the best results for user and society alike.
The black market in molly is actually in better shape now than ever before.
Most of the drugs are really clean and contains what it says on the label.
This is especially true of places that provide free testing. (Oh remember to buy some extra, as they destroy the sample you bring for testing.
They can not legally return it to you.
why are people freaking out about it so much recently ?