do u believe in fate?

do you believe in fate??

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Well-Known Member
cause and effect is allittle different than karma my friend as i mentioned

for instance you let your friend borrow 500 dollars.....good karma

Your friend leaves town and fucks you over......bad karma

causality as i seee it ....

hypotheically for sake of the arguement....
you were a dumb shit for giving that dope head some cash
effect: your still a dumbshit with no money

cause: you lost 500 dollars
effect: your ass isnt gonna let any other friend borrow 500 dollars....
Kinda but our small minds could not possibly comprehend the entirety of Karmic connections. This is the law of interconnectedness, we are all connected in some way so letting you friend borrow $500 might not be "good" karma. In order to understand fully you must meditate . . . ok I'm done with the Dharma 101 session :peace:


Well-Known Member
i don't believe in fate.

i do believe in irony.

and luck, i've heard it said, is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.


Well-Known Member
As stupid as it sounds don't blame it on anything except human error. We all do it and be thankfull you have more beans to go on and a room full of nugs about to be blazable !!!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
As stupid as it sounds don't blame it on anything except human error. We all do it and be thankfull you have more beans to go on and a room full of nugs about to be blazable !!!:leaf:
yes and its human to error. so all is good. i;d rep you guys if i could, but you know the story


Well-Known Member
like destiny?

i dont believe something is set in stone ahead of us.

but for some reason, God can see into the future somehow, and even some people can.


Well-Known Member
every thing is preordained b4 u take ur first breath
this cant be true.

if this was true then that would mean people do not have 'free will',

the capability to chose to do good or evil, build or destroy, love or hate.

people do have free will, we chose our own 'fate' in a sense.


Well-Known Member
this cant be true.

if this was true then that would mean people do not have 'free will',

the capability to chose to do good or evil, build or destroy, love or hate.

people do have free will, we chose our own 'fate' in a sense.
if every thing is perordained if u decided 2 put a bullet in your head that what or who ever decided to end it for you if u help a old lady across the street its preordained already u have no controll over anyting that happens,happened,or is happining it all appears that way


Active Member
If you believe in fate stop what you are doing right now!!! Quit trying to improve your life!!! After all, you can't control fate! So why put in the effort? Think people!


Active Member
Everyone experiences fate, to some it's kinder but what it comes down to is your outlook on life and your spirit, something that few people possess these days.