2nd degree murder. "...egregious on many sides, on many sides."!??

"In August of that year (2015), Fields was inducted into the Army but he left active duty in December 2015. A spokeswoman for the Army said he failed to meet training standards.

"As a result he was never awarded a military occupational skill nor was he assigned to a unit outside of basic training," Lt. Col. Jennifer Johnson said."


So he got ELS'd. Fuckin' dickless shitbag. If he couldn't hack it in TRADOC, he won't survive prison. No worries.
Fuck the trial, just walk up to that MF and put a bullet right between his eyes, and that is that, Put it on T.V. so everyone can see what happens to People who commit hate crimes.
We have no room in the U.S for a NAZI President Or any Hate,
And stroker when you see that all People are the same no matter Color,Race or Religion you will understand why this can't go on.
Most of your ramblings sound like you're a 15 year old kid that hasn't had enough of what life is to understand it, Sounds like you were raised by Racists and Haters of anyone whom don't have a white skin color.
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Fuck the trial, just walk up to that MF and put a bullet right between his eyes, and that is that, Put it on T.V. so everyone can see what happens to People who commit hate crimes.
We have no room in the U.S for a NAZI President Or any Hate,
And stroker when you see that all People are the same no matter Color,Race or Religion you will understand why this can't go on.
Most of your ramblings sound like your a 15 year old kid that hasn't had enough of what life is to understand it, Sounds like you were raised by Racists and Haters of anyone whom don't have a white skin color.
No objections.

Stroker is a legitimate stroke victim with use of only half his body, to include his brain. I wouldn't worry about him.
Next White Supremacist march that takes place, I'm showing up with a flamethrower. That'll teach 'em.

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too late, buddy.


Nice company you keep there

You say this shit about everyone. I will judge people here on the content of what they post ie their "character" like the good Dr. suggested Bunk.

You keep living in your identity politics and we will continue to watch it self destruct daily.

Say, remember that time you left a bad google review in a Florida jewelry store because they discriminated against your sexuality?

Nothing is funnier that watching an average white guy like yourself try and claim minority status at every turn, keep up the hilarity boy child.