getawaymountain 16/17 seeders

Got a ? for all of you that have grown PW. Any pheno's turn out very light green from the get go?
My 2 plants have been almost a lime green from the start, just figure it was one of the traits.
One has always been very light in color with purple stems. They are both very vigorous and healthy looking, but the color is throwing me off. I just haven't seen any pics here with the coloration I have with mine.
Anyone ever encounter special needs for this strain?
I do have one that is lighter green than the rest. Has bigger fan leaves as well
Got a ? for all of you that have grown PW. Any pheno's turn out very light green from the get go?
My 2 plants have been almost a lime green from the start, just figure it was one of the traits.
One has always been very light in color with purple stems. They are both very vigorous and healthy looking, but the color is throwing me off. I just haven't seen any pics here with the coloration I have with mine.
Anyone ever encounter special needs for this strain?
i get a pale colored one with red stems now and then i blamed it on the texada timewarp in the seawarp in it i get seawarp phenos now and then that looks the same also but grow fine
Try a small experimental jar with phosphoric acid. Think of it as digestive juice. It would be interesting to see what the resulting elixir would grow.

What is your soil like in Maine? In Oregon, all of the Hydrangeas grow blue flowers, which indicates acidic soil.
Try a small experimental jar with phosphoric acid. Think of it as digestive juice. It would be interesting to see what the resulting elixir would grow.

What is your soil like in Maine? In Oregon, all of the Hydrangeas grow blue flowers, which indicates acidic soil.
that's one of the chems
Try a small experimental jar with phosphoric acid. Think of it as digestive juice. It would be interesting to see what the resulting elixir would grow.

What is your soil like in Maine? In Oregon, all of the Hydrangeas grow blue flowers, which indicates acidic soil.
yes acidic here tophoto [2481495].JPG