Evil's Adventures

No till on a garden bed huh I wonder how that would be designed. I still have not gotten the chance to look at no till and I'm really liking these blumats I was thinking of building a custom bed were I can keep the res underneath the bed. I'm only planning right now but I'll get ready for my veggies again it's fun and keeps me busy and provides for the fam.

Here you go brother:
No till on a garden bed huh I wonder how that would be designed. I still have not gotten the chance to look at no till and I'm really liking these blumats I was thinking of building a custom bed were I can keep the res underneath the bed. I'm only planning right now but I'll get ready for my veggies again it's fun and keeps me busy and provides for the fam.
My mom did that no-till thing, she called it 'leaf gardening' and said it was something she read about in Mother Earth News. Basically, she didn't rake (they had a cabin in N Ga on top of a mountain overlooking the lake, and lots and lots of trees) but instead turned the leaves into the top soil of her garden. I'm telling you that was some of the blackest, richest dirt I've ever seen in my life. She grew all kinds of vegetables and flowers on that hill. She rarely had to weed and when she did, they popped right out.

When I grow up, I want to have dirt like that! :D
My mom did that no-till thing, she called it 'leaf gardening' and said it was something she read about in Mother Earth News. Basically, she didn't rake (they had a cabin in N Ga on top of a mountain overlooking the lake, and lots and lots of trees) but instead turned the leaves into the top soil of her garden. I'm telling you that was some of the blackest, richest dirt I've ever seen in my life. She grew all kinds of vegetables and flowers on that hill. She rarely had to weed and when she did, they popped right out.

When I grow up, I want to have dirt like that! :D

In my no till the defoliating feeds the worms and the worms poop in the soil giving you fresh castings and when the worms are happy you get all the rest of the benefits of it too :hump:
My mom did that no-till thing, she called it 'leaf gardening' and said it was something she read about in Mother Earth News. Basically, she didn't rake (they had a cabin in N Ga on top of a mountain overlooking the lake, and lots and lots of trees) but instead turned the leaves into the top soil of her garden. I'm telling you that was some of the blackest, richest dirt I've ever seen in my life. She grew all kinds of vegetables and flowers on that hill. She rarely had to weed and when she did, they popped right out.

When I grow up, I want to have dirt like that! :D
Sounds like some bad ass dirt, if I start to use soil I've probably got some studying to do. I've never grown in soil before. Only coco. But lately after trying organics I'm kind of leaning towards giving some soil a shot.
Sounds like some bad ass dirt, if I start to use soil I've probably got some studying to do. I've never grown in soil before. Only coco. But lately after trying organics I'm kind of leaning towards giving some soil a shot.

You won't go back. This is my first Coco run in a while and I am missing my organics big time
In my no till the defoliating feeds the worms and the worms poop in the soil giving you fresh castings and when the worms are happy you get all the rest of the benefits of it too :hump:

When I was in the golf maintenance biz I use a lot of organics, I was purchasing vermicompost tons at a time, used it to mix in with the topdressing mix and to make compost tea.
At home I raised composting worms, which I sold (both worms and vermicompost) and made compost for my fruit trees, garden, flower beds, yard and potted plants.
When I left NorCal to come back home I gave away over 450 lbs of worms. I had 30 + flow through worm bins, each mature bin would hold 10 to 20 pounds of worms, and I gave them to both the boys and girl scouts troops. It was great the girls were more interested in them then the boys.
I use coco now but if I ever have the opportunity to grow outside it will be organic. I have lost two herds of composting worm since I moved back here, one to a freeze and one to fire ants. Will be starting a new herd next spring.

Have you used EM1, microbial inoculant, it is good shit. I used it on the golf course also. You should check it out at terraganix.
That's the plan I've been messing with the autos for a bit wanting to grow some trees like I did before lol.

Here's my ghost pepper she is HUGE glad I did the plant training indoors first. There are peppers coming out all over so exciting.

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They get huge. absolutely huge. And could potentially be your most productive pepper. I have two, and they've outproduced every single other plant in the raised bed. It's obscene. Mainly because I haven't eaten a damn one of them out of fear. I can't even give them away anymore.