Looking for Strains with African Genetics

Also, if you like cut a hole with a razorblade in the trunk of a plant, and the kill a bunch of glow bugs and rub their juice in the wound. Then like water the plant with 50/50 glow bug juice and water. Then stick electric diodes into the wet soil, and connect some to the plant at an in and out point at a distance in the plant, then hook up a car battery; it is possible to get the glow bug DNA into the plant. And who knows what would happen, but it could glow. You could also add genetics from a plant that glows.

Glowing isn't a guarantee, but it could get the Genetics in there.
It takes me a while to get a jar full. How many do you need to fill the hole?

Lol. I don't think you get it. You guys are a small group of losers. You can't use words like "everyone" or "nobody" because it's simply not true. You are a small group of losers that don't like me, everyone else is fine.

I understand you feel comfortable in what you are doing because their are other dirty old men, and trolls, and people on disability who hate their lives who are on your side. But you aren't "everyone" you are a small group of losers.

This is just not nice.
If you are seriously sitting at home with a family, using this website. Being like "Honey! Read this stupid kid on the internet" and she's like "Why don't you just ignore him" and you're like "because he's stupid and doesn't get it" and she's like "Oh, yeah, it seems like he doesn't understand anything you guys are saying". Then she's either going and cheating on you or going to cry about her life after that.

I read some of the craziness that you posted to my wife, we both loled, is she going to cheat on me now while crying about her life?

And you guys are lucky. If I wasn't such a "Narsicist" I might keep the strains I make along the way all to my self. But I won't be. I will be giving them out for free to people and dispensaries. So you will probably get the opportunity to try some of my strains, even though I wouldn't personally send seeds to any of you. I think it's also pretty likely that you are all cops.

You are a narcissist.

Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's own attributes.
Lots of people mixed bannana og kush and green crack. Pretty lame ass common strains to be honest with you. I'm from California, I know what I'm talking about.

Lol. I'm not mixing Banana OG and Green Crack. I think you misread somewhere along the way.
Making fun of disabled people is not nice. Shame on you.

Not everyone on disability is disabled. I know a guy on disability who thinks he's a stud and always tries to talk about his physical ability. But instead of working he gets like $8,000 a month from disability. And he complains that the VA won't give him opiates because he failed a test for THC. And I assume that he's a lot like most of you guys.
Not everyone on disability is disabled. I know a guy on disability who thinks he's a stud and always tries to talk about his physical ability. But instead of working he gets like $8,000 a month from disability. And he complains that the VA won't give him opiates because he failed a test for THC. And I assume that he's a lot like most of you guys.

I am a disabled veteran, and no one gets $8000 a month from the VA, it's capped at less than $4000 (3100 something) if you are 100% disabled AND have children. In order to be assigned a 100% disability rating, you need to have a SEVERE quality of life reduction due to service connected injuries.

The only time they drug test you, is when you are on narcotic pain meds and the reason they test you is to make sure that you are actually taking them and not selling them.

So yeah, nice lie there. Your friend sounds like an asshat too.
I am a disabled veteran, and no one gets $8000 a month from the VA, it's capped at less than $4000 (3100 something) if you are 100% disabled AND have children. In order to be assigned a 100% disability rating, you need to have a SEVERE quality of life reduction due to service connected injuries.

The only time they drug test you, is when you are on narcotic pain meds and the reason they test you is to make sure that you are actually taking them and not selling them.

So yeah, nice lie there. Your friend sounds like an asshat too.

The money he gets is from when he worked at dispensaries and a jail, maybe with VA added on. The opiates is the only I know of that is specifically through the VA. I never said this was all VA related.

And he got drug tested and he can't get opiates now.
And I like the "I'm in the same situation as the guy you say is probably just like me, and because he knows you he is an asshat"

And yes, he is an asshat, but my entire point in even bringing him up is that he is an asshat like you. :lol:
The money he gets is from when he worked at dispensaries and a jail, maybe with VA added on. The opiates is the only I know of that is specifically through the VA. I never said this was all VA related.

And he got drug tested and he can't get opiates now.

Yeah, he got drug tested, because he was prescribed opiates, and when they weren't in his system, they stop. Because people were getting prescribed opiates for pain management and not taking them and selling them. When you get prescribed narcotics from the VA you sign a form that outlines this policy and have to adhere to it or they stop giving you narcotics.

They don't give a shit if you smoke, unless your primary care manager specifically asks you to not do it, they will never test you for it. Testing costs money.
And I like the "I'm in the same situation as the guy you say is probably just like me, and because he knows you he is an asshat"

And yes, he is an asshat, but my entire point in even bringing him up is that he is an asshat like you. :lol:

Don't group me together with your friends.

I'm proud that I served my country, which is something that you will never be able to do you useless fucking waste of space.
Yeah, he got drug tested, because he was prescribed opiates, and when they weren't in his system, they stop. Because people were getting prescribed opiates for pain management and not taking them and selling them. When you get prescribed narcotics from the VA you sign a form that outlines this policy and have to adhere to it or they stop giving you narcotics.

They don't give a shit if you smoke, unless your primary care manager specifically asks you to not do it, they will never test you for it. Testing costs money.

Ok, so I don't think that's the only reason they could take them away. I know if you "lose" your prescription and ask for new ones to much then they will also cancel you. But there are probably other reasons, but maybe he lied and is more of a dirtbag than he wanted to admit.

But again, I see a lot of him in a lot of you guys.
Don't group me together with your friends.

I'm proud that I served my country, which is something that you will never be able to do you useless fucking waste of space.

You are just like him.

He is proud too, and thinks he's a stud, even though he has an ogre face.