Shit, I have no idea what I'm even looking at on that page! lol I'm a chick with no real experience at building anything much, and don't have too many tools layin around- even though you listed very few. I like to think I'm pretty competent, but just don't see that happenin right now. Perhaps when and if I get a couple grows under my belt I'll check that avenue out, but as for now I better play it safe. Burn the damn house down lol
Thanks for the link, I checked it out but the vero29 is out of my budget right now, (frgn spent $100 on the one I have now thinking it was sufficient!) I could prob spend about another $100, I'll troll the internet for awhile and see what I come up with.Thought maybe I'd just get another one like I have, but then that would only be 300W. Damn.I thought a little 2x2x5 grow project would be FUN. (ok, it is kinds fun, it's just keeps snowballing lol)