deleting account and quitting tripping

Evreyonce in awhile I clean up aswell just took a good break myself a month makes okay six months and your brain completely on a dif level just take a break then come back , smoking weed helps
1. No... I'm vegan

2. I don't use social media except when I have the flu

3. I 'member the last time I did that

4. Isn't that what life is ?

5. I give up

Sometimes it's good to be a bitch to blend back into society.

I'm alright. Just going with the punches... Im scared.

Lions gate homie.

You'll be fine. Nows the time to reorient and accumulate energy to redirect yourself. Your state of mind and we'll being is intimately tied to all of ours. Do what feels authentic.

I've been sitting on a treasure trove for years. Eventually you won't even think about it. Plus once you re-ground yourself you'll realize the same experiences are possible without the aids.

Blessings :)
Drugs are good drugs are bad. After so much your brain needs an extended break. Can mess with your seretonin and dopamine levels can make you depressed or have a hard time finding joy in anything. I haven't touched psychs in two years and anymore I'm scared to try them again. Not that I don't have a stash hidden in my AC unit. Psychs are unpredictable and won't hit you the same twice.
i def think you should break your vegan law and get a pet ... it can live a nice life with you and make you a happier better person . it also save's that dog/cat from a needle. My dog died 3 years ago and to this day I get tears in my eyes thinking about her she saved my epileptic ass many times and she was never trained just knew I wasn't ok. ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE and damn sure pets got a lot of love to spread.