Drug Class....


Well-Known Member
So I'm in a court ordered Drug class and the instructor is pretty chill but starts off on his state sponsored propaganda lmao. Then he says he wants to hear everyones thoughts marijuana because its "the latest craze" lol.
Damn I was biting my tongue but he got around to me and I couldn't help myself. I told him that I believe it should be ingested a few times a week because its more like a vitamin.
Well that took him back and every chance he got he wanted to have a conversation about it... I was easily throwing down everything he was saying.
We have some homework, He asked everyone to bring in a few facts about drugs and asked me to do Marijuana... I corrected him lmao, I said, "its cannabis, and be prepared to be informed".

Anyway I wanted to share a pic and ask you guys/gals what is something important about cannabis that you think should be shared.
I also told him everything on that poster was wrong lmao


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So I'm in a court ordered Drug class and the instructor is pretty chill but starts off on his state sponsored propaganda lmao. Then he says he wants to hear everyones thoughts marijuana because its "the latest craze" lol.
Damn I was biting my tongue but he got around to me and I couldn't help myself. I told him that I believe it should be ingested a few times a week because its more like a vitamin.
Well that took him back and every chance he got he wanted to have a conversation about it... I was easily throwing down everything he was saying.
We have some homework, He asked everyone to bring in a few facts about drugs and asked me to do Marijuana... I corrected him lmao, I said, "its cannabis, and be prepared to be informed".

Anyway I wanted to share a pic and ask you guys/gals what is something important about cannabis that you think should be shared.
I also told him everything on that poster was wrong lmao
You'll show him!
Make up a list on all the therapeutic things cannabis does for people every day.... show him how where pots legal, how it's affected crime, dui rates. Use it as a chance to teach him something, even if he doesn't want to hear it. It will be in the back of his mind for long enough to maybe change his point if view....a little.
Make up a list on all the therapeutic things cannabis does for people every day.... show him how where pots legal, how it's affected crime, dui rates. Use it as a chance to teach him something, even if he doesn't want to hear it. It will be in the back of his mind for long enough to maybe change his point if view....a little.
Thats along the lines I was thinking, and also hitting him with some info on the endocanebanoid system.
How old are you, op? Just curious. They are looking for you in conform to drugs-are-bad-m'kay mentality. The more quickly and convincingly you can do that, the better it will go for you. If the instructor sees you as opposition, he may make you a special project and things may get harder and longer for you. That's right, I said Harder and Longer. The more convincingly you conform, the quicker you can get back to robbing liquor stores to shoot smack, or whatever actions got you in this mess to begin with. Good luck, bro...
How old are you, op? Just curious. They are looking for you in conform to drugs-are-bad-m'kay mentality. The more quickly and convincingly you can do that, the better it will go for you. If the instructor sees you as opposition, he may make you a special project and things may get harder and longer for you. That's right, I said Harder and Longer. The more convincingly you conform, the quicker you can get back to robbing liquor stores to shoot smack, or whatever actions got you in this mess to begin with. Good luck, bro...
How old are you, op? Just curious. They are looking for you in conform to drugs-are-bad-m'kay mentality. The more quickly and convincingly you can do that, the better it will go for you. If the instructor sees you as opposition, he may make you a special project and things may get harder and longer for you. That's right, I said Harder and Longer. The more convincingly you conform, the quicker you can get back to robbing liquor stores to shoot smack, or whatever actions got you in this mess to begin with. Good luck, bro...

Growing and possession of a J, is what got me in this mess. And I'm in my mid 30's, the oldest in the class including the damn instructor lol.
I'm not trying to convert him but he asked for it. I was just fine mostly chilling in the back and keeping my mouth shut. He kept pursuing me. Of course the shock in his face when he realized that I was just some stoner, I was spouting facts and quickly disputing anything he gave me... For example he wanted to try to bring up chemicals that growers use, well I shut him down and told him he was actually making a case for legalization with that argument.
But yes I agree "conforming" will be easier. And after this homework I'm planning on keeping my mouth shut and chill.

Lmao, I'm not fighting anyone. I had my run in with the law and barely scraped by.
I was just given some "homework" and I am complying with that, he specifically wanted me to find a study to dispute his DUI's and car crash rise claim. So I have, I just thought it'd be fun to see what others would want to say to someone if they could stand up.
There is a conversation floating around with the governor of CO basically admitting that all of the ant-pot lobby's worst fears haven't come true. Specifically, there wasn't a rise in underage cannabis use, there wasn't a rise in dui arrests for cannabis, and crime hasn't increased. A little googling will find it for you. It was in reference to his advice to states that are considering legalization.

And if you search the entire internet, the one phrase you won't hear is "here, hold my joint and watch this". ;)
Find someone who used oil to treat thier cancer, bring them to class, tell the instructor to shut the fuck up about shit he has no clue about.

Then ask why the state doesn't do more for opiate addiction which has been the countries #1 drug issue for almost a decade. Tell him you've never sucked dicks for marijuana.

Then explain it has nothing to do with public health or safety, but revenue generation.
Lmao, I'm not fighting anyone. I had my run in with the law and barely scraped by.
I was just given some "homework" and I am complying with that, he specifically wanted me to find a study to dispute his DUI's and car crash rise claim. So I have, I just thought it'd be fun to see what others would want to say to someone if they could stand up.
Good on ya mate.

I'm sure you may provide enough to
satisfy this assignment but be repaired to
be his "go to" whipping post.

Once authority has been challenged it usually clamps down and does not let up.

Please keep this thread updated. I'm interested to see how this turns out.

When is your homework due?
You might also point out that cannabis was around before and during biblical times. Christ was certainly aware of it. And many Christian beliefs are based on Mythos, a religion based on the use of Cannabis. It isn't a new thing.
There is a conversation floating around with the governor of CO basically admitting that all of the ant-pot lobby's worst fears haven't come true. Specifically, there wasn't a rise in underage cannabis use, there wasn't a rise in dui arrests for cannabis, and crime hasn't increased. A little googling will find it for you. It was in reference to his advice to states that are considering legalization.

And if you search the entire internet, the one phrase you won't hear is "here, hold my joint and watch this". ;)
Lol, since I quit drinking I tell my daughter " hold my bong, watch this" that's too funny.
Good on ya mate.

I'm sure you may provide enough to
satisfy this assignment but be repaired to
be his "go to" whipping post.

Once authority has been challenged it usually clamps down and does not let up.

Please keep this thread updated. I'm interested to see how this turns out.

When is your homework due?

Oh man he couldn't bother me lmao, Former Marine here two tours in Iraq. He won't bother me but... you see I'm kinda a Dick and I love seeing "authority" getting shut down by ppl that know their shit.
The court ordered thing I'm doing is for first time offenders..... I'm in my mid 30's and everyone else is 17-20 so he's used to rebutting ppl in that age group that don't know what there talking about or are a little too afraid to speak up.
Oh man he couldn't bother me lmao, Former Marine here two tours in Iraq. He won't bother me but... you see I'm kinda a Dick and I love seeing "authority" getting shut down by ppl that know their shit.
The court ordered thing I'm doing is for first time offenders..... I'm in my mid 30's and everyone else is 17-20 so he's used to rebutting ppl in that age group that don't know what there talking about or are a little too afraid to speak up.
I had to go to rehab for weed when I was younger.. court ordered. It was a fucking joke. Everyone always telling their crazy stories on how they lost everything... And then they ask me what I've lost in my life do you drugs..
"Uhhh I've lost my keys once or twice"