American Seeds, High Prices, General Seed discussion.


Well-Known Member
Hello folks. Been awhile since I was active here, focusing on grow jounals on IG and another site, but thought I'd post a discussion here.

Alot has changed in the cannibus world recently, and as a WA resident and grower, new American seeds and genetics have caught my interest.

I like going local, and have picked up some DVG from my home state and Dynasty so far, next on my list is Bodhi (non-american)

Went through The Dank Team, ordered during christmas so it was a little slow shipping but when it did it got here fast, no extra freebies for being late but the ones I got seem to be quality (see mixed shit about HSO so very curiouis how they turn out, the lemon sister looks like she gonna be a monster though).

OregonEliteSeeds and JamesBean are the other American seeds off the top of my head (and radar). (Also JamesBean is doing a bodhi promo atm for all you interested.....)

Anyways enough chitter chatter lets dive into the chatter.

Something I've noticed is a new skyrocket in some genetics prices. Some stay the same, but I've seen more 150-250 dollar 10 packs then I've ever seen before. Definitely wasn't like this 5 years ago.

Having grown out Sannies, Esko, Gage, and various other strains, was just wondering what your guyes thoughts are on these prices.

I'm not against people making money for their hard work, and seed companies like Seeds of Compassion, Top Dawg, and various other breeders on the dank team and elite oregon are over 150. Twice as much as legendary Dynasties newish prices since leaving SanniesShop (big shout out to my dude by the way, 100% legit, 100% good dude, this dude sent me 2 free packs after seeing some of my plants hermie on my IG despite it being 100% my fault. Much love to the Prof P).

If I was a 502 corporate breeder Iwouldnt give a fuck about 200dollar seeds and above (hi Gage), want a chemD strain? Top Dawg on it, and the Gorilla Biscuit doesnt seem like no joke from SoC.
But to those who have done the top dollar and not top dollar do you see a noticeable difference?
currently my view now seems to be you don't always get what you pay for in the cannibus world, and this doesnt just include seeds......So what is it? Advertising? The increase in demand and hype since legalization? It's like add GSC in the X description and boom, your seeds now worth at least $40 more.
Dynasties Birds of Paradise is set at 80 I think and is over 12 years of work (quality work), are these 150 genetics really blowing everything out of the water? or is it geared towards major 502 grows and big self growers who don't really give a fuck about money and just wanna try that new new from the new guy whose got dat elite elite.

The way I see it DVG has some of the best looking fire on IG, what is it these other cats have that they dont that makes their seeds twice as much? all hype?
what are you guyses thoughts
Beans is beans, and a unique elite keeper type mom will pay for herself in no time, even for a non-commercial grower. If you don't keep clones, then I guess complain about seed prices. Otherwise, you can make as many plants as you want from one seed, and as far as I'm concerned, that's a part of what you pay for. It's when the pricey companies turn around and complain about other growers using their stock in crosses that it bugs me. (not including straight up dick biters like thug pug and another breeder often on here...). Releasing generic knockoffs of a respected breeder's work ain't legit.
I used to complain about spending $200+ for vegetables/flower seed for my gardens. Of course that was 10,000+ seeds covering a huge number number of varieties. Seed is cheap to produce. What you are hopefully paying for is a skilled breeder's work and not your basic pollen-chucker's. Nothing wrong with pollen-chuckin, I am one.
I hope you guys don't think I'm complaining rather than just contemplating on the new market, the supply, the demand, and the new breeders.

While I get that one run can get you your money back, I'm a personal grower, not a seller, i dont get "returns," i get weed that I am sentimentally connected to, a passion, and pride.

Is 150 really gonna be the new average for top shelf or is it just with 502 and cali leg so new demand has skyrocketed and prices are still waiting for a homeostasis. I was like wtf when I paid 50 for a 5 pack of la plata when they were new. That was back when only dj short and the doggiez nutz (cough cough) were the only seedz over 100. I actually would like to get some top dawg seeds at some point abc find a keeper chem. Not til I get my breeder chamber and more upgrades in my garden first tho.

More of a thread of do theze new guys really have that much skill, set up, experience, and gens then the guys who been doing it for decades. Irie charged crazy prices, and they sold out most places if that tells you something.

Right now I just feel it's where the market is at. Lot of commercial growerz now, lots of money, and cause so new seed demand is high, prices high. I bet it comes down tho once all these commercial grower find all there keepers and stop buying so many seeds with idgaf how much they cost.

Got laplata, dynasty, esko, dvg up rigjt now, I'd be shocked if what some of these breeders bring is better.
$450 for a 10 pack??? WTF??
Consider it a breeder's pack. Not for your reg grower. If I remember it is a Starfighter is backcrossed four times.Hence the cube. Essentially that means it will grow very much like the parent with not to much variation. Making almost every seed a keeper. Males are not a loss but a way to make of the same or start a hot new cross.
It's part of the new age business. It's like any market really, once you get well established, you don't keep your prices the same when the demand is increasing.

If you're smart enough to do some digging you can really get some good deals with the up and coming breeders. Some have just as good quality as the guys who are becoming more popular. Just have to be in the loop.
Selling/trading seed was one of the earliest business I can imagine. Twistietreatseeds has cheap seeds on their website. Basic pollen chuckin.
"The Cube" from Exotic Genetics was going for $450 a pack. Sold Out.
SOOOO not worth it... a couple friends went in on one of their $450 "The cube" drops last year. Now make no mistake- its bomb weed. Clustered, piled trichs, very potent... but it wasnt as potent as the gg#4 they grew out (and cost less than 1/4 the price EG is charging). They create forced scarcity - a shady practice that is illegal in several industries.
As I was saying- its bomb weed. But it wasnt as bomb as the gg#4 for a fifth the price, or the OG Chem for one fourth the price. Its for people who are willing to overpay, just so they can say, "I have the Cube!" Lol It does make some EXCELLENT bubble & dry screen hash. But its laughable, how unstable (&expensive) it is. Out of 6 females, only 3 were keepers, & ALL THREE WERE DIFFERENT! So theyre selling unstable genetics, that they are forcing to be scarce to keep the price up. Off putting. Especially considering that they BOUGHT the strain to begin with, at auction from, i forget. Good weed... but not so different, so special, that you should spend 5 times the money. I dont wanna HEAR how it was a clone only & theyre sooo awesome for putting it in seed form to sell it to us for inflated prices... TGA Subcool has been doing the EXACT SAME THING FOR YEEEARS! But they are not greedy. They want regular people to be able to have their strains. Exotic Gen. does not. Make as much cash, as fast as you can. Final analysis... worth $120 a pack, MAXIMUM. Its just not any more special than several other bomb strains that are readily available for a FRACTION of the cost. In one sentence- These $450 packs of the cube, are for the people who pre-order themselves a pair of Big Buster Brand shoes from Lonzo Ball's daddy ;) Hope this helps someone to not fall for the hype!✌
SOOOO not worth it... a couple friends went in on one of their $450 "The cube" drops last year. Now make no mistake- its bomb weed. Clustered, piled trichs, very potent... but it wasnt as potent as the gg#4 they grew out (and cost less than 1/4 the price EG is charging). They create forced scarcity - a shady practice that is illegal in several industries.
As I was saying- its bomb weed. But it wasnt as bomb as the gg#4 for a fifth the price, or the OG Chem for one fourth the price. Its for people who are willing to overpay, just so they can say, "I have the Cube!" Lol It does make some EXCELLENT bubble & dry screen hash. But its laughable, how unstable (&expensive) it is. Out of 6 females, only 3 were keepers, & ALL THREE WERE DIFFERENT! So theyre selling unstable genetics, that they are forcing to be scarce to keep the price up. Off putting. Especially considering that they BOUGHT the strain to begin with, at auction from, i forget. Good weed... but not so different, so special, that you should spend 5 times the money. I dont wanna HEAR how it was a clone only & theyre sooo awesome for putting it in seed form to sell it to us for inflated prices... TGA Subcool has been doing the EXACT SAME THING FOR YEEEARS! But they are not greedy. They want regular people to be able to have their strains. Exotic Gen. does not. Make as much cash, as fast as you can. Final analysis... worth $120 a pack, MAXIMUM. Its just not any more special than several other bomb strains that are readily available for a FRACTION of the cost. In one sentence- These $450 packs of the cube, are for the people who pre-order themselves a pair of Big Buster Brand shoes from Lonzo Ball's daddy ;) Hope this helps someone to not fall for the hype!✌
Well said
But some will say $400 is cheap especially if you find a keeper. Keepers no one will probably be growing by next year lol because the new $500 pack has keepers. Keepers probably not many will be growing by the next year because....:wall:

Nah but the buds dont equal getting your money back imo. Its easy to lose a mother plant, well not easy but shit happens.

I feel like chucking & making more seeds of the genetics is getting my money back. Digging into f2's to find a nice male. Im sure most breeders would hate it if their customers did that which is why some only make fems now like Cannarado.
But some will say $400 is cheap especially if you find a keeper. Keepers no one will probably be growing by next year lol because the new $500 pack has keepers. Keepers probably not many will be growing by the next year because....:wall:

Nah but the buds dont equal getting your money back imo. Its easy to lose a mother plant, well not easy but shit happens.

I feel like chucking & making more seeds of the genetics is getting my money back. Digging into f2's to find a nice male. Im sure most breeders would hate it if their customers did that which is why some only make fems now like Cannarado.
Yah... I just could never justify the cost, especially knowing I can get quality just as good or better, elsewhere, for a fraction of the cost. We all can.
Yeah I agree on making your own seeds, I started with 5 free seeds in 2010 and that was it, still have some in my fridge, and just made a new batch of seeds. Its amazing growing out those seeds over the years and keeping the seeds from the more potent buds. Someday I may buy something different but we all have our own budgets and I would never pay a high price for them, but again its just my opinion. If they are fairly priced and good then that's another story. But I can see the big boys like Monsanto making plans already to yet monopolize it all. So make those seeds while you can and document it so they cannot say you stole their genetics. Of course only document IF you are in a legal State. You may just pop that one rare gene combination if you do have a plan ready to keep a clone, create those seeds and even save pollen from a male. Happy Seeding!