1 failed cob in a 4 cob array; how should it be replaced? (older gen 3070 vs new 3070?)


Well-Known Member
4x Cree CXB 3070 on a HLG-185H-1400B (series)

Functioning normally for years, until one day all 4 cobs in the circuit appear very dim. Adjusting the 100k pot makes no difference (as if its running in 'limp' mode and at minimum amperage?).

I tested the driver w/o load: 143vDC output. 0-~82,000 ohms from the pot (it is within 20% tolerance).
I connected the driver to another series of lights (CXB3590-that I normally run with a different driver) so I know the array is good/functioning. It powers these lights fine, full adjustment via pot. 138.6v (max), 121.6v (min); 1.42amps (max), .04amps (min).

Upon further inspection, one of the 3070 cobs is not lighting fully; as if 1 of the diodes is not firing? If a COB LED had one of its internal parallel-series diodes fail, what would happen?

I plan to do more testing.

Ultimately, how do I go about replacing this older gen >36v chip in a series circuit? What effect will a newer/lower voltage chip have on this circuit-the new chip runs cooler than the rest or a bit brighter?
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Just wondering if they were mounted using pads or paste? All my testing showed the pads are worthless, but I am using the Binder & Wirth holders ( not metal/molded plastic) and they don't give enough pressure to make the pads work.
Just wondering if they were mounted using pads or paste? All my testing showed the pads are worthless, but I am using the Binder & Wirth holders ( not metal/molded plastic) and they don't give enough pressure to make the pads work.

This may also a consideration; I like using CPU thermal paste, because I have much experience with it from building OC'd PCs. But, this light in question is using pads. I forget which name brand holders, the plastic ones that PLC used back in the day.

I've seen dead and poorly lit diodes in some of my personal 'cheap-CN cobs' when I was initially testing COB technology. But they likely came from the factory this way.. However, I also accidentaly ran one of these cheap-CN cobs for way too long w/o enough cooling (dead fan on a cpu heatsink that was way too small to handle non-active cooling duty). The COB still works (from a lumen/visual stand point), even if its missing a few diodes.
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BJB 47.319 holders
Arctic thermal pads, .5mm, 6.0W/mK (cut to fit from a large sheet)

Visual inspection indicated one cob definitely not firing fully. Only 1/3 to 1/2 of the chip was illuminating..and would flicker a bit as power was adjusted. After the circuit warmed up a bit it seemed to get a bit brighter even..but still not firing all diodes.

While removing the holder/chip from the heatsink, screws were tight and there was pressure on the pad. After peeling the pad away the chip itself looks fine; no dark/burnt marks on LES or ceramic side.

Upon omitting the [failed] chip from the series, everything else runs normally with full adjustment in power/intensity.

So, is there any sort of warranty for this type of failure? How/where to start? I don't find much about 'warranty' when I search the pdf manuals I've found.

And, finally-how do I go about replacing this single chip in a 4-chip series circuit? Mainly I'm concerned about voltage differences, and weather it matters on a reliability, longevity, or safety scale. Will a newer/more efficient chip simply 'require' less voltage to maintain the defined amperage (compared to the older chips)?
So, instead of say: 35.6v (@ 1,420mA) per chip; 35.6*4 = 142.4v. we now have three of these 35.6v chips (35.6*3) + one of these new 34.8v chips = 141.6v (@ the same amperage; 1,420mA).
(Note: 34.8v is a number I made up, I'm not even sure what the latest 3070s run at off the top of my head/without further research.)

Just looking for confirmation on this before getting something new. To me, it seems like it'd work without issues.
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You would take up the warranty with the distributor/retailer.

Adding a new 3070 should work without issues, same amps and cumulative voltage are the parameters that need to be met.
So, the other COB's are still using pads? If so, I would take Tc to make sure the others aren't getting ready to fail.
Thank you all. That was also my understanding of it.. And after thinking more on it, I do remember others running COBs and monos in series to 'fill' a driver.
So, the other COB's are still using pads? If so, I would take Tc to make sure the others aren't getting ready to fail.

I was also thinking and wanting to do this to be sure. I have an laser temp gun and external temp probes (from a hygrometer). I'm sure there is a more accurate way; soldering a specific temp probe to the chip or something? But, not very viable at this time.