You're over thinking shit. Badlands is purple badlands is not what you are referring to.
Purple Badlands = flo x star dawg - it's incredible, I highly recommend it.
Bonfire = trifi x star dawg
Once upon a time. Gu~ released a bunch of crosses without names. They were only listed by their lineage. Then along came a hater telling Gu~ he can't do what he is doing. This creates a bit of a dust up. This dust up took place in the great American West. Shortly after, Gu~ decided to name some of those stains that are turning out really good and will be around for a while. Since they caused that dust up, in the American West, the wild west series of strain names was born.
Fast forward to trifi x star dawg aka bonfire being taken off the website. Gu~ usually does this because he lost the female. No need in taking up valuable space on the website if it's not around.
Fast forward to it being relisted but it is out of stock. Good news! Gu~ got the trifi mom back in! Seed are coming down the line!
That other place, that lists it as trifi and not bonfire. It's the same. Exactly the same. Is the stock old? It's at least as old as the last time Gu~ had it in stock. Why does the other website last it the old way? Don't know. Maybe it's old stock from the beginning, though I doubt it. Maybe they are too lazy to change it.
Hope that helps.