Bushcrafting, the weed addition: Bugout patch

That is the thing. The transition. I'm leaning toward thinking someone dropped a dime on me. I was caught crossing the road in full camo and backpack, but no mask on. It was an old fucker who wanted to talk, and a truck came by when I was talking to him.

Damn quiet cars.
You're just a hiker tho... What did he want to talk about, exactly?
Copperheads are pit vipers, so you don't want to step on one. Several folks have been bitten at night walking in their yard. One kid died.

I have spent my whole life in the woods, and saw my first copperhead about 15 years ago. Now they are more common around here than cotton mouths.
Copperheads are pit vipers, so you don't want to step on one. Several folks have been bitten at night walking in their yard. One kid died.

I have spent my whole life in the woods, and saw my first copperhead about 15 years ago. Now they are more common around here than cotton mouths.
What changed? Do you know?
Not sure. Maybe the woods I was tramping in. Saw the first one here at work. We have a creek outback, and they like hardwoods near water. The yard guys have killed several this year. You can't kill anything bigger than a mosquito where I hike, so I just walk around them.

But when it doubt, blame climate change. lol
That sounds like a good excuse. Sea level rise would affect Florida first and worst- and snakes are probably more affected than critters that walk.
That sounds like a good excuse. Sea level rise would affect Florida first and worst- and snakes are probably more affected than critters that walk.
I did talk to the BIL's dad about this. He is from the south end of the county, which is much wetter than Larry Land. He said there were always Copperheads down his way, but he has noticed a few more the last few years. My yard guys here at work killed 5 in one day this summer. I have yet to see one in my neck of the woods.
I've been busy since my last hiking trip, so I haven't mentioned my last copperhead adventure. I hiked Sunday afternoon, then camped that night. Monday morning when I was taking down my tent, one minute there was not a snake in camp, then when I went around to take up the tent stakes there was one about a foot from the tent. My lady ranger friend had told me the like to get under tents. I kind of laughed when she told me, but now I have to rethink that. And I had been getting up to pee during the night without my headlamp. I guess I had better use it.

The sucker was so hard to see, if I looked away from him to pack my stuff up, I couldn't see him until he moved again. I decided to wait to cook breakfast until I was at a grassy area with higher elevation. The blue blaze back to the real trail is only a tenth of a mile, but I saw another one on the way. Makes a fellow jumpy.
I've been busy since my last hiking trip, so I haven't mentioned my last copperhead adventure. I hiked Sunday afternoon, then camped that night. Monday morning when I was taking down my tent, one minute there was not a snake in camp, then when I went around to take up the tent stakes there was one about a foot from the tent. My lady ranger friend had told me the like to get under tents. I kind of laughed when she told me, but now I have to rethink that. And I had been getting up to pee during the night without my headlamp. I guess I had better use it.

The sucker was so hard to see, if I looked away from him to pack my stuff up, I couldn't see him until he moved again. I decided to wait to cook breakfast until I was at a grassy area with higher elevation. The blue blaze back to the real trail is only a tenth of a mile, but I saw another one on the way. Makes a fellow jumpy.
The rattlesnakes around here are at least kind enough to let you know where they are.

Might be time to consider heavy boots and protective leggings.
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. . . . . . . Might be time to consider heavy boots and protective leggings.
A pound on your feet is like five pounds in your pack. So I will have to risk it.

Before Mamma died, she said she was going to buy me snake boots and make me wear them. I do a lot of night hiking around the farm, and I have walked the same trails so often, I don't use my headlight if there is any star or moon light. I do stay away from the pond, even with the headlight. No use looking for trouble.
A pound on your feet is like five pounds in your pack. So I will have to risk it.

Before Mamma died, she said she was going to buy me snake boots and make me wear them. I do a lot of night hiking around the farm, and I have walked the same trails so often, I don't use my headlight if there is any star or moon light. I do stay away from the pond, even with the headlight. No use looking for trouble.
I think your mamma was a wise woman. Maybe wiser than you. :bigjoint: