Do you have people over?


Well-Known Member
How many of you guys that grow weed have people over every once in a while?

More specifically for people that hide the fact that they grow/smoke cannabis.
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Well-Known Member
Your second question can be taken two ways: Is it referring to the growers or their company? I have company over, most of them smoke weed. Nobody irl knows that I grow, and many precautions must be taken to prepare for anyone to come to my place (see thread, "You know you're a grower when..."). Hope this helps, mainy...


Well-Known Member
Your second question can be taken two ways: Is it referring to the growers or their company? I have company over, most of them smoke weed. Nobody irl knows that I grow, and many precautions must be taken in preparation in order for anyone to come to my place (see thread, "You know you're a grower when..."). Hope this helps, mainy...
Dafuq, another mainy? Or is ever new member mainy until proven otherwise.. lol


Well-Known Member
How many of you guys that grow weed have people over every once in a while?

More specifically people that hide the fact that they grow/smoke cannabis.
I have people all the time that have no clue I grow. if your doing it right they have no way of knowing unless you tell them


Well-Known Member
We always have people over and the kids have sleepovers with their friends but my grow is in a detached garage in my backyard and that is always locked up tight with a security system and cameras.

Los Reefersaurus

Well-Known Member
No one knows..... We have the mandatory visits from friends family and workers of all stripes. They see nothing they smell nothing they go away. THe number of folk that know I grow and know where I live and I don't sleep with after 20 years of growing are 2. This is why I talk to you guys on line , if I didn't share with you I would lose my mind


Well-Known Member
No one knows..... We have the mandatory visits from friends family and workers of all stripes. They see nothing they smell nothing they go away. THe number of folk that know I grow and know where I live and I don't sleep with after 20 years of growing are 2. This is why I talk to you guys on line , if I didn't share with you I would lose my mind
Well, congrats on not losing your mind the other 19 and a half years when you didn't discuss it here. How did you cope?

Feeling punchy today. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
Rarely. Usually just my little sister. Those that know I grow it don't care. Usually go to a mates place. They grow too.


Well-Known Member
I want to grow and I really want to have people over. The problem is that I live in an appartement and the grow room in the closest to the kitchen and dining room. Also my tent is 4x4x7 so its really hard to hide.

I guess I'll try it out. Weed is about to be legalized where I live.


Well-Known Member
I've had people smell bud when growing out of a negative pressure cab, once i switched to a sealed room with a recirculating scrubber everything is all good as long as RH don't get too high in late flower/drying nobody can smell a thing.