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~ ~ ~ "Set and Setting" means where the trip will occur and how One feels before/during/after the trip. ~ ~ ~ ~ It is recommended to not trip with people You do not know. It is also recommended to not leave the chosen set and setting until You start coming down. ~ ~ ~ ~ Considering "set and setting" [at any dose] before any LSD voyage, is very advisable due LSD's radical effects.
5 - 15 mics.- first level threshold. some report some euphoria / mood lift, mental / physical stimulation, and air graphics but so mild. Most people usually end up wanting to take more if intending to ' trip ' . Enough to make the lights trip out.
20 mics - " MICRODOSE " <---- click here in honor of Chester Bennington - first level threshold. A lot of people use this dose as a stimulant. Soft -moderate energy shifts. Duration can be 6 - 8 hours. [ Pot always brings back the effects/visuals, especially during a sleepy comedown. ] ~- Some slight euphoria and body high. Creativity starts to manifest itself. ~ Level 1
30 mics- " Beginner / gateway threshold "~-~ Increase in associative & creative thinking. A great "chilling" / fellowship dose. Meaningful, deep thoughts. Philosophical jibber jabber / conservations. Visuals/effects become more pronounced with cannabis, but not as vivid as one would think. Creating art like painting or drawing becomes extremely enjoyable. This is kind of like smoking a high end sativa with no tolerance. Nature and hikes are great at this dosage. ~ Easier to handle for Newbies, [ set and setting ]. You know abacus cut diagonal line ?
40 mics- " Spiritual Birthing Dose "Obviously feeling the effects of LAD. 40+ micrograms is considered life changing. Cerebral head change; aka amplified thoughts, this creates a space for healing and next level things to start happening. -Colors are brighter and energy is slightly more sensitive/active. If You want stronger visuals, You gotta take a higher dosage. A great laughing time. ~ Level 1 - [some report Level 2 with cannabis or other psychedelics] ~
50 mics - Slow come up. Appreciation for music. Intense increase of energy. Mind alterations during come up / peak. A lot more sensitive to energy. Thought patterns are noticeably sped up, this effect can be overwhelming for newbies. Melting and bending optical illusions become obvious but mild. ~ Intuition / awareness is greatly increased, ~ Mild visuals [ lucy, trails, very mild patterning on surfaces], Natural perception filter is somewhat bypassed [10%-15%] ~ Short term memory lapses. - A great dose for meditation ~ Food smells/tastes amazing. One can start to see Closed Eye Visuals, especially with edible cannabis. Starting to feel the next level of LAD's effects. [ a lot like 150 mgs of MDMA ]
60 mics- = " Tripping threshold " - Emotional / thought recollection emerges. Healing space opens wider. Visuals: Tessellations start to appear on walls, surfaces, faces etc. [this effect is very interesting, especially in higher doses] Trails / shuttering / after imaging / tracers. Thoughts and mind start racing at a rapid rate,~Dream / memory experience recall~ Slight blissful euphoria.. Visual acuity is enhanced. This dosage makes for a good time. Closed Eye Visuals are calm, pretty, and gentle , [some report 2D visuals with color, objects, and geometry]. This dose lasts longer and is similar to a gram of shrooms. Memory smells / odor hallucinations.
~ Level 1 - Level 2 ~ Effects last about 6-8 hours.
90 mics- Mild-average lad visual enhancement [ very ‘real’ looking surroundings] .This is the dose where the mind can start to go to weird places [good/bad]. Tingly sensation up the spine / limbs. Mild-intense change of short term memory [you’ll ‘member]. ~ Increased distractive thought patterns. Left and Right brain signals synch even more.= Amplification of the senses [.ie. music sounds wider, smells / tastes are more saturated.etc]. ~Total trip outs and fuck withs can happen. [it’s good for You, YOU can take it]. Mild trails, blurs, and shutter smears. Whole duration is about 8+ hours~ Sex on come downs is a lot of cum, I tell Ya what... and very enjoyable. ~ A lot like 1.25 - 1.75 grams of mushrooms. ~Level 2
100 mics - " Common tripping threshold " ~ Mild - Immense spiritual experiences. Moderate - Passionate sacramental / ceremonial moments. Mellow - moderate mind alterations. [distressing and/or comforting thoughts may arise]. ~Starting to revert back to natural instincts / starting to tap into source. Primitive senses and impulses may come up. Body buzzing is mild but sometimes euphoric and/or freaky on come up. Consciousness starts to blend with hallucinations. Sensitive semblance and symbolism; intuition becomes more present. Radical - Important perspective altering experiences.
110 mics - This is where One really starts to feel LAD’s ‘tripping’ effects. ~ Spiritual cord is found. ~ Visual field is vividly enhanced [colors, emotions, and senses are amplified] ~ Trails are attractive but not like higher doses. Visual acuity is further increased. This is a great dose to go out in nature and on hikes with; IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCED. ~Profound over analyzations can / may occur. Things can start talking to You. Some people have been caught laughing their asses off for no reason at this dose. Literally to the point where they grow a six pack ab. Closed eye visuals are entertaining but not sharp as one would think. [geometric forms are 2 dimensional-CEV]. Some realistic imagery / imagination thought trains. Memory Trances / Visions are possible at this dose. Deep meditation. ~
Lasts at least 8 hours ~ Level 2
150 mics ~- A normal hit of LSD. ~-~ Visuals are so saturated and attractive that One can get caught staring at a wall for hours. ~Moonlit nights and divine rays. Insightful thoughts and moments of clarity. Meaningful judgement into One's own life / situations. Uncommon / abnormal phenomenon may happen. Auditory hallucinations become mildly apparent; this can be a trip. Flashbacks to past experiences / memories come to life. Life changing, spiritual experiences can happen. ~ Peak last 4-5 Hours. Whole experience lasts 10-12 hours. ~ Still Level 2 but some can report a Level 3 experience mixed with cannabis. [a lot like 2.5 grams of mushrooms, dried]~ If you are a newbie, this dose is simply too high for you.
200 mics - 400 mics: " Moderate / Strong threshold "~ This is where things can get very powerful. Surreal Emerginative Wanda Fractals [this effect is like imagining an image/scenario; ketamine/dmt/self conscious like phenomenon], Ancient Ancestor Energetic Interaction, and Theological Spiritual Warfare; [spiritual veil is somewhat lifted]. ~Megalomania may come up. Scenarios can manifest Themselves within the self conscious matrix. ~ Aura bubble air wave visuals. Detailed/ Focal point landscapes, expanding clouds, and rolling thunder. Intense energy flashes and pulsating nerves ~-~ Abnormal / "inappropriate" ideas and behavior. ~-~~ SET AND SETTING IS VERY IMPORTANT AT THESE DOSES AND HIGHER
200 mics-~~ Intense ideas / manifestations. Deep & meaningful insight into One's own life. Therapeutic, psychological reflection. Beautiful colors are everywhere. Closed eye visuals are very apparent during peak. ~ A lot like 3.5 grams of mushrooms ~ Level 2 - some report some Level 3 attributes @ 200 micrograms. ~ Some people can handle it quite well but some may FREAK OUT. ~ IT IS ADVISED THAT ANY LAD USER MUST WORK THEIR WAY UP TO THIS DOSE ~ ~ A lot like 150 mics.
250 mics- ~- " Entheogenic threshold "~ This is the classic and legendary acid trip dosage; this is a true LAD trip. Peak effects are described as "sensing another presence", spiritual discord and/or harmony, and hearing hallucinations are very likely. [This can be a very tense and rattling experience, especially at higher doses] ~ Rich sensory input / speed racing color enhancement. Memory flashbacks and strong intuitive experiences [this can be incredibly painful and/or incredibly beautiful]. Peak effects are intense / delightful / scary. Sometimes mild-extreme confusion or thought loop lessons can happen at this dose. Average - vivid MC Esher Tessellations. Average-strong color opaque hue changing visuals. Detailed shuttering / after imaging / trails. Giggly underwater cerebral head / body high. Cotton mouth / body shivers / muscle contractions. Come down effects are often described as ‘more comfortable’ and less visual. After a good nights rest, the next day always has a brighter sparkle/vibe to it, especially if You smoke cannabis. ~ [This is a great tripping dose for experienced users, intense/overwhelming for first timers / it's been a while users ]
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