do u believe in fate?

do you believe in fate??

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Well-Known Member
so, here's how today went:

laid around in bed this morning with maxdiscretion - good thing
drove to growhouse to check on grow 1 and 2 - good thing
had premonition of disaster about a mile from growhouse - bad thing
checked grow 2 ...burned to a crisp at 122 f from ac ducting failure - bad thing
checked grow 1....healthy and getting close to harvest - good thing
came home to smoke out and contemplate the day - good thing

so, i guess if you believe in fate, this was meant to be and i should just plant some more beans tomorrow. right?

but, if this was fortune - lets say due to a little (?) hubris on my part that had me put my delicate seedlings in a grow room i had not debugged. then the lesson i should take away is that i need more patience and probably could afford to pay more attention to learning than teaching.

so, fate - keep on keeping on

or fortune - take a break from my zillion posts and get grow 1 done


Well-Known Member
i definitely believe in fate. there are way too many coincidences in this world to not believe. and im a very strong believer in karma. me and karma have a very good working relationship :)


Well-Known Member
karma rules, so to speak. should have put it in the poll. but i think karma tells me the same thing as fortune - time to change direction - shit, i sound like i'm running for president


Well-Known Member
i believe in causality..... everything happens for a reason....some say its associated with karma....but theyre two distinct entities.... rat im sorry to hear about the grow... you know one of my babies died cause i over fed it... and then the bugs ate the wasnt fate it was me on my first grow doing some rookie noob shit....and the other girl is still fine... after all i learned from this mistake and wont let it happoen again..... cause and effect....

cause:i over fed didnt see bugs got schagg= effect:next grow no bugs no overfeeding.....

seee your a/c broke cause
and your plants got burned effect....
its simple....


Well-Known Member
i believe in causality..... everything happens for a reason....some say its associated with karma....but theyre two distinct entities.... .

seee your a/c broke cause
and your plants got burned effect....
its simple....
little more complicated - cause - user impatience
first level effect - a/c duct fell as i had not secured it well
second level effect - plants die

this one is on me


Well-Known Member
i hope you mean homosapien.

how can you prove to me karma is real friend?
I just proved it, karma is the simple law of cause and effect thats all. I called you a homo (a negative statement) as a result you became defensive "I hope you mean homosapien". So negative action perpetuates further negativity. Peace bro:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
cause;well you fucked up
effect: plants pay the price....

I think what happen too first time growers is we put so much time and effort in too them.... and they do grow amaazingly fast.... but right at the end of flower...were kind of burned out.... lack the patients.... and just figure we got this shit done... and just when we annointed ourselves growfuckinexperts.... that shit fuckin dies ....cause we got to coocky and thought we knew it could know every thing there is to know about weed....go to weed college and get a masters...and shit could stil go wrong.... experience is the best teacher.....


Well-Known Member
I just proved it, karma is the simple law of cause and effect thats all. I called you a homo (a negative statement) as a result you became defensive "I hope you mean homosapien". So negative action perpetuates further negativity. Peace bro:bigjoint:
cause and effect is allittle different than karma my friend as i mentioned

for instance you let your friend borrow 500 dollars.....good karma

Your friend leaves town and fucks you over......bad karma

causality as i seee it ....

hypotheically for sake of the arguement....
you were a dumb shit for giving that dope head some cash
effect: your still a dumbshit with no money

cause: you lost 500 dollars
effect: your ass isnt gonna let any other friend borrow 500 dollars....


Well-Known Member
yea, real experience tells you what matters and what;s just for show. like who the hell did the side by side test to say that aluminum foil can burn your plant?? maybe one guy just had his light too close and there you go - a growfaq.


Well-Known Member
cause and effect is allittle different than karma my friend as i mentioned

for instance you let your friend borrow 500 dollars.....good karma

Your friend leaves town and fucks you over......bad karma

causality as i seee it ....

hypotheically for sake of the arguement....
you were a dumb shit for giving that dope head some cash
effect: your still a dumbshit with no money

cause: you lost 500 dollars
effect: your ass isnt gonna let any other friend borrow 500 dollars....
exactly right, with the bad karma going to the friend. and karma has no effect in your current life it affects your next life