What did you accomplish today?

Today is Sunday. Which means it was weekly daddy/daughter day. Aka give my wife a break day. We got French fries and ice cream. It was a good day. I'm thinking of capping it off by watching a movie from my youth with her. But can't decide on which one. Probably going to peruse Netflix for 20 minutes, give up, then watch something stupid that she picks. Then put a bullet in my brain. Or maybe just eat something then go to bed.
The CGI Barbie film series is surprisingly well-written, I have determined after similar dad-daughter dynamics. Just sayin.
i found a nice spot on the wyoming/south dakota border to camp out for the night so i can wake up and watch the thing without getting stuck in some traffic jam.

but i am afraid of farmer rape so i rented a cargo van and invited a buddy with some guns.

i do not wish to be raped by a farmer.

Ok so farmers are out , I know you do windows so construction workers are probably to common , how do you feel about being raped by bikers.o_O
Just had to bite the bullet and buy some garden wire from Home Depot ....FUCK!!!! I love my boys grow shop, but he's on full stoner time everyday,so he opens late...I usually get 5 times the wire for the same price.

Fuck you and your garden section Hoe Depot

Remember @Diabolical666 thread, you know your a grower when?

Well walking through and seeing all the sick fucked up plants for sell in the Home Depot garden section is sad.... I just wana scream for a few garden tools and start saving lives....not to mention I feel like I need to shower and change my clothes before going around my tomatoes now((YUCK)) ....like a poorly ran hospital for plants ....K I'm done.
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Just had to bite the bullet and buy some garden wire from Home Depot ....

FWIW: do you have farm supply stores where you live (Farm and Fleet, Tractor Supply, Rural King)? Our store toward the end of the summer marks a lot of the gardening/ag stuff (bamboo poles, spreader sticker, spinosad) way down to almost nothing. All their home garden type stuff was 75% off last year
FWIW: do you have farm supply stores where you live (Farm and Fleet, Tractor Supply, Rural King)? Our store toward the end of the summer marks a lot of the gardening/ag stuff (bamboo poles, spreader sticker, spinosad) way down to almost nothing. All their home garden type stuff was 75% off last year

Yes I do actually...il have to check that out thank you.....I don't know if you remember me telling this story ....But I took my wife out to shoot her pistol at one of our alfalfa fields near the house....long story short, we just put a new ditch in a few winters back...The neighbor next to us planted Almond trees to close to the ditch and as they grew the little easement road that runs along the ditch started caving in ...it was a mess Barn....So we built a new ditch and road ...well I use the ditch to shoot pistols down into ....me and my wife pulled up, and for the second time in as many years someone dumped there entire grow trash into my ditch :cuss:

Giant smart pots and a shit ton of bamboo poles of all sizes....but they also threw other bullshit in it as well couches,tires,trash....I posted pics a while back ...you may have seen them ....This property is rural and you have to know the area to even get to the dirt road that leafs to my ditch ....I'm thinking it's one of the people who were hauling rock for the new ditch, or the new neighbors farm hands IDK....it's just not a place you'd happen upon ....and this didn't happen until after the construction of the new ditch and easement road.....I obviously had to clean it out, but I ended up with a bunch of nice bamboo poles...some were still in the wire bundle never used ....I just had to cut the garden wire off of em......
Yes I do actually...il have to check that out thank you.....I don't know if you remember me telling this story ....But I took my wife out to shoot her pistol at one of our alfalfa fields near the house....long story short, we just put a new ditch in a few winters back...The neighbor next to us planted Almond trees to close to the ditch and as they grew the little easement road that runs along the ditch started caving in ...it was a mess Barn....So we built a new ditch and road ...well I use the ditch to shoot pistols down into ....me and my wife pulled up, and for the second time in as many years someone dumped there entire grow trash into my ditch :cuss:

Giant smart pots and a shit ton of bamboo poles of all sizes....but they also threw other bullshit in it as well couches,tires,trash....I posted pics a while back ...you may have seen them ....This property is rural and you have to know the area to even get to the dirt road that leafs to my ditch ....I'm thinking it's one of the people who were hauling rock for the new ditch, or the new neighbors farm hands IDK....it's just not a place you'd happen upon ....and this didn't happen until after the construction of the new ditch and easement road.....I obviously had to clean it out, but I ended up with a bunch of nice bamboo poles...some were still in the wire bundle never used ....I just had to cut the garden wire off of em......
We been having problems with people dumping. I finally had to put up some hidden game cameras.
we've had half a dozen good rains since i put up the swamp cooler and not a drop came in. yesterday we got about 2.5 inches in 20 minutes and i had some pretty good leaking through my hole. so today i decided to plug up my hole.

i decided on @Singlemalt 's idea of a mini shed over the insulated duct work. from the time i left for home depot to walking in the house after putting the tools away: 2 hours 10 minutes. not bad.

framed out the sections individually and carried them up the ladder and assembled them, then cut the plywood (leaving the back piece higher up the roof long to over lap the sides), carried the pieces up the ladder and attached them, left the roof piece to overlap all the sides by a couple inches, and caulked it all in heavily with roofing style caulk.

left myself plenty of time to masturbate today!
I woke up today and went to the kitchen as usual to make coffee when I heard a lot of buzzing coming from the window. I raised the blinds to find about eight bees flying against the inside of my window trying to get out, my question was how the fuck they got in. It was like Candyman up in this bitch. Watching them for a while, I began to put it together. One squeezed in and couldn't find their way out, and called their buddies for assistance. Then another squeezed in the very tight spot to help and was then trapped itself. This process just continued until I had eight. I couldn't open the window because there were many more right outside wanting to help their trapped comrades. I tried to trap each one in a plastic cup to take them outside but I couldn't get them off the window once they were in the cup. So I donned my rubber gauntlet gloves to avoid being stung, then quickly cracked open the window, then the screen. Immediately half of the inside bees flew into the top of the window opening and I quickly shut it to watch them work their way down between the window and screen to escape at the bottom of the now open screen. They wouldn't leave the other bees behind that were still inside, that got me right in the feels. They're like little marines, no bros left behind. I repeated the process and two more got out. The two left weren't as bright, so I caught them in my gloves as gently as I could one by one, and released them out the back door. I witnessed many bees flying against my building and the apartment across from me buzzing around windows, but interestingly none came back to my windows as the probably left behind some scent relaying, 'This place sucks, off limits!' I think they are trying to find a spot to build a hive. Good luck, little guys. I'm glad neither you nor I got hurt...
20 minutes and i had some pretty good leaking through my hole. so today i decided to plug up my hole.

left myself plenty of time to masturbate today!

we've had half a dozen good rains since i put up the swamp cooler and not a drop came in. yesterday we got about 2.5 inches in 20 minutes and i had some pretty good leaking through my hole. so today i decided to plug up my hole.

i decided on @Singlemalt 's idea of a mini shed over the insulated duct work. from the time i left for home depot to walking in the house after putting the tools away: 2 hours 10 minutes. not bad.

framed out the sections individually and carried them up the ladder and assembled them, then cut the plywood (leaving the back piece higher up the roof long to over lap the sides), carried the pieces up the ladder and attached them, left the roof piece to overlap all the sides by a couple inches, and caulked it all in heavily with roofing style caulk.

left myself plenty of time to masturbate today!
If I were there we could have plugged your hole up in half the time, then masterbated together.
I had my thoracic echocardiogram and exercise stress test done today. The tech said i was in superb physical condition, I lasted 17min before my rate reached 160, pretty proud of that i guess... i can't enjoy a fucking slurpee with going into A-Fib but goddammit can i run on a treadmill or what?!

You're healthy LOL instead of brain freeze you get chest freeze ha ha here ya go:
with the scraps i had left over from the roof hutch i built a dog food/water holder for my dane. he drools like a son of a bitch when he eats and drinks, so i inset the top a few inches, angled it slightly towards one end, drilled a hole, and made a compartment for a tray underneath. problem solved, ;ess time for masturbation though.
with the scraps i had left over from the roof hutch i built a dog food/water holder for my dane. he drools like a son of a bitch when he eats and drinks, so i inset the top a few inches, angled it slightly towards one end, drilled a hole, and made a compartment for a tray underneath. problem solved, ;ess time for masturbation though.
Your labor-saving device ought to mean more overall masturbation time, or as the physicists call it T(subscript)fap
You're healthy LOL instead of brain freeze you get chest freeze ha ha here ya go:

I wish... that article does not help explain my first two arrythmic episodes, both of which occured in the absence of frozen beverages.

I really think theres something anatomically wrong with my heart. Ablate it and be done , i say.

Normal people dont go into arrythmias like i have been, especially at my age. Atrial fibrillation should not be in my medical history, lol.

I wish... that article does not help explain my first two arrythmic episodes, both of which occured in the absence of frozen beverages.

I really think theres something anatomically wrong with my heart. Ablate it and be done , i say.

Normal people dont go into arrythmias like i have been, especially at my age. Atrial fibrillation should not be in my medical history, lol.
