Ban white people


Well-Known Member
muh freeze peach...

This is a privately owned website, not a middle school cafeteria. Just because nobody is willing to tolerate your offensive prattle doesn't mean your first amendment rights have been curtailed by the gov't. RIU is not obligated to provide you with a soapbox upon which to peddle racist views.


Well-Known Member
you have no idea what I believe
yes i do, you told us you believe in neo-nazi white supremacist dogma like this: 'everything about our modern lives came from the brain of the white man,we should be grateful we don't live in mud huts and eat each other anymore'.


Well-Known Member
yes i do, you told us you believe in neo-nazi white supremacist dogma like this: 'everything about our modern lives came from the brain of the white man,we should be grateful we don't live in mud huts and eat each other anymore'.
Well I'm grateful even if you aren't


Well-Known Member
Saying black people can't be racist because they're deserving of special treatment is in itself a fairly racist view to hold...

Black and brown people need real equality, not to be told they can hold the very same type of views that fuck them over in the first place because they're "different"

Systems of oppression come as a result of racism in the first instance, why encourage/justify it in any ethnic group?

EDIT: This was for you @Fogdog too.
IMO, racism requires a superiority complex and a power differential. Bigotry is different. Brown people cannot be racist against white people in America today.


Well-Known Member
and all I'm saying is institutional racism shapes many a black persons opinions
How could it not. The US still has much to be ashamed of here and there doesn't appear to be much chance of it changing anytime soon. We still have Jim Crow, it just went underground and got implicitly codified into our institutions, most notably our criminal justice system. Until that changes, how can we even have honest conversations about racial tension?


Well-Known Member
Ace of Spades strip club in Detroit on 8 mile. All black strip club. I can't just go up in there and enjoy lap dances from all of the fine ass ladies there like a black man could, no, some ladies want to deny my enjoyment of adult entertainment, that is oppression, they are trying to keep this white man down.

It's your swamp ass that's getting you kicked out, goober. Wash your ass.


Well-Known Member
Ok so after additional review I've decided this is a semantics thing.

So my conclusion is that while it is possible for people of any race to harbor racist feelings it's infinitely more important to break down the systemic and institutional racism and then we can talk about the other.

And it doesn't bother me whatsoever if a minority harbors racist feelings towards me, it was just an example ;)


Well-Known Member
Ok so after additional review I've decided this is a semantics thing.

So my conclusion is that while it is possible for people of any race to harbor racist feelings it's infinitely more important to break down the systemic and institutional racism and then we can talk about the other.

And it doesn't bother me whatsoever if a minority harbors racist feelings towards me, it was just an example ;)
Growing up poor and then finding myself in a corporate environment with lots of rich kids, I harboured lots of self-limiting beliefs and feelings.

The mistake people make is to think that the systemic abuse and exploitation of the poor is limited to some races...
It is an equal opportunity monster, it can't wait for you to lose your house, to profit by it, it doesn't care what race you are, it just cares that you are basically defenceless and easy prey.
Poor white or any race kids are not getting cut some slack, because of their race. They get sent to the army, or some shitty job doing what labourers do.


Well-Known Member
Ok so after additional review I've decided this is a semantics thing.

So my conclusion is that while it is possible for people of any race to harbor racist feelings it's infinitely more important to break down the systemic and institutional racism and then we can talk about the other.

And it doesn't bother me whatsoever if a minority harbors racist feelings towards me, it was just an example ;)
For the record I do not view you as a red neck cracker:lol:


Well-Known Member
Most know and realize this thread was started by a great fisherman casting his rod to catch a certain type of fish.
Hoping the day is going well for you?
I must admit, I only scanned thru the first pages and thought to myself...this is a good place to get involved in a row, I love a fight but it's generally frowned upon.
I'm not in fact a racist but a misanthrope with a superiority complex and that's as true as all my posts.