Well-Known Member
Moors were black. Blacks are all the idiot retarded fuck. Go read a book on the Moors
Sheesh. Do I have to tell you EVERYTHING
Moors were black. Blacks are all the idiot retarded fuck. Go read a book on the Moors
Ummmmmmm I think you missed some words in your reply but, the idea of races living together in harmony is a pipe dream unfortunately.uhhhummm
And so your conclusion is that because slave trade, it's OK that the US had a system of race based chattel slavery. And today still suffers from the racism left in it's wake. How does one justify the other?
?????Moors were black. Blacks are all the same.
Sheesh. Do I have to tell you EVERYTHING
Ummmmmmm I think you missed some words in your reply but, the idea of races living together in harmony is a pipe dream unfortunately.
No, because I'm not a pedophile, I have a wife.why because you failed to register ?
I'm not a pedophile, I have a wife.
Gangus Kahn.Mao Zedong committed no genocide. The famine in China occurred as a result of capitalist scum hoarding grain in defiance of socialist appropriation. Rather than turn it over to their starving countrymen, they destroyed it. The West has lied to the world ever since and made him out to be the purveyor of genocide.
Mandela was white?
I'm not cranky, merely stating facts.have you ever been to NYC or LA? plenty of different races living together and those cities are the envy of the world.
did a black man steal your boyfriend or something? is that why you're so cranky?
You have a wife so that makes you not a pedophile ?No, because I'm not a pedophile, I have a wife.
I'm not cranky, merely stating facts.
Funny you should say that but the complete opposite has recently been the case,
The Jewish holocaust in Germany was not the biggest genocide in history. It may be the most infamous, but white settlers building the United States committed the biggest genocide in history against hundreds of native American tribes, killing between 80 and 100 million people.
The second biggest genocide in history occurred in the Congo when King Leopold of Belgium oversaw the murder of over 10 million Africans.
Still a pedophile. shut the fuck up.No, because I'm not a pedophile, I have a wife.
I have an irrational fear of clowns..... why do you ask?you're very cranky, and NYC and LA have some of the highest property values in the world right now. they are a testament to the awesomeness of multiculturalism.
what are you so scared of?
Did your girl used to date a black guy ?I have an irrational fear of clowns..... why do you ask?
Sure, Anthony Weiner did have a wife and was part of the Clinton campaign.plenty of pedophiles have wives. or claim to have wives on the internet where they lie non-stop and come off as an adolescent child.