Overgrow corporate cannabis

Those rooms are fucking slick! Do you have a shared reservoir for all those tables? Curious how your flood and drain works.

It's a unique system. Each tray has its own built in 45 gallon resivoir. All tables are flooded by a single air pump. It the cats ass, no more big external batch tanks, or solution transfers. Neat and tidy all in one flood and drain system, getting upto 5-6lbs per 4x8 tray. add a dosatron and you'll never have to mix nutrients again.


Do you find you get more heat with those attached ballasts? I always had liked keeping the ballast out of the room, and also air pumps to reduce the heat.

Also, would you use the recycled water from AC and normal dehumidifiers in a resurculating deep water system? I hear different opinions on that one.

Extra heat in negligible, having the ballast attached eliminated any RF interference to sensitive electronics. .All in one Plug and play fixtures, keeps things simple, any problems just unplug and replace. Eliminates miles of wiring and electrical work.

I would not use condensate in a DWC system, specifically. Not worth the risk. But I do use it in other applications, it's still good water.

Yes, wall and ceiling are steel freezer panels. Hard to beat the quality of those rooms, but you pay a premium. $$$$. Worth every penny IMO, if you got the cash.

I agree those freezer walls are tough and well insulted. A really good choice imo. They are not super reflective but they are white anyway. I haven't bought those for years but remember them as pricey I think.
Nice job you've done from the pics
I'm a big fan of the DE lights and their controllers. No more lowering and raising lights. They are permentaly fixed to the ceiling. Simply raise/reduce light intensity with controller, from 600w - 1150w. Just remember to keep 3' headspace between canopy and fixture.

Wall coverings can be pricey, gone are the days of poly and tuck tape. Bare walls and a quality primer and paint is all you need. Extra protection is nice in a production area/environment But for a small personal grow, unnessisary. Today's paints are very durable, and if your environment is in check and dialled in, moisture shouldn't be an issue any more than in a bathroom or kitchen which are mostly painted. Keep it simple. Invest in a quality de hu,

It's a unique system. Each tray has its own built in 45 gallon resivoir. All tables are flooded by a single air pump. It the cats ass, no more big external batch tanks, or solution transfers. Neat and tidy all in one flood and drain system, getting upto 5-6lbs per 4x8 tray. add a dosatron and you'll never have to mix nutrients again.

View attachment 3986684

that's old school and can be done a bit better eh (:
Just wanted to participate in a free market, I was under the impression the MMPR was going to be just that. I'm just a simple farmer wanting to share the fruits of my labor of love to the people who need and appreciate quality and fair prices. I admit that I was niaeve to think a little fish like me would get an opportunity to compete with the current monstrosities. My time will come, I'm not going anywhere, I'll never stop growing.

And I believe you.
My attitude hasn't changed. What you mean? I've always been keen home growing and free market cannabis. My ambitions are still to run a craft cannabis farm, in the meantime I'm sharing my knowledge and know how to others. Building 1 grow room at a time.

I think a number of free-market cannabis exchanges would work.
Small independent growers would be able to sell their weed there at a fair market price, taking into account there are more players in the chain, but this should be fractional.
The exchanges would test and grade supplied using a publicly visible set of scoring rules.

At the same time, pesticides and fungicides can be tested. Charges to be fair, but borne by the supplier who has the ultimate responsibility for proving his weed is grown cleanly.

Finally, these exchanges would be a point of sale from which dispensaries and patients can get what they need, and be easier to "police" as such for keeping with local regulations.
These exchanges should be in the form of cooperatives, not owned by big capital.
This has been happrning for about 5 - 10 years now withing mmar circles.

If you where part of the mmar days and large plant counts..

No need to post Any of this When LEO is watching these forums. C.A.L.M is one of the oldest dispensaries that had usesd this system. No more comments to be said though..
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It's a unique system. Each tray has its own built in 45 gallon resivoir. All tables are flooded by a single air pump. It the cats ass, no more big external batch tanks, or solution transfers. Neat and tidy all in one flood and drain system, getting upto 5-6lbs per 4x8 tray. add a dosatron and you'll never have to mix nutrients again.

View attachment 3986684

I wish we put down the cash for trays, I only have 50 plants under cobs, waiting on another 50 to finish rooting.
Hand watering 100 plants can be soul killing work.
It's a unique system. Each tray has its own built in 45 gallon resivoir. All tables are flooded by a single air pump. It the cats ass, no more big external batch tanks, or solution transfers. Neat and tidy all in one flood and drain system, getting upto 5-6lbs per 4x8 tray. add a dosatron and you'll never have to mix nutrients again.

View attachment 3986684


Hey dude, don't mean to be obtuse, but I don't fully understand. The plants just sit in the table which is perpetually flooded? What is the medium you are using? Where is the air pump? How does an air pump "flood" a table. Looks fucking killer and I want to try it just need a bit more info.
No, it's a full flood and drain system. Activated by air pressure.(shop vac). The reservoir is built into the bottom of tray. There is a built in chamber under the tray that holds 45g of water. When the chamber is pressurized by the shop vac, air forces the solution up into the tray area where the plants are, when air is turned off the water pressure forces the air out and solution recedes back down into the chamber. Can run 1 tray or whole room with 1 shop vac.
I use fabric pots with a reusable hydroponic medium manufactured here in BC. Terraponic soil. The whole system was developed locally in BC, awesome company and product.


Bottom half holds solution, top half holds plants.
Black abs pipe supplies air to bottom chamber forcing it into the tray where plants are.


No, it's a full flood and drain system. Activated by air pressure.(shop vac). The reservoir is built into the bottom of tray. There is a built in chamber under the tray that holds 45g of water. When the chamber is pressurized by the shop vac, air forces the solution up into the tray area where the plants are, when air is turned off the water pressure forces the air out and solution recedes back down into the chamber. Can run 1 tray or whole room with 1 shop vac.
I use fabric pots with a reusable hydroponic medium manufactured here in BC. Terraponic soil. The whole system was developed locally in BC, awesome company and product.


Bottom half holds solution, top half holds plants.
Black abs pipe supplies air to bottom chamber forcing it into the tray where plants are.

View attachment 3988564


Killer....I love watching George Cervantes, he is so chill. :blsmoke::blsmoke:

10x eh, but then you add 20% new soil every time I guess. Do you have to use their nutrient line, or will any line (organic, mineral?) work?
If you are remixing the dead root balls you are adding organics that will add nutes as they decompose. Sounds like the medium would work well with beneficials ? Doesn't seem sterile enough to use with mineral nutrients, but I admit I know almost nothing about it.

Also you have three tables interconnected, how do you add solution? Or you have a dosatron, but still wouldn't you need three probes (one for each res)?

Edit: sorry to keep adding questions but I am so curious, and it seems to me if you are reusing the "soil" and remixing the root balls, wouldn't the PH fluctuate when reused?
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