one light one plant one pound....

Well I mix a a qtr strength mix of neem oil a tad bit of dish washing liquid. And misted my plants last night about 5 mins before lights out. And I barely misted them. Bc I for one don't like spraying or even foliage feed. Just NVR have. And this is the first time ever using neem oil. NVR had gnat problem. And this is the result. Completely fukd my auto. And now the big pineapple express is doing the same thing. Like they haven't been watered in days. WTF.... there went my grow with no problems out the fukn window. And like I said. I mixed 1/4 strength of what it even calls for. And this the results.


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with the lights off try spraying them with water I always spray with the lights off & put a fan on them & no light whatsoever until plants are dry I've ruins more than one plant had them looking worse than yours lol... I hope you can turn this around I'm on my way to my doctors office as he died & im trying to figure out how I'm gonna tackle me medical problems but I'll check in on you later if they're dry maybe just put an oscillating fan on them for now just from what I can see they should recover I'll check in later
my new growth is pretty light green color & tomorrow I'm gonna buy some floranova bloom & up my ppm. to about 700-750 1 part nutes are more convenient than 3-part nutrient gh warns of the possibility of nutrient lock- out if you don't add the micro first the new growth looks better but still a bit of claw to itIMG_2252.JPGIMG_2251.JPG
I put the Scrog down this morning also bought the fittings I need to hook up my reservoir I'm going to up the nutes today & possibly clone tomorrow this strain is proving temperamental to grow & ive got doubledream in reserve IMG_2255.JPGIMG_2256.JPG IMG_2257.JPGIMG_2259.JPG
Whatever grows good tomatoes will also grow a fine Cannabis plant.
People hate on miracle grow probably because they are a corporate giant & use whatever is the cheapest method of generating a viable fertilizer they can but they get it done & the average person can mix it & feed garden plants as well as get results you can see they're not in business to fail they gotta get results or their products won't sell I've grown weed in their moisture control soil & got about the same results as I did using fox farms stuff early in the grow I didn't feed until the plants consumed some of the nitrogen out of it
The blurple tent is showing considerable progress as this clone wasn't the healthiest when I bought it but it was the last one they had & as soon as I got root growth I put it in it isn't all sour'd it has og in it too this is the same bucket I had the sour'd inIMG_2266.JPGIMG_2268.JPG
People hate on miracle grow probably because they are a corporate giant & use whatever is the cheapest method of generating a viable fertilizer they can but they get it done & the average person can mix it & feed garden plants as well as get results you can see they're not in business to fail they gotta get results or their products won't sell I've grown weed in their moisture control soil & got about the same results as I did using fox farms stuff early in the grow I didn't feed until the plants consumed some of the nitrogen out of it
It's propaganda put out by hydro stores to keep people buying their expensive water bottles.
I'm gonna start researching nutes & get even more simple soon

1. Here's the base mix 5-11-26 with all the needed micros (also available in smaller quantities);

2. They also sell calcium nitrate on the site.

3. They can sell you mag sulfate or you can get it yourself in the pharmacy section; 'epsom salt'

4. In peak bloom, add a dash of MKP, aka monopotassium phosphate; 0-52-32. A little goes a LONG way!

DONE! If you're running in soilless mix, coco, Tupur, etc, you can add humic/fulvic acid and microbial inoculants but they won't do you any good in deep water culture.

Your research is now complete. My consulting bill is in the mail.
1. Here's the base mix 5-11-26 with all the needed micros (also available in smaller quantities);

2. They also sell calcium nitrate on the site.

3. They can sell you mag sulfate or you can get it yourself in the pharmacy section; 'epsom salt'

4. In peak bloom, add a dash of MKP, aka monopotassium phosphate; 0-52-32. A little goes a LONG way!

DONE! If you're running in soilless mix, coco, Tupur, etc, you can add humic/fulvic acid and microbial inoculants but they won't do you any good in deep water culture.

Your research is now complete. My consulting bill is in the mail.
thanks ttystikk