When I first started growing, the list in the mix seemed to satisfy a lot of the advice I was reading so thought why not! Turns out its a pretty good growing medium and I haven't moved from it, might try my hand at creating my own mix but seems a ton of hassle when this stuff does a great job.
There isn't a calcium deficiency, its the magnesium thats the problem. Know theres also roughly 30mg/l of calcium in tap water in addition to whats in the mix so would be surprised if I come across a calcium deficiency unless PH is out of wack (water here is PH neutral, so 4 drops of PH down into 2 litres gets it roughly to 6.5). Every grow I did before the calmag presented with purple stems and purple veins etc which the Cal Mag seems to remedy. I put it in at 4 weeks as a preventative rather than a treatment from past experience, and keeps it green. Would just give it a magnesium supplement, but the only thing I could find at the local was cal mag so went with that. Will try to source the magnesium on its own once the cal mag gets used up.
Aged bark is there for aeration you're correct and correct again on the azomite
Bark is a pain the arse when watering though as its naturally buoyant, loves to move the soil around (or at least the top layer), and even had exposed roots before where its been laying directly atop them.
There isn't a calcium deficiency, its the magnesium thats the problem. Know theres also roughly 30mg/l of calcium in tap water in addition to whats in the mix so would be surprised if I come across a calcium deficiency unless PH is out of wack (water here is PH neutral, so 4 drops of PH down into 2 litres gets it roughly to 6.5). Every grow I did before the calmag presented with purple stems and purple veins etc which the Cal Mag seems to remedy. I put it in at 4 weeks as a preventative rather than a treatment from past experience, and keeps it green. Would just give it a magnesium supplement, but the only thing I could find at the local was cal mag so went with that. Will try to source the magnesium on its own once the cal mag gets used up.
Aged bark is there for aeration you're correct and correct again on the azomite

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