You are really burned up about that huh? He told me "fuck you" just the other day to please you guys. You have noticed a common theme regarding my criticism of the berntards right? I go hard on certain ones and generally leave others mostly alone. Like Travisw, he obviously likes most comments criticizing me, but only comments sparingly and never belies bigoted views against minorities or vulnerable groups so I have mostly left him alone. Same with you, I haven't seen you going off on gay people or black people. I heard some shit about you and Somalians but I haven't seen it so no beef no meme war. People are always saying UB goes after bigots and it's true, so we basically tag team the idiots. They're so salty about it that you can get likes just for disagreeing with me. Try it, I can get you likes from all my pet berners like Padaraper, ttyshtick and that other idiot with the monkey avi, I forget his name. You know the dumb ass canadian racist twit. I also stay out of a lot of threads altogether so as not to completely occupy all discussion. I don't know why the desperation to get into team battles. The Clintonites have criticized me for not voting Clinton and I know I can't change their minds but I'm over her and I'm not upset about what they have to say. I just want to confront racists and closet racists like the certain few in the berntard crowd I have been targeting.