Introducing - specializing in DIY and Citizen COBs

yes im waiting for robins 140s to come in - the best passives around, hands down.

Yah I no Robin dealer for heat sinks. Northern grow lights had the best deals on heat sinks I've ever seen I was on speaking to a heatsink dealer and heatsink dealer said since you're getting a small number why don't I give you to my United States distributor agent I said okay he gave me his name and said here's the link Northern grow light. I waz like small world they're selling the heat sinks for eight bucks a piece Alabaa but you have to get a lot
I like to see him come out with some boards similar to Phantom and if possible to start carrying some different brand LED cobs other than what you're caring now just nue stock wood be cool. And lolololol put some clu48 1216. On sale lolol pleezz. I need than so bad its not funny.


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you can do one driver per cob but most people do all cobs on one driver

id do 4x cxm22 on 133mm
a single hlg-320-48a driver will do up to ~90W/cob
Yo, @CobKits. bought a 100 cobs from you back in the day and just getting around to finishing up my project.

For a refresher,
I ordered a variety of clu-048 1818.
bjb holders
HLG-240-c1400b drivers
3 cobs per driver. 3 drivers per light.
Wired up the first light of 12 no issue. Wired up the second light identically and driver 1 is lighting and Driver 2 and 3 aren't lighting up their chips. They have power and test out at 177v dc out the driver. Double checked all wiring. Everything looks good. Checked voltage across each led and thats where the problem lies. I have 97v across the first chip in series, then nothing on the second and third cob on driver 2 and no lights lit. On driver 3, no chips light and the voltage is registering on cob 2 but not on cob 1 or 3. Any suggestions?

It's odd. Seems to me a bad connection on the chip or in the holder itself.. If I understand correctly, having a bad connection off the the bat could theoretically nuke the whole string due to over-volting the 2 remaining chips? Have you experienced problems with the bjb holders and heat sink pads? The pads seem to bend the bjbs when tightened.

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wow build looks great!

Checked voltage across each led and thats where the problem lies. I have 97v across the first chip in series,
measured from where to where?

It's odd seems to me a bad connection on the chip or in the holder itself.
its more common than you think, esp if the wire is out of spec, which holders and what wire size? also im assuming you double checked polarity of chips in holders

If I understand correctly, having a bad connection off the the bat could theoretically nuke the whole string due to over-volting the 2 remaining chips?

in series it will just break the circuit, you cant hurt the cobs. driver wont put out 1400 mA in any case

check those holders and holler back (email better)
Here's some reference shots of the gaps with thermal pads first, and thermal paste second.


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This is what I was going to order but I don't know if you have the driver to run all 6 of these cobs so I got 2 of the hlg185hc1400b which I could run 8 with both 4 on each as that's how I'm running 8 now I'm a beginner would like to use one driver also not sure everything I need besides the screws and wire I have is o. List if your able to help that be great thanks


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you could also run 6 cobs on those 2 drivers and add 2 cobs later if you wish

you have reflector adapters but no actual reflectors. not sure you knew that. i suppose if you wer eplanning on adding reflectors later you could put the adapters on now just to be ready so youre not climbing up over your girls with tiny screws and screwdrivers to mount the adapters later. clicking on reflectors is a 5 second one-hand job

heatsinks come with screws, id order (4) 2-slot wagos for easy wiring, im out of wire right now, you could pick up 18 ga solid wire locally (home depot t-stat wire is popular)