bernie and jane are lawyering up!

I wish we could hear from more Bernie supporters on here. @Olive Drab Green
I supported Bernie during the election, but have long since formed a new opinion of him. Meanwhile, you're still dildoing your asshole to Trump from your trailer, praying he fucks you for every cent you have left. How do you ethically reconcile being a poor guy voting for the wealthy who want to oppress you and lie to you?
I supported Bernie during the election, but have long since formed a new opinion of him. Meanwhile, you're still dildoing your asshole to Trump from your trailer, praying he fucks you for every cent you have left. How do you ethically reconcile being a poor guy voting for the wealthy who want to oppress you and lie to you?
Two pump hates non-whites and thus supports trump. It's that simple.
I supported Bernie during the election, but have long since formed a new opinion of him. Meanwhile, you're still dildoing your asshole to Trump from your trailer, praying he fucks you for every cent you have left. How do you ethically reconcile being a poor guy voting for the wealthy who want to oppress you and lie to you?
This is what makes (most of) the left substantially more credible than the right...

We know when we've been assfucked by our own decisions and admit we were wrong.
well a lot of us used to be leftists, so there's that, so we admitted we were wrong on that.

Your idea of leftist is obviously pretty fucked.

Be honest, you must've had a pretty shitty life if all you can think about now is "me me me".

I make good money now (didn't always) and I gladly pay tax (and would pay more) if it goes to the right place and helps less lucky people out.

Your idea of leftist is obviously pretty fucked.

Be honest, you must've had a pretty shitty life if all you can think about now is "me me me".

I make good money now (didn't always) and I gladly pay tax (and would pay more) if it goes to the right place and helps less lucky people out.

pretty cucked huh? I believed in universal healthcare and education as rights, woah so fucked.

i was far to the left of You once. almost liberation theologist like constant conflict.....i suspect we are close in age. there is a slight perspective benefit in having played for the other side.
I supported Bernie during the election, but have long since formed a new opinion of him. Meanwhile, you're still dildoing your asshole to Trump from your trailer, praying he fucks you for every cent you have left. How do you ethically reconcile being a poor guy voting for the wealthy who want to oppress you and lie to you?
Probably the same way I felt when Obama won. Lol, Still waiting for this change and the end of the Afghan and Iraq wars.... bongsmilie
This is what makes (most of) the left substantially more credible than the right...

We know when we've been assfucked by our own decisions and admit we were wrong.
Can you admit you were wrong about Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton? I have a clean conscience with my vote Gary Johnson.
Can you admit you were wrong about Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton? I have a clean conscience with my vote Gary Johnson.
How was I "wrong" about Clinton? She won the vote by over 3%.

I don't agree with the slave/farm state having undue power.
How was I "wrong" about Clinton? She won the vote by over 3%.

I don't agree with the slave/farm state having undue power.
Just because more people voted for her doesn't make it right. Trump won is that right? Or would we have been better with Gary Johnson who wanted to legalize marijuana?

Clinton campaigned for Schedule 2 marijuana.
Your shit is safe because Trump's got it saved up under his wrinkly, geriatric balls for you. You know. After he finished fucking you in the ass.

Your taxes don't fund the GI Bill, retard. We all pay into it over the course of one year. Suck my dick when your mouth's free of Trump's load.
come on man.. we know trump cant get it up. this is how i know
Your shit is safe because Trump's got it saved up under his wrinkly, geriatric balls for you. You know. After he finished fucking you in the ass.

Your taxes don't fund the GI Bill, retard. We all pay into it over the course of one year. Suck my dick when your mouth's free of Trump's load.

are you seriously mentally handicapped?

why not elaborate on what you mean by "we".

deliver that punchline.
dude my shit is safe from all you asset seizing morons. you can get my little taxes for the moment for consideration on your gi Bill until I blip off the radar again though. you're welcome.

you don't make enough money to pay taxes. you do qualify for free food and healthcare courtesy of yours truly though.