Best way to get rid of gnat problem??


Active Member
I heard azamax works, also gnatarol and go gnats. Any other ones that are highly effective? I need something or a method to clean these fuckers out for good. Right now I'm using mosquito bits but they suck ass and are doing nothing for the girls. I'm doing soil drenches also I'm layering the top soil with it. Any help is appreciated thanks.
I heard azamax works, also gnatarol and go gnats. Any other ones that are highly effective? I need something or a method to clean these fuckers out for good. Right now I'm using mosquito bits but they suck ass and are doing nothing for the girls. I'm doing soil drenches also I'm layering the top soil with it. Any help is appreciated thanks.
gnat nix and some no pest strips, sticky traps. if they are just gnats.
I heard azamax works, also gnatarol and go gnats. Any other ones that are highly effective? I need something or a method to clean these fuckers out for good. Right now I'm using mosquito bits but they suck ass and are doing nothing for the girls. I'm doing soil drenches also I'm layering the top soil with it. Any help is appreciated thanks.

Hmm, I'm using Mosquito Bits too. You are saying it failed as a preventative?

I have read that a mild peroxide solution (.75%) will kill gnat larvae. I haven't had gnats so far so no first hand experience but it's something you might research.
Hmm, I'm using Mosquito Bits too. You are saying it failed as a preventative?

I have read that a mild peroxide solution (.75%) will kill gnat larvae. I haven't had gnats so far so no first hand experience but it's something you might research.
No not as a preventative for an infestation. Now that I think of it I have heard of that peroxide method but haven't done thorough research on it though. Thanks I'll check it out. If you don't mind me asking what's the dosage or measurements you use when applying the mosquito bits?
The jug I got covers a really large area so I'm only using a soda cap full for each pot. It says it works in 24 hours but since it's a live culture I suspect it needs some time to work it's way through the media. I guess I will know whether it works down the road. I don't think a heavy dose would be bad for the plant so if you're trying to deal with an infestation using a larger amount might help.
The jug I got covers a really large area so I'm only using a soda cap full for each pot. It says it works in 24 hours but since it's a live culture I suspect it needs some time to work it's way through the media. I guess I will know whether it works down the road. I don't think a heavy dose would be bad for the plant so if you're trying to deal with an infestation using a larger amount might help.
Yeah beacuse i am using about 2 to 3 tbs per half gallon.
So i vacuumed the top layer of soil then did a soil drench with gognats and put a new top layer of soil then another top layer of gnat nix and put yellow sticky traps. The first week there was some and I caught them with the yellow sticky traps but this is my second week and they seem to be all gone.
It also really helps to create an environment gnats hate. I put a box fan on the floor blowing directly at my pots. They can't fly around. Let your soil dry out between waterings. Put a layer of sand over your soil. Use yellow sticky traps, mosquito dunks etc. Hit them hard!
Yeah at first i was hitting them with mosquito bits and dyna grow pure neem oil it wasnt really working then i did the gognats and the gnat nix seems to have cleared them up.
I Grow in coco and I usually always have to deal with them. So I started top costing my soils with perlite,hydroton, and sometimes DE(Rare) and made sure the top of soil was well ventilated.

I would set up some Yellow sticky traps to catch the adults.

And every other watering I would put BT in my water. I notice the larvae didn't like it and would die off.

And also water when needed. Larvae can't live in dry soil. Give them a little time for the soil to dry and let the larvae have a hard time.
Yellow sticky cards hang them at the pot level off a branch. Clear off loose top soil, and water when soil is dry. This will clear it up. Food grade DE does not work when wet so if you use it you have to water from the bottom. So I would just do the above. 3 weeks and you will see very few if any
Hope this helps.......

Here's how to kill gnats:

  • Gnats are attracted to rotten or wet areas. Minimizing rotting material in your pots will minimize your chances for attracting gnats. Eliminate their food supply, and they'll die.
  • Gnats like to feed on fungus and organic matter in soil. Avoid over-watering your garden. Allow the soil to dry in all potted plants. Gnat larvae can't survive in dry soil.
  • Gnats can be killed with aerosol insecticides. Chemicals like pyrethrins, resmethrin, tetramethrin, and d-trans allethrin will kill any gnats they contact. Avoid spraying food or plants directly with these chemicals. Spray the insecticides every seven days for five weeks to get rid of the gnats for good. Gnats usually only live for a month, so if you don't miss any applications you should get them all.
  • Gnats are attracted to bright lights and colors. Changing your lights from white (MH) sodium lights (HPS) should keep gnats away.
  • Gnats can be zapped with electric bug zappers. Although they won't get rid of all of them, these devices will kill a lot of gnats, and help keep their population down while you attack them in other ways. Amazon sells smaller room size units for garages, etc.
  • Gnats are attracted to bright colors. Therefore, brightly colored bug traps will kill some of your gnats. Use bright insect strips or make your own with by putting sticky oil on brightly painted cardboard. Hang the traps out in the open to attract the gnats