Good post. Curing is the best method ever, its more than a method, its the right way to do it if you enjoy your buds taste.
FDD, how many days do you dry your buds before jarring.
depends on the weather. 3 to 4 days in the summer. up to 10 in the winter.
and do they seem crispy or dry on the outside before u jar em? Mine are feeling dry on day 5 of drying. Im in NorCal so we have similar weather atm.
hey fdd, im about to hang my plants in a week or so. i plan on hanging my plant for a week and curing for about 2-3weeks. my question is, have u ever put those silicon packets that absorb the oxygen into the jars? i read it somewhere but dont know if its a good idea.
WOW graf obviously cant read.... KWIKI WAS COMPLIMENTING FDD!!!!
And i compliment him too,,, i think every one should stop saying shit and just agree that FDD.... who ever he is... is a great grower and a benefit to this site...!!1
how about you get off my thread. i'm only offering people a second opinion before you convince them all to destroy their weed. did you not read the part where i said i've tried them all? now you just had to get pissy. i am not knocking quick drying. i'm just letting everyone know IT IS NOT THE BEST WAY TO DRY YOUR POT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's all. now go play. and be nice. i love you.
guess these all go in the trash.
View attachment 6522
Just so everyone knows, I'm not wasting any more time with fdd, who now resides on my ignore list. Anyone who cites a grow-book which recommends sealing damp buds in a glass jar as good information isn't worth my attention, much less my keystrokes.
Remember, marijuana grow books are NOT bibles, no matter how many of them co-opt the name 'bible.' Grow book authors can and frequently DO get it wrong- they're not working against any peer-review process. You can cite all the wrong information you want- but it won't get any righter.
RELAX THC "particles"?
What, do they put their little feet up and click on the teev?
Hey, there's some science...![]()
your an idiot man, and now you look like a total asshole. First off I know many growers, 1 thats been growing for 40 years, and her stuff is fucking bullshit, so your theory "if you've been growing for 20 years your good" is wrong, now I dont see how this man was talking down to FDD, i dont even see how you can mistake that so thats why I called you an idiot. (I mean idiot in the nicest sense of the word) This man at 22 has grown in a cardboard box and transplants outside and gets results hes proud of, if thats not a good grower I dont know what is. I just hope you see how you were wrong and this man was not talking down to fdd, but you talked down to this man so unfortunatly you look like a totally douche. This forum is for love of a plant, dont god ranting off to a member for complimenting someone. I hope none of THIS post has gone over your head as well. BTW good stuff FDD keep up the good work.okay little man, first of all, you said this the first time around: ""jesus fdd, you have a lot of reference to go by. and a book on rolling? man you know your shit. i commend you. my favorite rollit-upper"
then you tried saying that this is what you meant by that: "this is what i said: "wow man you have done quite a bit of reasearch. that is really cool i think you are a really good grower!"
so yes, you DID talk down on someone that has been growing for 20 FUCKING years while you are growing in boxes then transplanting outdoors, you should grow 30 plants, transplant, then talk shit to someone who has no clue.... for instance, yourself.
and you are right commend is a very long word....... for people who lie and act as if they can cheat their way out of shit like what they say or do...
karma....what goes around comes around yadayadayada ya know its justa matter of time b4 somethin bad happens to any one of us right?? exactly so, karma is really just life, fuck karma, I hope she hears me too!!
grumpy old shithead??? what?? Im 22 yrs old and Im never grumpy, I just get pissed when COCKS like you come out of nowhere, dont know what the fuck they are talking about, and THEN out of all things try to fuckin lie about it..... so, I WIN!! YOURE A KID, YOU LOSE!!! good nite.......... SIR!
There is a reason to, if you can afford a dehumidafier and your closet or whereever your growing is too moist you can you dissecant to remove moisture. If your humidity is already fine than I would advise against it because you want your hang to go on as long as possible (pretty much)no reason to.![]()
The point is to sweat the moisture from the center of the bud and evenly distribute it.
yeah, I get it now, I did say that if he was actually complimenting him I apologize.....
For some reason I could see myself saying that... but if I did say it, it WOULD be a smartass comment- I guess its a guilty conscience type thing.....
But again........ I apologize.