Leaves dying from bottom up


hey guy i really need help here one of my plant is dying the leaves turn light yellow and keep falling off i dont know what is going on .. i feed them once a week (1 tablespoon of nute per gallon).... they were doing fine for the first 2 weeks but now one of them is dying ... my light is a 400watt hps with the cooling fan also, she not too close either i have a fan for ventillation also... i water them every 3 days with run off. some leave keep showing up and growing also.. the other plants the leaves drooping down.(third picture) is the light is too close? ( i know the picture is a little shitty cause of the light ...)


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Well-Known Member
Real bad pics but i would say prob not enough N maybe? try giving her some stronger nutes and maybe feed less but more often(once a week just doesn't sound enough to me)
But you really need some better pics for more assistance. Try taking images with a normal house light on rather than the hps to improve the quality of the images.


Real bad pics but i would say prob not enough N maybe? try giving her some stronger nutes and maybe feed less but more often(once a week just doesn't sound enough to me)
But you really need some better pics for more assistance. Try taking images with a normal house light on rather than the hps to improve the quality of the images.
yes i will!


yes i will!
i think that i found the problem... due that im away from home for 3 weeks every month, i fill jugs of water (with a ph of 6.30) for my wife so she can water my plant , the jug sit there until she use them... so the ph change....i think that is the problem.. is that possible?


Well-Known Member
Stop overwatering the plants; watering too soon when they don't need it.

Air to the roots is the most important thing.


Well-Known Member
Definitely the worst pics I have ever seen.
You take the prize for sure!

"Cellphone cameras. In 2002, the first phones with built-in cameras became publicly available, including the Nokia 7650 and the Sanyo SPC-5300. The Nokia phone boasted "a large 176x208 pixel colour display," according to a media release at the time."

So which phone did you snap these photos with, the Nokia or the Sanyo? :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i think that i found the problem... due that im away from home for 3 weeks every month, i fill jugs of water (with a ph of 6.30) for my wife so she can water my plant , the jug sit there until she use them... so the ph change....i think that is the problem.. is that possible?
As stated above wait untill they are dry at least on top before watering again, use 2l plastic or glass bottles to store your mixed nutes in and store them somewhere cool and dark to prevent algea growing.

There are some good nutes out there that will hold a ph with buffers so it should'nt be a problem storing for a short time say 1 week. probably best showing your wife how to mix it fresh.


Well-Known Member
i agree thx
any time. the only thing ive watered mostly with microbes only needed to feed liketwice idk if u gotta be 100percent organic but i can recomend coconut water i put like a teaspoon to a liter not sure what the actual dossage is but i watered last night i checked today deffenatly a diffrence bit more stinky and the leaves where praying up to the lights im sold


any time. the only thing ive watered mostly with microbes only needed to feed liketwice idk if u gotta be 100percent organic but i can recomend coconut water i put like a teaspoon to a liter not sure what the actual dossage is but i watered last night i checked today deffenatly a diffrence bit more stinky and the leaves where praying up to the lights im sold
perfect that what i want .. mine were droopy but it look like they went up a bit! im using floramicro... when u say " only need to feed twice" , do you mean twice for its whole life?