Dead republicans make me happy

Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment. By the way, and if she gets to pick --if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know. But I'll tell you what, that will be a horrible day

You dont fuck with Walter Sobchak

That wasn't a sucker punch. That was a direct hit. A sucker punch is when you run up out of nowhere from the side or back, hit them, then run away.
Is this the woman that was swinging glass bottles at peoples heads and using mace?


Oh yes it is.

How fitting for this thread. lol
Ban this retard already

Obviously RIU likes the troll. Unless that is how he really feels about republicans or wants others to feel that way.

Left is pushing hate on republicans all day every day to encourage violence.

They want a civil war over a lost election because Trump is going to tear down all the "progress" the left/liberal/communist party accomplished.

All they can do is cry victim. Left is the party of victims.
Obviously RIU likes the troll. Unless that is how he really feels about republicans or wants others to feel that way.

Left is pushing hate on republicans all day every day to encourage violence.

They want a civil war over a lost election because Trump is going to tear down all the "progress" the left/liberal/communist party accomplished.

All they can do is cry victim. Left is the party of victims.
Tired of all that winning yet?
Obviously RIU likes the troll. Unless that is how he really feels about republicans or wants others to feel that way.

Left is pushing hate on republicans all day every day to encourage violence.

They want a civil war over a lost election because Trump is going to tear down all the "progress" the left/liberal/communist party accomplished.

All they can do is cry victim. Left is the party of victims.

Lol....Pie, Have you drowned your kids yet? You know, to "save" them from the inevitable progressive take over.
Might as well lie when you can't concede.

Stopped payments to Syrian Rebels. Pretty happy about that. Rounding up pedos, illegal alien criminals, criminal refugees, and enforcing the border. All good stuff.

Pursuing the ban on countries that are currently training camps for Jihad. Maybe they will start cracking down on Martyr camps in the US too.