Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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Thanks for posting this. Single payer healthcare and living wages are NOT 'fringe issues' and the failure of establishment Democrats to come out in strong and united support of these initiatives is costing them credibility, support- and votes.

So funny this is. Even the #1 donor of the DNC sees the writing on the wall and is in full support of Bernies platform.

Meanwhile, the Hillary zombies are chanting "more of the same!".

lol to that
So funny this is. Even the #1 donor of the DNC sees the writing on the wall and is in full support of Bernies platform.

Meanwhile, the Hillary zombies are chanting "more of the same!".

lol to that
What really gets me is the notion that we need to support Democrats who take all the money so they'll get elected- and then they'll vote not to allow people to take the money anymore. Suuuuure they will...

I mean, WTF kind of thought process is that?
I just had a conversation with a private citizen who identified herself as a Democrat, but voted for Trump because he seemed like the lesser of two evils.

This is adding up to a trend and tells me that both parties, for whatever reason, are badly out of touch with the majority of their constituents.
I just had a conversation with a private citizen who identified herself as a Democrat, but voted for Trump because he seemed like the lesser of two evils.

This is adding up to a trend and tells me that both parties, for whatever reason, are badly out of touch with the majority of their constituents.
This is adding up to a trend and tells me that both parties, for whatever reason, are badly out of touch with the majority of their constituents.

There's nothing in the middle and it's frustrating. It's the reason why things are the way they are today. Either right or left, there's no compromise and it's destroying our country day by day.
There's nothing in the middle and it's frustrating. It's the reason why things are the way they are today. Either right or left, there's no compromise and it's destroying our country day by day.
What left?

The Republicans are so right wing that any further movement lands them in fascist territory and the Democraps have been co-opted by the donor class to the point where they're more center right.

By contrast Bernie right about dead center of the political spectrum and the only leftist I know is so afraid to talk that he won't even reveal his actual positions. (Yes, I'm talking about you, @abandonconflict. I do wish you'd grow a pair and tell us what you think.)

The notion that Democraps represent the left of the political spectrum is a laughable joke to anyone on the planet- except Americans.
There's nothing in the middle and it's frustrating. It's the reason why things are the way they are today. Either right or left, there's no compromise and it's destroying our country day by day.
Now I will agree with you about the atmosphere of polarization and the rejection of compromise- but I strongly suspect that it's a show, window dressing designed to deceive and distract the American public from the realization that both parties are bought and paid for subsidiaries of Corporate America and the donor class who own them.
What really gets me is the notion that we need to support Democrats who take all the money so they'll get elected- and then they'll vote not to allow people to take the money anymore. Suuuuure they will...

that's what they did though. the vote is on record, you simpering retard.
i don't watch retarded youtube videos, don't get too full of yourself.
You say that word so much I'm wondering if you're just projecting.

If you decide not to listen, don't be surprised when you miss something important.

I used to respect you. But you've become a hardened establishment Democratic shill, ready to attack anything that doesn't agree with your narrow vision.

Except that establishment Democrats only have money in their vision. They don't give a shit about what the average American wants or needs, they just want that donor cash. They'll do their damnedest to deceive anyone to keep getting it.

How does it feel to be sold out?
A majority of Americans believe the Democratic party doesn't have a message other than that they're against Trump; 52%

As bad as the Republican party is and the American people still think the Democratic party is worse..

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