pure shoreline Acapulco grow and seeding.

I love to improvise.

Playing someone else's licks does require skill no doubt, however your not learning your own style playing others licks note for note.

The leads still need to make sense but a decent player and improviser can usually do so.

If there smiling, your doing good lol

One Love
Want a fun project?

Plant a strawberry patch with your favorite strain indoors.

Help the strawberries by being the Bee if you will to help with pollen.

Use also a cannabis male and let him pollinate.

Sometimes by the first generation you will get strawberry.

If not the first, plant those seeds from the first round back in the patch and repeat again and come tell the rev what happens.

You will see true wisdom and how this tree really works.

Then you will say..... The poor man really did come and give it to us all for free.

Life and wisdom you cannot put a price on and why no book for the rev will be published or no YouTube video can be made.

Rev tells truth that scares your rulers whom have the mentality of a pitiful and retarded sociopathic child and only half truths or all out horse shit is allowed promotion to the masses.... Fact.

I have a feeling Islam does not accept their Mahdi either because he told them that Islam like all religion is not religion, however being a true Muslim is, the old fathers where Muslim, not Islam And there is a big difference.

Just remember what I always say.... Madness is easily tested, just try what the " mad man" tells you and you will prove him right or wrong every single time without fail.

Do not have contempt prior to investigation and trial or you hurt number one.... Yourselves
Tell you what. Ill bite. I got fresh male cannabis pollen right now. What else can I cross it with. Ill do just that and test it.

I've always said ill try most any grow claim once. Ill post the results and report the honest answer.
Tell you what. Ill bite. I got fresh male cannabis pollen right now. What else can I cross it with. Ill do just that and test it.

I've always said ill try most any grow claim once. Ill post the results and report the honest answer.
The male cannabasum pollen and fruit or berry or herb pollen must be mixed and applied to bud for seeds to get the traits.

If not in first generation, take seeds from first try and repeat.

Took time to develop these in the wild however the traits can sometimes be passed rather quick with some counterparts...
The male cannabasum pollen and fruit or berry or herb pollen must be mixed and applied to bud for seeds to get the traits.

If not in first generation, take seeds from first try and repeat.

Took time to develop these in the wild however the traits can sometimes be passed rather quick with some counterparts...

I can say that in my guerilla grows in different spots I've noticed different terpene profile. Like in pine thickets I get pine bud. Honey suckle thickets I get hints of honey suckle, blackberry etc.

I can say that in my guerilla grows in different spots I've noticed different terpene profile. Like in pine thickets I get pine bud. Honey suckle thickets I get hints of honey suckle, blackberry etc.
Exactly and when you use a male and make efforts you get the results.

When everyone gets to thinking you will all help prove this with me without trying.

Light bulbs will come on and stay on.

One love
Str8 up noob right here, and subbed.

I always get the same feeling when the truth is on display. If I were listening to you my ears would be ringing.

I been a consumer of cannabis for years, my initial reason for starting to grow my own was to gain more control over what I was putting into my body and to help heal people. Loss my dad to lung cancer 2 years ago. He was a master gardener and worked for a highly regarded vegan wellness institute in the south. He loved plants and understood the healing properties of the plants he grew out, and would grow almost anything he could get his hands on.

He had a rough battle, tried almost everything the doctors said wouldn't work. His condition declined rapidly during the last year of his life, and he started to look up the healing properties of cannabis. When I would visit him, he would secretly question me about whether I thought it could help him. In secret because he knew I smoked but my family is strict non-denominational Christian. I dissect that bullshit with truth anytime I get the chance.

Anyway, I did not have the courage to force the issue with my oppressive, Christian-slave minded family. I regret that all the time. It was discovered that he had taken an interest in cannabis, he was made to feel like it was a sin to even entertain the idea that cannabis could heal him. People are shit. Here is a man with a professional background in growing healing plants, but because of dogma and policy his family could not support his decisions at the 11th hour. Dad moved on, maybe still could be here idk only God knows. Not long after he passed I built my setup and got into growing veggies outdoors. Changed my lifestyle and diet. I took in everything he taught me about plants before he passed.

After smoking enough garbage for years you get a good idea of whats good and what bad for you. Some strain put you in places mentally you really shouldn't be. I realized this and decided its important to take control and grow my own medicine for me and the open minded.

This thread you started resonates with me in so many ways I couldn't even began to describe. Thank you for your humility and your God given wisdom sir. And remember, do not cast your pearls before swine, or they will........
Str8 up noob right here, and subbed.

I always get the same feeling when the truth is on display. If I were listening to you my ears would be ringing.

I been a consumer of cannabis for years, my initial reason for starting to grow my own was to gain more control over what I was putting into my body and to help heal people. Loss my dad to lung cancer 2 years ago. He was a master gardener and worked for a highly regarded vegan wellness institute in the south. He loved plants and understood the healing properties of the plants he grew out, and would grow almost anything he could get his hands on.

He had a rough battle, tried almost everything the doctors said wouldn't work. His condition declined rapidly during the last year of his life, and he started to look up the healing properties of cannabis. When I would visit him, he would secretly question me about whether I thought it could help him. In secret because he knew I smoked but my family is strict non-denominational Christian. I dissect that bullshit with truth anytime I get the chance.

Anyway, I did not have the courage to force the issue with my oppressive, Christian-slave minded family. I regret that all the time. It was discovered that he had taken an interest in cannabis, he was made to feel like it was a sin to even entertain the idea that cannabis could heal him. People are shit. Here is a man with a professional background in growing healing plants, but because of dogma and policy his family could not support his decisions at the 11th hour. Dad moved on, maybe still could be here idk only God knows. Not long after he passed I built my setup and got into growing veggies outdoors. Changed my lifestyle and diet. I took in everything he taught me about plants before he passed.

After smoking enough garbage for years you get a good idea of whats good and what bad for you. Some strain put you in places mentally you really shouldn't be. I realized this and decided its important to take control and grow my own medicine for me and the open minded.

This thread you started resonates with me in so many ways I couldn't even began to describe. Thank you for your humility and your God given wisdom sir. And remember, do not cast your pearls before swine, or they will........
Thanks brother.
Many we watched go and we almost died ourselves.
Not until I learned this truth did I see the answer was in front of us, we just need to understand it now among other things hidden from most.

It is just fear.

Huge and important info always comes from a nobody as is history and they share it freely and it simply scares the hell out of some that so many could be wrong.

Intentionally or not the " gurus " are wrong and if they can learn humility they can actually help stand instead of crying and explaining why they did not know.

Then we can all save lives.

I am here to see how many have the balls to see truth and stand for the sick and these kids.

It takes time to convince an entire community that they are messing up a tree that could save all.

Their humility will come whether they like it or not and big pharma will be gone for good.

Much hidden and more are awakening and soon more will stand against all the religious and historical and geographical and evolutionary lies and more that have been told for a very long time now.

The bastards day is upon them and the violent man and yet neither group believe until it happens.... Their harvest.

Hold to your dads teachings and eat plenty hemp.

Remember what I have shared about this tree and it's proper ripening and perhaps one day you will save a life.

One love
Decided to get these two saguaro cannabasum done.

They will ripen fast with this vertical 400 4100k and give me plenty of time to really make bushes out of the Acapulco and the new kush and blue agave.

These two are nice girls and will really chunk out so let's get fresh and pure saguaro on the ground for they indeed have a pure matching male waiting on them.

Just as important as any project we have done as you will not believe the grease they put out and probably the best of all meditation indica with morroco being next in line.

Need some sleep anyway so no more veg and let's see if we can jerk a knot in these while we let our bamboo trees really get huge and yes looks like we found the inland Acapulco male so that is great!

So let's make some bud and no quotes on yield, we will just see what happens but I should be smiling in a few weeks.

One loveIMG_20170719_143302.jpg IMG_20170719_143257.jpg
These two will be nothing but bud top to bottom and fun to watch.

Vertical is the way.

However my space will not allow a circle and that is how I roll if I go vertical.

However under the circumstances a quick vertical grow with these two saguaro will work perfect and really allow them to fill out.

Branches are already very strong so now they will bark over a bit and put out budolas!! Lol
But more on saguaro and bamboo pollinated cannabasum.

Just like the different microclimates I discussed and how they contribute also to each landraces region of distinction and characteristics, there is more.

Bamboo for instance, some are hallow and some are not.

That means, some bamboo pollinated cannabasum will have hallow stalks and some will not.

The inland Acapulco that most have seen that has seen them does not have hallow stalks and the inland as you will see especially when it buds and it's unique bud formation is what all call Acapulco gold.

The Acapulco reds around gruerro also do not have hallow stalks.

The Acapulco I call shoreline are most rare and most powerful on earth and indeed have hallow stalks and pump resin insane.

Old mom I really sent you something that probably not a soul in captivity have a pair of or even the gurus have ever seen.

Choose a good stud as they will be back crosses and stable and that is how it is done as in the wild the parents die.

Now, same with the saguaro cannabasum of Durango.

Many Cactus indica cannabasum has somewhat hallow stalks.

However the pollination with barrel " very rare in Mexico anymore because of barrel cactus habitat destruction " and huge saguaro make cannabis with huge Hallow stalks.

Morroco is greasy for it is barrel cactus cannabasum.

Sagauro however produces most hallow stalks of all.

In short, the saguaro cannabasum and the shorline Acapulco because of this characteristic are able to pump more resin than any other subspecies of cannabis.

Those two hands down are what made chemdawg and you can bet the farm on it.

Why also chem puts out resin insane and all strains derived from it like gorilla glue and many others.

However one takes away from the other in mental effects.

I much rather smoke one or the other than a combination and remember I have many hybrids I've also developed.

Pures are gods work and he cannot be beat.

I've smoked and eaten the top 100 strains in the world and nothing compares... Period.

Maybe if more gurus would have used correct lighting and gave more time, they would have seen long ago what I share freely now.

The ones here that have common sense will hear and apply and see for themselves and then help me to prove all these things for we are in this together .... That simple.

One love
Back to the grow.

Decided and it will work great.

In short, the male saguaro will be done and have these seeded by second /third week of September.

Once done I clean space and go ahead and put in my three kush and my inland Acapulco to flower with them.

By the time my inland male is pollinating, the saguaro will be well set with seed and continuing through the stages but I will still remove them when I pollinate the others but really will not matter then.

Will be like a bumper crop and still keeps me at the happy six flowering count.

Then after that i hope to finally do a captive pollination of these blue agave and if hybrid Bob does not want the blueberry x white widow I have, I will just let agave male hit her also later and that could create a hoot of a tree.

Let it be! Lol

One love
Growing in rental properties is not easy as most want no part.

The revs honest, they rather you not here either.

I have good landlords and they know I am alive and my family because of gods grace and this tree.

I pay my bills, I cause no harm and I keep my home and grow space clean and line the closets to cause no damage and most importantly I watch the amps.

You do these things and you will find someone to " tolerate " you.

Kindness goes also a very long way.

I tell my fellow growers that rent, follow the above and do not try and turn the whole damned place into a grow -op and you will do well.

Watts not as important as amps, so you watch the amps and why when I use hid I only use 400 and that is all that's needed.

In short, I can have all my lights running and still plug in vacuum to same breaker and not flick it.

12 amps is the furthest I will push a 15 amp breaker and when you stick to that you rest easy.

Most the time I run no more than 8-9 amps.

My bill is between 75-95 a month depending so not bad.

Because of those that have taken advantage it takes time to build trust and renters get sick of those whom destroy the property so you must be patient and earn that trust.

Common sense again goes a long way.

In the end it's just respect, show it and you will probably get it in return.

One love
So Rev how important is sun curing the buds? I have to grow indoors and can only put the buds out for a day or so to dry. Does this enhance the effect?

I know you said it decarboxylases the plant. Wondering if it adds to the trippy effect or anything else like that. I would love to sneak out a couple plants to just finish and die in the mountain sun around here. Not sure if that will ever happen.
So Rev how important is sun curing the buds? I have to grow indoors and can only put the buds out for a day or so to dry. Does this enhance the effect?

I know you said it decarboxylases the plant. Wondering if it adds to the trippy effect or anything else like that. I would love to sneak out a couple plants to just finish and die in the mountain sun around here. Not sure if that will ever happen.
Not worth it as it takes weeks so best to let final stage happen on the vine under light.
Perfect time to show what I meant about eating main fan leaves after topped.

Now this is not bugs.

Thrips been gone a long time so just listen and I will explain.

Once I top my girls or if they are wounded in the roots, will eat off of first main fan leaves to power out the branches or heal roots that could be wounded wich happens rarely Or build new roots for the new branches whether this is a result of me only giving plain water at the bottom or not, I do not debate, however they probably would not do this if sitting in nitrogen.

Point? Does it hurt them or hurt yield?

No, in fact it helps.


Once a fan leaf has powered out a branch it's job is done and I pull it.

When they do this and use the leaf as energy to power the branch they do the defoliation for you!

Works perfect every time.

The leaves are simply there to power out branches for sites.

Since the tree is cannabalistic and must for sure die in flowering, it made since that allowing some cannabalistic behavior in veg would be fine and it absolutely is outside of the fact it looks a bit unsightly until the leaf browns and falls to be used for healing oil.

Then the new beautiful branch is out with new fan leaves as you will see in next couple weeks and then top those and once again you will see fan leaves being eaten to power out more sites.

Hybrid Bob thought me nuts in this until I proved it.

Now he just uses molasses like me and let's the tree do its thing.

Now, as they become bushes and really fill out the pot, they will not respond and eat the leaves as aggressive because they have large roots and able to utilize the molasses well by then.

I do not even give molasses and sugar until they are filled out and or several weeks into flower.

Then they start exploding with size and resin.

Even when given Epsom the young ones will do this.

However why let them soak in nitrogen if it is not needed and does nothing to upset yield or quality?

Makes no sense to me so I let them do this until they get big and they explode then and cannabalistic themselves fast in flower for those pure cannabinoid.

Keep watching as these grow and in a few weeks you will see exactly what I mean as ole Bob did. Lol

One loveIMG_20170721_100518.jpg IMG_20170721_100512.jpg IMG_20170721_100506.jpg
Now Ms agave here is not being topped and she offset at 12th node and working on 14 and only seven weeks veg so pretty good.

Those bottom branches as you see are out and topped and the main fan leaves that powered them pulled.

This may be my future technique.

She will stop at 22 and then those branches and secondary branches I am creating will really do that deal.

Nothing wrong with topping around tenth node as I did the smaller ones above and start your training there but if I can hit all 22 nodes in less than three months and have most branches plucked and tailored it should yield more?

We shall see...

Oh and one shoreline Acapulco and and another was male.

So we got one shoreline female and one inland female and male hopeful is looking good.

Like the bamboo they pollinate with, they are slow growers but very powerful.

One loveIMG_20170721_100404.jpg