World Of Hempy

hey YT, can you post a picture of your pump/hose/wand? is everything like a 5/8 or 3/4" garden hose?
Here is a pic of my GENERIC watering wand....told u its FAR from anything fact, I need to redo it..probably use something like zip ties instead of tape...tape has a shelf life when u often get it wet...threw it together one day when I swapped back to this method from a water culture...has held up surprisingly well...LOL
Today marks exactly 6 weeks of flower (from timer flip)...not sure why but some ppl count flower time from when their plants 1st show flowers...not an accurate unit of measure and ALL seed specs are from timer incredible Bulks are done in 7.5 weeks so those 2 are already getting ramped down from White Widow and Cheese Candy both are best real close to 9 weeks so those got another week and time to clean them out...I always run my nutes LEAN as possible, so just cutting levels in half 2 weeks out starts to yellow them and then I withhold completely the last week...I like my yellowing to just start to reach the small inner leaves of the main tops..
Cleaned out nice then...foaming at the mouth to get this crop in so I can start my new THC Bombs..I never had the opportunity to grow or even smoke it, so I am excited about it...most likely turn that into a grow case your wondering, that pretty plant front left is a Cheese Candy...Cheese genetics grow some FAT BUDS....It was actually a single freebee from a previous lucky!!! Finding a keeper from a single seed doesn't happen often...

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Hmm, can attach a file but not inline with my post, oh well...

Has anyone tried hempy cloning? Ive got a trial going, looking great after a few days... I'll update once she roots. Ive been looking into ways of taking larger, more productive clones and this might be my solution!


You can do a foot long branch in a Styro coffee cup....its not gonna grow for you until it roots it (unless your plantlet growing), then stick in 16oz solo if you want it to take off immediately after rooting...but sure, there is NO REASON why you cant use a Hempy solo cup to root it in...As long as a cutting has a damp medium (I use a 50/50 perlite/vermiculite) and an increase humidity (prevent dehydration till roots develope), you could essentially root a clone in a 5 gal bucket...Its a space thing....But doing in a mini Hempy will certainly work and will jet right up soon as roots develope....I currently have seedlings AND cuttings in solo hempy's....I dont use mother plants so I take them off plants going into flower...they are around for weeks before I need them, so the solo hempy cups taken care of fact I can20170710_155759.jpg get them thru cpl prunnings BEFORE transplanting into a new crop..their heavily rooted and have multiple tops, so they REALLY TAKE OFF....
Off day for watering, but do numbers check every day soon whether in veg or flower...and took this pic...its a Cheese Candy nug right at the door...took it soon as light came on earlier today (beginning of day 44 of flower)....other than a cpl small hairs off my new puppy, it SUPER FROSTY, with 19 days left before harvest..reducing the light from 1000w to 750w, in a few days, and the last week will be on 50% power and 10 hr days to help hasten full ripening...I Always start reducing light power after 6 weeks of flowering or so....750w is plenty to help finish the sizing next few days, and reducing to 50% helps trich in nature, light intensity get weaker toward harvest...I have seen plenty of ppls trichs start to evaporate up high on their plants the last cpl weeks if the light intensity stays too high...your reducing (or eliminating) nutes, and the plants metabolism has slowed WAY DOWN....if ur growing with a 1k light, its even more important for beautiful trichs to reduce the light intensity the last 10 days to 2 least raise it up another cpl feet if you dont reduce it...once they achieve full size and are strickly in a ripening pattern, its time to tone down the intense rays...less is better to finish them up...not an issue with lower wattages...u could just raise up 600's and 400w lights wouldnt cause evaporation issue....20170715_034030_Burst01-1.jpg
Very nice! I'm wondering if anyone else is doing the light reduction? It sure seems to be working for you! I couldn't do it with my setup since I run perpetual, but I did raise my lights about 8 inches last night. I was getting some light burn on my tops anyway.
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Very nice! I'm wondering if anyone else is doing the light reduction? It sure seems to be working for you! I couldn't do it with my setup since I run perpetual, but I did raise my lights about 8 inches last night. I was getting some light burn on my tops anyway.
Many ppl do light reduction and been doing it for a long time....I learned about it 15 yrs can find comments around forums if you look around....just about anyone that has some good yrs under their belt using 1k lights has noticed their secondary tops had more full trich production....YT
Actually that Cheese Candy top has not seen and light reduction YET...Here is a top of my favorite White Widow is VERY susceptible to trich evaporation if I am not careful....It would be nothing short of a SIN to burn off some of those BEAUTIFUL trichs...the main tops SHOULD have FULLY SWOLLEN trichs right up to the tips as the lower part of the cola and secondary buds have...those tops have prime realestate positions in the garden but are also the ones at risk of having trichs start to evap on you with stronger light still POUNDING THEM late in life...Screenshot_2016-06-24-22-46-46-1-1-1-1-1(1).png
I never have but it has been another thing to try for some time.
(along with added spectrum, moving lights, vert, etc ;0)

Looks good too. P ;0)

I was thinking if 10/14 to reduce heat during these two blasted months too.
I never have but it has been another thing to try for some time.
(along with added spectrum, moving lights, vert, etc ;0)

Looks good too. P ;0)

I was thinking if 10/14 to reduce heat during these two blasted months too.
FYI, we made light movers with low rpm motors back in 1980 yrs before they came up with them commercially..IMO it is the most critical pc of equipment (after a quality light) elimates shading, give u a much more even bud size and ripening schedule...I never us it to SPREAD my light pattern further, purely to bring better lighting to all potential bud sights..a light mover im conjunction with selective defoliation gives u top yields AND VERY HOMOGENOUS buds....
back then, a buddy and myself got into building our own ballasts...we made a cpl u could run both HPS and Halides from it...These can out commercially about 10 yrs later...I am a retired engineer...when take a cpl engineers that LOVE to smoke weed, all kinds of cool ideas would flow around bong sessions...the old magnetic ballasts were work horses...they were loud, had to warm up to achieve proper color temps in your bulbs, but man they kept on running..still got the 1st HPS ballast I bought in 1984 AND IT STILL RUNS A LIGHT....The current digital controlled ballast are getting more reliable, and the dimmimg funtions are a wonderful thing...still on the fence with LED's...some day, they will be the ONLY CHOICE...
FYI, we made light movers with low rpm motors back in 1980 yrs before they came up with them commercially..IMO it is the most critical pc of equipment (after a quality light) elimates shading, give u a much more even bud size and ripening schedule...I never us it to SPREAD my light pattern further, purely to bring better lighting to all potential bud sights..a light mover im conjunction with selective defoliation gives u top yields AND VERY HOMOGENOUS buds....
back then, a buddy and myself got into building our own ballasts...we made a cpl u could run both HPS and Halides from it...These can out commercially about 10 yrs later...I am a retired engineer...when take a cpl engineers that LOVE to smoke weed, all kinds of cool ideas would flow around bong sessions...the old magnetic ballasts were work horses...they were loud, had to warm up to achieve proper color temps in your bulbs, but man they kept on running..still got the 1st HPS ballast I bought in 1984 AND IT STILL RUNS A LIGHT....The current digital controlled ballast are getting more reliable, and the dimmimg funtions are a wonderful thing...still on the fence with LED's...some day, they will be the ONLY CHOICE...
I was just gonna say, I have 2 1k hps on light movers in a 9 x 9 room and I do pretty well. I did raise the lights last night though because I was still getting burn on some of the taller girls. I run a random perpetual so it's hard to keep an even canopy. I think ur right about the movers. I have 3 oldies but goodies.
I was just gonna say, I have 2 1k hps on light movers in a 9 x 9 room and I do pretty well. I did raise the lights last night though because I was still getting burn on some of the taller girls. I run a random perpetual so it's hard to keep an even canopy. I think ur right about the movers. I have 3 oldies but goodies.
Dont feel bad about going to half power the last 10 days...the 1k is GREAT for packing on bud size, but once they are there, its way not necessary and in fact can do more dmg than good...The even canopy is always good...are they screened???..I dont use a screen cause my room is locked in by walls around it, so I couldnt get at the ones in the back...screens are nice IF you can go around the sides such as a tent u zip or the space is in an open area...I want to be able to get to EVERY ONE...cuttings, defoliations, and if they had to be pulled out of the closet for some reason...those screens COMMIT you and LOCKS the plants where they are at....I asked cause wondering why you could put a 90° bend on any mains that got too tall, to keep your canopy more even, AND maintain a light height that accomodates everyone...Hate to run a light TOO HIGH for a small % that got too tall...Im sure u have considered every option...I just get visuals when someone describes their grow room...LOL....
Dont feel bad about going to half power the last 10 days...the 1k is GREAT for packing on bud size, but once they are there, its way not necessary and in fact can do more dmg than good...The even canopy is always good...are they screened???..I dont use a screen cause my room is locked in by walls around it, so I couldnt get at the ones in the back...screens are nice IF you can go around the sides such as a tent u zip or the space is in an open area...I want to be able to get to EVERY ONE...cuttings, defoliations, and if they had to be pulled out of the closet for some reason...those screens COMMIT you and LOCKS the plants where they are at....I asked cause wondering why you could put a 90° bend on any mains that got too tall, to keep your canopy more even, AND maintain a light height that accomodates everyone...Hate to run a light TOO HIGH for a small % that got too tall...Im sure u have considered every option...I just get visuals when someone describes their grow room...LOL....
Bending the mains is exactly what I do, and now that I've raised my lights it should be ok. I harvest an average of 4 per week out of a 40 plant room. It makes watering a challenge and is rather labor intensive, but I'm used to it and it works for me. It's often like a game of "twister"!...LOL I use tomato cages for support. Here's a glimpse into growroom1.JPG my disorganized chaos...
Bending the mains is exactly what I do, and now that I've raised my lights it should be ok. I harvest an average of 4 per week out of a 40 plant room. It makes watering a challenge and is rather labor intensive, but I'm used to it and it works for me. It's often like a game of "twister"!...LOL I use tomato cages for support. Here's a glimpse into View attachment 3979201 my disorganized chaos...
any crop full of fine ladies is a beautiful site...for a moment, that looked like an earlier pic of mine...I use tomato cages, and actually have that same reflective foam board on my closet walls..maybe it just has same texture whatever it is...I can tell be the surface texture of the foiling...I'm sure u saw this pic earlier in the thread...ONLY difference, is mine is 4ft by 5ft and I veg and flower in that closet...never did run any perpetual crops...back in the day, I ran MUCH LARGER set ups...usually, 2 bdrm with 4 lights per room....Did all the big stuff back then, and did REAL I just get a kick out of constantly challenging my last yield in my little closet....this little spot (run correctly), gives me plenty, and enuf for my circle of ppl...AND, as I am sure u have seen, commercial product does not touch the quality of good home cooking..LOL..btw, pic (current crop) was taken 6 weeks into flower..
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Had to throw this up with no subject, other than bud porn...20170708_032111-1-1.jpg
Cpl lower White Widow nugs...I take all my pics VERY unprofessionally (android), and occasionally u get lucky and they come out good....these are far from being top colas but just a pretty shot with the HPS shining on the other side of them...If buds could smile, these would have a huge grin going on....the other picture message was from a cpl crops ago....mother natures gift to mankind...✌...PEACE TO ALL...YT

@yankeetransplant Very nifty buckets you have there. Not your basic hempy, but I can tell you've put your hydro experience into this setup. Would really like to see how your grow ends, so please keep posting. I'm a hempy addict due to the ease or should I say near ability to neglect.
As far as lighting I'm a reduced HID lighting advocate. I Never start with more than 11hrs on and always reduce time and intensity during the last couple of wks.
@yankeetransplant Very nifty buckets you have there. Not your basic hempy, but I can tell you've put your hydro experience into this setup. Would really like to see how your grow ends, so please keep posting. I'm a hempy addict due to the ease or should I say near ability to neglect.
As far as lighting I'm a reduced HID lighting advocate. I Never start with more than 11hrs on and always reduce time and intensity during the last couple of wks.
Yes, I will continue to share what I can here...I was a senior member in a cpl forum, but have found RIU to have the best participants.....think I will stick around...I.started my first garden in 1979 figuring I am smoking a plant and certainly had the aptitude to grow a plant...There HID lights were in their infancy but we were able to tap into as many outlets as we could find...I bought my first, what we called Catalog seeds, In 1984 from SSSC (super sativa seed club)...just one of 2 at that time (The Seed Bank) was the other...both Amsterdam...NO SUCH THING as internet so u wrapped your cash in carbon paper and mailed it off... 3 months later, with a Wichita Kansas post mark, seeds showed up...I bought the original M31, which was William Wonder...we learned by trial and error but started with hydroponics as it was understood at the time...basically Hempy systems...THATS RIGHT, 37+ years ago we used hempy system, MANY YRS before the name was attached...It all we had!!!...wick sys evolved from that, then drip and NFT, then ebb and flow (flood + drain), then rock wool (SUCKED), THEN finally water culture one time or another, I used every system...I recently went back to a modified hempy, after yrs of water the way I grew water culture since 1990....That to, did not have its name attached...ppl who truely enjoy what they are doing get VERY resourceful and evolve thru trial and error...I was actually a double garden of the month winner in High Times mag back in 86/87 (been a while)....they were one of the only sources of info...god bless them for helping pave the way...There were some INSANE myths about growing back then....I was an engineer at the time and had a buddy with a similar passion for weed AND cultivation...We KNEW WE COULD DO THIS BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE...and from what we knew, WE DID JUST got better, techniques evolved, fertilizers, EVERYTHING...It was a movement you knew could not be stopped...I am back to hempy knowing it simplistic design offers everything a plants needs to thrive with some minor adjustments....this is now a multibillion dollar industry which depends on selling new concepts and the equipment to carry it out...Close to 4 DECADES taught me ALL ABOUT IT...I fell for the promotion of every new system that came out over the yrs....EVERY ONE, is just another method of bringing nutrient rich water to your root systems (WHICH BY THE WAY, IS THE DEFINITION OF HYDROPONICS)...I dont need pumps, chillers, reservoirs, fancy circulation plumbing to water my plants with nutrient rich water...of course anytime u roots are exposed to water for an extended period, pythium can be a concern, but hempy design limits the roots exposure to standing water...But in the mean time, the addition of an air stone is a beautiful thing in hempy buckets...Other than that, Hempy will save time, aggravation, $$$, cleanup...It doesnt get any easier...DONT LET ANYONE fool you about needing high tech DWC systems for the best buds...BS, BS, BS....
YES THERE IS MANY, MANY years of cumulative information I gained in EVERYTHING I do in growing....I am not being pretentious about this, if you dont learn what your doing in 37+ years (nearly daily) YOUR NOT PAYING ATTENTION....Hempy is as effective as it gets and is not just for BEGINNERS....I would love to see more forums with thriving Hempy discussions...There are those that DEPEND on saying it just isnt as good ($$$)....I got a cpl dozen ppl right now that will testify, they have NEVER SMOKED a bud any better....Hempy just wont work in commercial type would have to automate watering with drips, BUT THEN its a drip system and no longer a hempy bucket....But for the average home grower, IT ROCKS THE SHIT OUT IF THEM....I will be around for a bit...Happy Hempy growing, YT
All the plants in the full closet pic (white widow, cheese candy, incredible bulk) already have rooted cutting in the nursery (in solo hempy cups)..they are ALL going on hold next crop to sort out some THC Bomb plants from seed...I have 4 pretty feminized THC Bombs and 4 that are regular seeds, and one pretty Bubble bomb from freebees...The 4 cuttings with the clear solo domes are the regulars...Both the fems and the regulars were ready for topping (I have to top for my sys), so the tops off the 4 regular seeds, were treated as a typical cutting and I put them into the main garden in flower to sex them...My drain tray was a perfect spot.....Keeping some water in it so the medium stays damp and there is only filtered light getting at them....Perfect cutting enviroment to get those 4 7 days or so, they will show....THC Bomb was a choice I been wanting to do for some time...They potentially get enormous tops, super potent, easy grower, low profile, 8-9 week to finish...great plant to grow...when I am VERY INTERESTED in a new strain, I always get feminized AND some regulars (if both are available)...Regulars will not usually be as stable as the feminized (larger gene pool attached), but you stand a good chance of finding a KEEPER THAT WAY..IMO of course...with feminized, many induce male flowers on the same plant they pollinate for seeds....Thats great to help 'STABLIZE' that strains seed stock, but the regulars offer much bigger gene pool to chose females from...My reasoning anyways, and it has served me well...20170716_163915-1.jpg 20170710_155759.jpg IMG-f29dc62e-7e46-4cc6-9d97-635389c65268.png
Hempy grown, Incredible Bulk side nug...about 45 days of flower....BY FAR my favorite GO-TO Meds....Dr. Krippling hit a homerun with this strain...7.5 weeks for full ripening, super sticky, easy grow, yields, and has an amazing buzz full of Character, I mean it starts euphoric and smiley, and slowly warms u up to a full indica high which remains quite funtional still...For a great indica high, it can be comfortably used during the day time...smell, taste, jar appeal, its got all the boxes checked off IMO....AND LOVES a good Hempy bucket to live in...20170717_034319-1-1.jpg
Incredible bulk Hempy bud on the plant (secondary chunk)....I consider a secondary bud, as the 1st buds (on branches) just below the main colas where buds STOP BEING tight to the stalk....Today is Tues, so this will be picked in 7 days....this Bulk cutting has been finishing nicely in 7weeks and 5day....just waiting for trichs to swell up and finish ripening....Cant say enuf good things about this strain...this cutting yields a little above average, but my buddy has one from the same seed group that yields half again as much more and is equally potent with all the same character as this cutting...think I put up that pic before but here it is again...this strain LOVES A GOOD HEMPY BUCKET....My IB cutting is a 3-3.5x stretcher and that other stays short and thick (under 2x stretch)....this cutting will be extinct in 1 more buddy has just swapped over from RDWC to Hempy his current grow...I will NEVER NEED to buy another seed because he turned into a full blown strain collector..has NO LESS than about 15 strains right now and ALWAYS SHOPPING...the way the seed game is (like buying scratch off tickets) sometimes you hit a keeper, he sorts them, AND THEN, I can get a cutting...taught him to grow so its an agreement...
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