Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

If any of you have or use narcotic pain patches for acute pain, make sure everyone who would possibly apply them know what they are capable of. A family memeber had a couple of bad strokes, and Hospice wrote a script for fentanyl pain patches. I was one of the main caregivers, and I didn't know about them. They were to be used only in extreme situations, and had been in the house a couple of months. She also had regular pain patches that she used everyday. Anytime someone would come see here, she had them put a patch on her. The fentanyl patch got applied by accident and it induced a stroke or heart attack. She died three days later. Two of which she slept through.

Erector sets, tinker toys, Lincoln logs, pedal cars, hula hoops, jacks, pea shooters and reel push mowers!

Lionel trains, marbles, pop the clutch to start the car, Paladin, Gunsmoke, condoms for 25 cents in the gas station rest room, 15cent hamburgers, cigarette pack rolled up in the sleeve of a short sleeve shirt, church keys, drag races, nosed and decked, lovers lane with midnight Marie and so it goes.
We just went thru this with my mother in law. She didn't have very many assets, but it has made me wonder how many assets get seized...the number is probably staggering. I would hate to think that I worked all my life for my property and it ends up with them instead of my family. If hubby or I find ourselves in that position, we will probably make our move to Costa Rica where care is affordable.

Much less than you might think
"A letter arrives in the mail with this opening line: “We are writing to let you know how you can get help paying your Medicare costs.” Your fraud detector probably goes on high alert - the mailboxes of retirees routinely are stuffed with bogus come-ons.

But this letter is no scam. More than 2 million seniors are receiving letters this month from the Social Security Administration (SSA) telling them that they could be eligible for Extra Help, a program that often covers up to 75 percent of prescription drug costs. Others may be eligible for a partial subsidy on drugs, or for a Medicare Savings Program in their states, which help pay Medicare Part B costs."



this talks about the COLA increase (probably) for next year
everyone should have a MySSA account, especially to confirm the income amounts that are used to calculate your SS retirement amount. If there are errors, it is much, much easier to fix this prior to the start of the "G" issuing you checks. It used to be they issued you a paper statement but I haven't seen one in some time. All the info is in your online account.

Fees on IRA's and 401K's can be higher than you might realize and sometimes not easy to determine. They can be a real bottom line killer over the long haul, so it's worth at least a yearly review.


If you have a financial advisor, they should present this to you. Key question to your FA is "Do you have a fiduciary responsibility to me, first, as your client, and always act in my best interest?". The answer should always be "Yes" without any qualification. This is a key question. Rules on this have just changed.

If you have a financial advisor, fire him. Warren Buffet recommends you put 90% of your nest egg in a S&P index fund and the rest in a bond fund. I agree.
I have two recommendations.
1. Use Vanguard funds. No 12-b-1 fees (sales fees) and they do better as a universe than any other fund family.
2. If someone suggests an annuity, tell them to leave your house and never darken your doorstep again.