Topdawg Genetics

Can you describe how your chem d smells?
The I have about 10 seeds from some really fire chem d that had onion/chemical/funk smell it. It was strong weed, hit you in the head, inbetween the eyes in heavy waves. Seeds came from about an oz
Foul wet stenchy old man dead tooth breath moth ball oniony garlicy clovey some skunkyness very full on stank.
I read your posts in the greenpoint thread, so understand why you like the d more. I have some d seeds lying around also. I'm particularly just looking for a certain mothballs type nastiness smell.
Can you help me out? I got tons of topdawg packs.
On a side note, anyone grabbing the tres sister f2?
How does chem sister compare to the other chems? Seems like the ugly one they kept in the shadows haha
I grew out a CC Tahoe OG from fem seeds that had that mothball/camphor smell unfortunately it Hermed out nasty but it's the first time I'd smelled that on a plant.
I read your posts in the greenpoint thread, so understand why you like the d more. I have some d seeds lying around also. I'm particularly just looking for a certain mothballs type nastiness smell.
Can you help me out? I got tons of topdawg packs.
On a side note, anyone grabbing the tres sister f2?
How does chem sister compare to the other chems? Seems like the ugly one they kept in the shadows haha

People seem to be sleeping on the Sister City. I was told by JJ and Mike that they were finding some killer plants out of that one and it is a must grow. I put two packs back for myself.
Sister city produces diesel dom plants? Can anyone explain chem sis characteristics to me please?
I am getting pack chemstar anyone run those?
Sister city produces diesel dom plants? Can anyone explain chem sis characteristics to me please?
I am getting pack chemstar anyone run those?
ive never grown chem sis if I'm not mistaken chem sis is half genetic makeup of gorilla glue4. and that to me has a coffee chem citrus thing going.
I was about to go with the chem sis but went with the 91chem#12 cause inorder for the glue to be made either the chem sis hermed or the chocolate diesel hermed. so decided against the chem sis. plus I'm not to big of a fan of the gg4 taste or high. happy growing
ive never grown chem sis if I'm not mistaken chem sis is half genetic makeup of gorilla glue4. and that to me has a coffee chem citrus thing going.
I was about to go with the chem sis but went with the 91chem#12 cause inorder for the glue to be made either the chem sis hermed or the chocolate diesel hermed. so decided against the chem sis. plus I'm not to big of a fan of the gg4 taste or high. happy growing
This didn't seem right to me. I could be wrong but I found this in a quick google search.

Unknown or Legendary - Chem Dawg
Aka: Chemdawg
Breeder: Chemdog

Heritage (no serious source known):
Speculation 1: unknown indica strain (Kush, HP or NL?)
Speculation 2: Nepali x Thai

At a Grateful Dead show at Deer Creek Amphitheatre, joebrand (aka wonkanobe) and pbud met chemdog and sold him an ounce of very high quality pot for $500. Joe and Chemdog exchanged numbers and they later arranged for two ounces to be shipped to chemdog on the east coast. According to chemdog, one ounce was seedless and the other had 13 seeds.

In ’91, chemdog popped the first 4 seeds. From these seeds, one male was found and disposed of (chemdog was young, you can’t blame him). The 3 females were labeled "chemdawg" (now '91 chemdawg), "chemdawg a" (now chemdawg's sister), and "chemdawg b". In 2001, chemdog and his girlfriend attempted to germ 3 more seeds, labeled "c", "d", and "e". the "e" seed never germinated, "c" turned out to be junk (according to chemdog), and chemdawg "d" was the keeper. In 2006, chemdog and joebrand reunited and joe was given 4 of the last 6 beans: Chemdawg phenos 1-4, "4" being the chosen keeper. Joe thought the "4" was the best representation of the original and thus dubbed it the "reunion pheno". Chemdog still has two seeds left in his stash.
I believe it was the chocolate diesel that hermed to create gg4. I've smoked a lot of nug labeled gg4 and the best of it had no citrus. Very chocolatey chem taste and acetone chem smell.
The 91chem#12 is 91 chem x onycd #12 correct? Well in my experience 91 has always been dank but more of a fuel smell rather than chemical. I'm looking deep into chem line... don't want much diesel or gasoline smell at the moment. Want some mothballs garlic stankballs.
To each their own, best of luck on your grows
This didn't seem right to me. I could be wrong but I found this in a quick google search.

joe was given 4 of the last 6 beans: Chemdawg phenos 1-4, "4" being the chosen keeper. Joe thought the "4" was the best representation of the original and thus dubbed it the "reunion pheno". Chemdog still has two seeds left in his stash.

I've grown most of the Chemdog hybrids and the very best napthalene/camphor/moth ball smell comes from my # 4 expressions. many breeders have the them in their line up, My favorite to date is Commerce City Kush.

Super City may end up being my only Topdawg keeper, I love every fem bean of her I've popped =pure chemd/chem#4 moth balls plus shes got this wonderful skunky gummy exotic shit going on too, very original.
What is super city made of? Tried to find that strain on the topdawg strain guide and it wasn't listed.

Thanks for the info. I will definitely pop some chem4 genes soon
What is super city made of? Tried to find that strain on the topdawg strain guide and it wasn't listed.

Thanks for the info. I will definitely pop some chem4 genes soon

Super city is super skunk x onycd which is very elusive to find.
Now there is super city skunk out which is the same cross.....hmm, perplexing !!
I believe it was the chocolate diesel that hermed to create gg4. I've smoked a lot of nug labeled gg4 and the best of it had no citrus. Very chocolatey chem taste and acetone chem smell.
The 91chem#12 is 91 chem x onycd #12 correct? Well in my experience 91 has always been dank but more of a fuel smell rather than chemical. I'm looking deep into chem line... don't want much diesel or gasoline smell at the moment. Want some mothballs garlic stankballs.
To each their own, best of luck on your grows
6176661248_IMG_3424.JPGGG4 bout 4-5 weeks in bloom at first I couldn't find the citrus notes but they are definitely there. As well as coffee and sweet milk chocolate. I'm on a totally different hunt. I'm looking for sour diesel leaning plants at the moment.
I've grown most of the Chemdog hybrids and the very best napthalene/camphor/moth ball smell comes from my # 4 expressions. many breeders have the them in their line up, My favorite to date is Commerce City Kush.

Super City may end up being my only Topdawg keeper, I love every fem bean of her I've popped =pure chemd/chem#4 moth balls plus shes got this wonderful skunky gummy exotic shit going on too, very original.
On another note where can I pick up fem top dawg gear I was under the impression they didn't produce fem seeds
Got this of dark heart site.

What has Everyone Stuck?

By Jessica Rountree

Here in the nursery we try our best to meet market demands but in the last few months one specimen in particular has kept us on our toes. We are talking about our lovely new crystalline queen: Gorilla Glue#4 and it’s literally got everyone stuck on her. During the recent Emerald Cup, everyone wanted to know about “the glue” and the few cuts we had flew off the shelves.

So what’s the deal and spiel with this Gorilla Glue#4 lady? She recently won 1st place in the 2014 LA High Times Cannabis cup and her uniquely satisfying flavor profile and sensational traveling high make her a stand out for quality. The smoke is so nice it’s hard to believe that she was an accident! According to legend, the whole seedy situation started one day when breeder Joesy Whales entered his garden and found that some of his Chem Sis had hermied and pollinated some neighboring Sour Dub plants. Frustrated, Joesy Whales threw the strain away completely. Luckily, a fellow grow friend of Whales named Mardogg held onto some of the seeds; seizing the opportunity to turn lemons into lemonae. Mardogg later planted these seeds and the result was Gorilla Glue pheno’s #1,2 and 4 (#3 was stunted and dumped). In the end it was only #4 that became the chosen Gorilla and she went on to win the cup.

Don’t think for a minute that the GG4 (as we call it) is all hype. The strain is incredibly resinous. A bane to all trimmers, GG4 gets its name from its tendency to clog scissors until they are stuck; permanently perhaps! This shiny star is a stunner; she looks bedazzled in crystally buds. A winner for bag appeal. The initial flavor is front loaded with diesel and pine but there is also a smooth sweet undertone. This hybrid roller coaster high is euphoric, focused and happy. And wait, what’s this? Do I feel a tingle? Oh yeah buddy, it’s a pleasant head tingle that eventually blankets the body. Believe me it’s nice, real nice. As a matter of fact, it is so nice that now you want more and this where the story gets tense.

Here’s where we harsh the mellow. Because as Peter Parker says “with great strains come great internet feuds.” (Thanks Uncle Ben). So the forums are on fire with rumor, gossip, slander. Does so and so have #4, maybe it’s #3. Which cuts are Gorilla Glue at all? Who could tell? It’s a sad side effect of our underground past that it’s impossible to ever know for sure.

We would be lying if we ever told you that we could guarantee that one of our strains is identical to someone else’s version. And, frankly, so is anyone else that tells you that. But one of the assurances we can provide is that of uniformity. If you like a DHN strain you tried out, it will always be the same whenever you get it from us. So, please give Gorilla Glue #4 a shot and let us know what you think!

“Easier said than done,” you say. Fair enough. We’re not keeping up with the GG4 demand. But the Dark Heart propagation team wants you to sleep at night. We assure you we are working our hardest to increase production of this lady just for you. Just give us little time to beef up the inventory! Or should I say “glue” up the inventory!
Chem 4 has a chemical smell, and is very popular in Colorado. The chem 91 is very skunky and is my favorite of the chems. A lot of the smells you guys are looking for can be found in Deadhead. I think Deadhead is better than stardawg or Chem 4.