Well-Known Member
That's almost as convincing as Hillary's "I told them to "CUT IT OUT!""I don't buy into either conclusion right now. I think it is another Republican propaganda fake news campaign.
That's almost as convincing as Hillary's "I told them to "CUT IT OUT!""I don't buy into either conclusion right now. I think it is another Republican propaganda fake news campaign.
lol, coming.How's that bag of dicks coming?
he's under federal criminal investigation and no one he has endorsed has won a thing side has the most popular politician in America as its leader.
All things equal..he's under federal criminal investigation and no one he has endorsed has won a thing though.
he's under federal criminal investigation and no one he has endorsed has won a thing though.
\/ \/ \/ \/^card carrying member^
This is painful. Spell it out for him buck. The man doesn't know the difference between a budget deficit and the national debt.
LOLThere will no longer be a need to appeal to the bernout basement dwellers, lol. Middle of the road conservatives are more reasonable and consistent voters anyway.
I wish that fucker would go back and take Mika with him.I just read Joe Scarborough left the Republican party. As long as people like Joe keep dumping the RNC we're bound to pick up votes. There will no longer be a need to appeal to the bernout basement dwellers, lol. Middle of the road conservatives are more reasonable and consistent voters anyway.
Just like I've been saying. Retards like you and Buck would rather court conservative, "moderates" than pick up actual progressive votes, because you reside center right. And you just proved it. Yet you claim WE'RE the more conservative ones that support Trump.
Fucking pathetic
Suck dicks.
Is there something you'd like to share with the group woody?dicks coming
Which is exactly why republicans are turning up the false news propaganda against him. Why are you obsessing over Democrats when the person who began the inquiry was a Republican from his own state? Don't you see the similarities between what they did to Clinton and what they are now doing to Sanders? Meanwhile the corrupt billionaire in chief is gifting the country to his cronies.All things equal..
You refuse to address that. All things, in American politics are not equal. That's the fatal flaw you rely on. Your arguments assume everything in American politics is equal. Constituents are slowly seeing through that, and you hate it.
Meanwhile...; Bernie Sanders Is the Most Popular Politician in the Country - MotherJones
Not buying into this as a real crime. Willing to wait to see the results. It smells like the same shit smeared over Democrats by the right wing propaganda machine for the past 20 years. Make that 30 years.they gained financially from it though, and not just the quarter million dollar golden parachute she gave herself as a reward for bankrupting the place.
this is kind of a stinky turd and bernie and jane have done nothing to explain it away, they just call it a witch hunt. it's not looking good for them to be honest.
Our republic was formed around two parties.
I support a left leaning economic policy. You support a "far left" social policy. I support what America at large supports, you support what a fringe percent of the far left Democratic establishment supports because you can't support a populist economic agenda, so you have to resort to social issues to garner votes.For you to suggest ignoring half the voting populace, and pushing a far left agenda will win elections is preposterous. It really shows how unreasonable you are.
So now it's "false news propaganda" is it?turning up the false news propaganda against him
So now it's "false news propaganda" is it?
Yesterday you were calling me a hypocrite for saying the exact same thing when I said the exact same thing about the witch hunt against Clinton in regards to her email server and Benghazi
So now it's "false news propaganda" is it?
Yesterday you were calling me a hypocrite for saying the exact same thing when I said the exact same thing about the witch hunt against Clinton in regards to her email server and Benghazi
You are a hypocrite. Not changing that tune one bit. You were both feet in on Evil Queen Hillary, Evil DNC and now both feet out on Saint Bernard fraudster. That kind of skewed dichotomy is no better than how a Trump supporter divides the world up. You even made up your own a fake news story about evil DNC.So now it's "false news propaganda" is it?
Yesterday you were calling me a hypocrite for saying the exact same thing when I said the exact same thing about the witch hunt against Clinton in regards to her email server and Benghazi