Are cobs really worth it?

Back to the subject at hand, would you choose 400 watt vero 4 cob or 300 watt cree 6 cob or 300 watt citi 6 cob if you were lighting 4x4
sorry dude! i hear the Veros are very good, light uniformity might better with 6 crees tho?
Surely you've looked at the evidence? There's plenty around if you open your eyes to it. Or do you think all the LED growers here secretly use HPS but have LED's hanging around just for the fun of it?
I get that you are sceptical, which is no bad thing at all, but surely you can see the results from all the detailed info on this and other forums? Nobody is saying "Everyone has to use LED's and if you don't you're an idiot" but people are defending their real experiences.
Most people who have been growing for a while and use LED's probably started on HPS and changed over for a variety of reasons. I certainly know a few guys who were in that situation and are very happy with their LED's, the bud LED's produce and the efficiency with which it is done.
I grow in a small area and for heat control I could only use a 150/200W HPS. I can use 400-600W of LED and the heat is less than the HPS.

I'm not sure why people such as yourself feel the need to constantly slag off LED's
? It seems a common occurence when it comes to lighting. As far as I'm aware there is no law saying that you MUST use LED's so why the harsh attitude? If you don't like them don't use them but at least be open to possibilities.

Every industry has a product or 2 that gets hyped. Sometimes for good reason and sometimes not. I always look at all the evidence available before I discount other ways of doing things, perhaps you should also.
Because led users go around making Bullshit claims!!!!
Back to the subject at hand, would you choose 400 watt vero 4 cob or 300 watt cree 6 cob or 300 watt citi 6 cob if you were lighting 4x4
Honestly I'd rather use 550-600W in that space. A dozen COB LED chips, Citizen is currently the better buy for the performance.

Another option is 550-600W of Quantum Boards. Similar performance, better light distribution.
That's a pretty bad result if you look at this report (and he's using less efficent leds than you):
This guy pulled over 2g/W with some epistar led panels.

Thanks.. now we know that a sponsored guy by chinese scammer can yield 2gr/Watt....!!! Epistar is the new leader of the market!! Epiled the second!!
But the little prob is that you didn't answer to my question... my results give me replies every day... but it seems you know more than my eyes and my balance!
I ran EPISHIT chips more than 1 year... 2gr/watt with EPISHIT chips is like thinking that Trump is an environmental activist... plz be serious.. just a bit if you don't have the capacity to come with real and strong evidences.
Spurious argument. Completely irrelevant.

Your logic of 'heavily invested' applies just as much to your own situation; you're invested in HID, so why should anyone take YOU seriously?
How does one get busted when they live in a legal state? Must have been doing something stupid as fuck like wayyyy above their plant count and bragging about it.
You're laughing at someone who got busted for growing, on a weed site?

And you wonder why you have no friends.
I'm laughing at someone so fucking stupid they got busted doing something legal, fucking hilarious how stupid you are.

You are one of those people that when you get an inch you take a mile, hope you learned your lesson.
I see he deleted his post.

I'm betting he noticed it was a par 3...
For some reason, that tickled my funnybone! I'm still laughing.

On a serious note, it seems that everytime someone asks about all the different lighting methods, I get to sit back and watch a few guys get into a "my penis is bigger than yours" contest. I just grab some popcorn :)

I'm looking to get away from HPS, but only with the right lighting. Each method has its pros and cons. Your preferred method may not work, or be the right choice, for someone else.
Same thing can happen to you.

The difference is that I wouldn't laugh.

Not even at you.
No it can't i follow the laws, idiots like you are ruining it for people like me that follow the rules.

Next time follow the laws and you won't have issues and people laughing at you for being a total moron.
For some reason, that tickled my funnybone! I'm still laughing.

On a serious note, it seems that everytime someone asks about all the different lighting methods, I get to sit back and watch a few guys get into a "my penis is bigger than yours" contest. I just grab some popcorn :)

I'm looking to get away from HPS, but only with the right lighting. Each method has its pros and cons. Your preferred method may not work, or be the right choice, for someone else.
I think that LED lighting has matured to the point where it's a viable approach for just about everyone, large scale or small.
I'm laughing at someone so fucking stupid they got busted doing something legal, fucking hilarious how stupid you are.

You are one of those people that when you get an inch you take a mile, hope you learned your lesson.
Fuck you numpty! Who gives who the right to judge anyone? No one judges how many tomatoes or chillis people grow! Your brand of schadenfraud at fellow growers is disgusting.
Take back those comments or be condemned by the legal and oppressed growers on this site.
I think that LED lighting has matured to the point where it's a viable approach for just about everyone, large scale or small.

Viable, sure, I agree. I haven't made the switch because I need to do more research on QBs, COBs, etc. I want to know the pros and cons of each, from growers, especially those that have grow journals. I want to SEE what they see. I hope that makes sense lol.