Struggling to take big bong rips

Most people refer to 'ghosting a hit' as just holding it in your lungs untill nothing comes out. Stupid to do...once I put an air compresser hose in my mouth and hit the nossle. Extreamly stupid I thought my lungs exploded -__-
Most people refer to 'ghosting a hit' as just holding it in your lungs untill nothing comes out. Stupid to do...once I put an air compresser hose in my mouth and hit the [nozzle]. Extreamly stupid I thought my lungs exploded -__-

You are lucky to have survived. I would avoid any activities that could hurry emphysema, because your lungs remember that overstress event. cn
rip slower, or add extra filtration such as an ash catcher or activated carbon filter. the diffuser beads may work too (ive never tried) also i believe it may just be the sugar, but using sweet tea as bong water is just amazing!! also clean water helps too i change water atleast once a day. ooooooo and another idea is to get a honey comb bowl, those are sick as fick. has 5-8 hols n botom of bowl not one tiny one.
damn and if your bowl is black with res, a good cleaning helps. cuz if its hella dirty n ur burning good herb, the res will gett hot n smoke a bit adding to the heat and harshness
fuck ghostin must just be a west coast blaze habbit. baseball is pretty fun to. also ive had this problem with girls humidifiers have worked or just breathing through a moist washcloth has worked to
I'm in the midwest and most people I smoke with know what ghosting is. It's exactly what the video above is, you take a hit, let it flow out and then suck it back in. I don't do it but people like doing smoke tricks and I also think it cools down the hit and makes it less harsh.
I'm in the midwest and most people I smoke with know what ghosting is. It's exactly what the video above is, you take a hit, let it flow out and then suck it back in. I don't do it but people like doing smoke tricks and I also think it cools down the hit and makes it less harsh.

Where i'm from, that's called a french inhale. And "ghosting" is where you take a bong hit and then hold it until you don't blow out any smoke. Thus ghosting the hit
There's "ghosting" and then taking a "ghost hit". I know what you're talking about though but I dont think it gets you higher doing that. Probably just feels that way cause you're lightheaded from holding your breath.
Don't ghost your hits dude it's pointless and bad for you. Most or all of the thc is absorbed within 7 seconds. You said you know but try hot water, the steam always makes my lungs feels better.
Ghosting is when you inhale the smoke that is left in the bong after a hit, its tastes terrible anyway
Ghosting is when you inhale the smoke that is left in the bong after a hit, its tastes terrible anyway
Hmmmmm ...
one post, necros an old thread ...

hello not-so-stranger

Hey everyone,

I'll get straight to the point how can I improve my lungs for bigger rips. I know about cold/hot water, ice, blah, blah. My buddy said he has been ghosting hits and now can take bigger bong rips. I just want to be able to take a big bong rip hold it in and exhale without dying.

Thanks buddies,
In all seriousness, weekly or even multiple trips a week to a salt cave can seriously improve your respiratory system. =ing bigger bong hits. Clean them lungs out my friend