Gunk On Roots / Air Stone


Well-Known Member
Well, I just noticed this today, but it would appear that my roots, air tube, and air stone are covered in a gunk. I wasn't really sure what to do at the moment, so I dumped quite a bit of hydrogen peroxide all over the air tube/stone, and the roots, which actually caused a lot of the gunk to fall and float into the water. What else can I be doing to combat this stuff?

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More than likely you are not keeping your water temperatures low enough. If your reservoir is too warm you are creating the perfect environment for harmful bacteria and fungal growth. You have three options. 1. Get your water temperature below 68 degrees and keep it there. 2. Introduce beneficial bacteria to combat the harmful stuff. Products like Great White and Hydrogaurd are examples. 3. Use H2O2 or bleach to create a sterile reservoir.
More than likely you are not keeping your water temperatures low enough. If your reservoir is too warm you are creating the perfect environment for harmful bacteria and fungal growth. You have three options. 1. Get your water temperature below 68 degrees and keep it there. 2. Introduce beneficial bacteria to combat the harmful stuff. Products like Great White and Hydrogaurd are examples. 3. Use H2O2 or bleach to create a sterile reservoir.

The air temp in the room never hits above 75F, and the bucket is simply under a T5, which should not heat things up that much. I changed the bucket and added a bunch of hydrogen peroxide and tried wiping any visual slime or gunk away, is there anything else that I need to be doing to help my lady bounce back?
The air temp in the room never hits above 75F, and the bucket is simply under a T5, which should not heat things up that much. I changed the bucket and added a bunch of hydrogen peroxide and tried wiping any visual slime or gunk away, is there anything else that I need to be doing to help my lady bounce back?
Yes, read post 2 again.
Yes, read post 2 again.

I already mentioned that temperatures were not the issue (#1), and I added hydrogen peroxide (H202) (#3), which kind of defeats the purpose of introducing beneficial bacteria (#2).

Read post 3, then check post 2 again, after that let me know if anything else sticks out, thanks.
I already mentioned that temperatures were not the issue (#1), and I added hydrogen peroxide (H202) (#3), which kind of defeats the purpose of introducing beneficial bacteria (#2).

Read post 3, then check post 2 again, after that let me know if anything else sticks out, thanks.
Re read post 2. Water temp. If you can't keep water temp below 70 you need to run a sterile res or bennies