DIY 4x12 3500K/5000k lm561c two channel board

revised gerber files for making the board can be found here ->
Don't get me wrong, but you have no idea what you are doing. If you would like to know why this all is total crap, just take a look at how Samsung made their strips for example. There are some hires pictures where you can actually see the copper traces and how they have to look like to be able to dissipate the heat.
If you still think that this is a good design, then I am sorry for the people who send you money for this junk.
And trust me, it's only a well-meant advice.
There would be much more copper covering the surface.
But it doesn't matter what I say because this genius is resistant to any advice.
I like the fact that he is sharing his ideas to the community. If you know how to do it, why don't you share your ideas with us as well? Maybe you could help create a superior design? I, for instance, am interested in operating such a board but have no clue about smds, pcbs, reflow soldering etc. So i'd be glad to get as much info as possible
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I am going to ignore the Trolls @Gromax 3590B and @tomate as all they have offered are insults and personal attacks on myself.

My experience has always been when I get this much resistance to something I am doing, I know I am on the right track. Why? I I find the Trolling actually validates I am on right path.

My plan is to give everyone the freedom to DIY your OWN boards, and that scares the folks that went from DIY to SALES. All the personal attacks by these trolls and other are all coming from the same source, everyone knows the source, which I will leave unnamed as they love the attention, I refuse to give them.

The future is NOT high Bay industrial lights hanging in your closet like 30 years ago, that is NOT a revolution that is just same old thinking with something different.

The future is mid power leds which is why Cree and Osram partnered to compete against Samsung. I am a revolutionary, and I am willing to show everyone that working with others in another country is nothing to be afraid. The person on the other side of the table has as many fears as you do based on the trolls in their environment. We are all just trying. languages are unimportant when the problem and understanding is a common new lighting. The manufacturers are not aware of the various uses of their products that is what we provide as end users.

So on to my report. I have been emailing with their engineers all week determining schedule for starting production and analysis and design changes necessary to final production. The manufacturer is just as motivated to make a great product as I am, as it is his name behind mine on the product. That is called PRIDE and a great human character trait.

I provided the first run picture to show folks this is not a vaporware thread. The pcb boards will be fabricated. This entire week, while the Trolls have been busy doing what trolls do, I have been busy doing what are called revisions prior to fabrication. That included re-aligning columns, without any snap capability in the software; personal choice;, analyzing the traces for size and volume to determine maximum capacity, mounting holes and wire pass thru holes, and other elements that get refined from initial development to final development. The difference is I did it in front of all of you folks so you can see it is NOT hard to do but needs to be done. I have done my thing in front of clients before, I am not afraid to do that for them, so I do the same for you guys.

Enjoy the journey and maybe the next set of boards will be your group or your room. 1300w of Samsung power in one order imagine what you can do for your space at a much lower cost than buying boards at twice the price. You have the Gerber files available to modify at your own time, the fabricator who will do the work, and you will see the end product. I have done what I could to show folks you can make your own boards, just like others did and you will not get ripped off by the manufacturer with imitation diodes as they cannot afford the bad business no matter what people tell you, they are honest, as honest as these folks that have trolls working for them. I have worked with Roget from Mufu Technologies and Jeff from this company with the link.

There are certain variables that always remain:
1. number of diodes, a reel has 2500 diodes, pcb's need to maximize usage so no leftovers. basic math 2500/384 = 6.5 boards. 5000/384 = 13 boards. no leftover diodes. For this job a reel of Samsung LM561C S6 bin cost $150/roll. two rolls per job for 13 pcb's on completion.

2. size of pcb. the larger the pcb the greater the cost. too small too much heat, balance size you will get heat balance. I expect these boards to geberate minimal heat, but I plan on mounting these on a 5.66 x12 Heatsinks I am recycling from my COB's. I have retired all my cob's too hot.

3. Coverage, most important.The board is designed to drive the diodes at or near 200umoles/w so perhaps 10,000 umoles per channel or 20,000 umoles per pcb. I expect one 100w board will cover slightly more than two cobs can cover with higher production. If you wonder where I gather this it comes from chilledledgrowlights, as he has already calculated the output and had the output measured on his 200w board which is where I get my inspiration.

So you have the whole story right in front of you. I showed you how I contacted the company what the company name is with a lin bk the contact Jeff, and the process I went thru. I could have paid them $100 to prepare the Gerber files but that takes away the feel of DIY to me. It took me two to three weeks from inital calculations sitting at my desk at home, to emails and discussions with Jeff. They love to Skype and discuss, but I knew exactly what I wanted, which is a board with 384 Samsung diodes singing along at 160mA making the garden green.

Inspiration comes from what you see around you. I am sure Vitally of would be pleased to know he inspired me.
I hope I inspired a few of you as well.
OMG this thread is hilarious again. It's like an ostrich putting his head in the sand for all the people trying to help.

I also love the reasoning that the more people tell him something is wrong, the more he knows he must be on the right path. Guess that's why it took him a year to understand that 10V PWM from an Arduino can be done without buying an additional 10V power source.

Ah well, we all build amateur stuff in the end. Who cares. In the end it does what we want it to do. Only if he intends to sell this crap then it would be sad, but I'm afraid that "if" is more like a "when".
He was pointing out flaws in the design.

When a while ago someone was maliciously trying to undermine someones lively hood, the moderators do nothing. Yet when a dangerous pretend guru is posting poorly designed stuff the posts pointing out such flaws get removed. Brilliant. Yeah that will create respect alright.
He was pointing out flaws in the design.

When a while ago someone was maliciously trying to undermine someones lively hood, the moderators do nothing. Yet when a dangerous pretend guru is posting poorly designed stuff the posts pointing out such flaws get removed. Brilliant. Yeah that will create respect alright.
It's how you say it not what you say
You can point out flaws without name calling
We can't see everything we're only human
It's how you say it not what you say
You can point out flaws without name calling
We can't see everything we're only human

so my post was offensive again? for just pointing out that there is no such things as i quote "200 umoles/W"? thats not even possible physicly? prime "over"moderating from you again...