The DNC Reports Lowest Fundraising Since 2003

No, you couldn't smell it over the stink of her campaign failure.

yeah, mueller is investigating that stink right now with his team of prosecutors. the lawyering up on trump's side is beyond laughable, even his lawyer has a lawyer. he's yelling 'witch hunt' even louder than pada is. like i said, whatever bernie goes through will pale in comparison to what trump's entire crooked staff of cronies will get.

jane might get a fine and bernie might get a 'unethical conduct' lecture, but trump's people are going to prison.

yeah, mueller is investigating that stink right now with his team of prosecutors. the lawyering up on trump's side is beyond laughable, even his lawyer has a lawyer. he's yelling 'witch hunt' even louder than pada is. like i said, whatever bernie goes through will pale in comparison to what trump's entire crooked staff of cronies will get.

jane might get a fine and bernie might get a 'unethical conduct' lecture, but trump's people are going to prison.

You sound more and more Republican every day.
No one gives a shit about your beliefs.

Let's see some facts or shut the fuck up already.

fact: hillary was under multiple republican investigations for years and couldn't have cared less. she cooperated with them, testified under oath for 11 fucking hours with ease, and was publicly exonerated. she never lawyered up.

fact: bernie and jane are under some kind of investigation right now for fraudulently obtaining loans for a college they then bankrupted whole paying themselves handsomely. bernie helped push for the loans. some of the behavior was unethical, possibly criminal. they have both lawyered up and are both screaming about a witch hunt.

fact: trump and all his cronies are under the toughest type of investigation you can find, with a special prosecutor and his team of all star prosecutors for an endless list of crimes. they have all lawyered up and are abusing their power to obstruct justice while creaming witch hunt and demonizing the media. they are even threatening to use the DOJ to silence a maor new network going through a merger right now. it is the ugliest thing you have seen in a while, if ever.

so i believe that there are degrees of stink when you are being investigated, like trump and bernie are right now. i base these beliefs on facts and evidence such as i've just listed.
fact: hillary was under multiple republican investigations for years and couldn't have cared less. she cooperated with them, testified under oath for 11 fucking hours with ease, and was publicly exonerated. she never lawyered up.

fact: bernie and jane are under some kind of investigation right now for fraudulently obtaining loans for a college they then bankrupted whole paying themselves handsomely. bernie helped push for the loans. some of the behavior was unethical, possibly criminal. they have both lawyered up and are both screaming about a witch hunt.

fact: trump and all his cronies are under the toughest type of investigation you can find, with a special prosecutor and his team of all star prosecutors for an endless list of crimes. they have all lawyered up and are abusing their power to obstruct justice while creaming witch hunt and demonizing the media. they are even threatening to use the DOJ to silence a maor new network going through a merger right now. it is the ugliest thing you have seen in a while, if ever.

so i believe that there are degrees of stink when you are being investigated, like trump and bernie are right now. i base these beliefs on facts and evidence such as i've just listed.
Well I hope you're right about the Trump administration's wrongdoing.

Until there's evidence, I refuse to jump to conclusions.

Don't count your clones before they've rooted, brah.
Well I hope you're right about the Trump administration's wrongdoing.

Until there's evidence, I refuse to jump to conclusions.

Don't count your clones before they've rooted, brah.

i literally always count my clones before they are rooted and have baseline expectations to meet. these are based in empirical evidence and facts.
According to Jordan Chariton, the GOP source of the investigation admitted it was hearsay. This is coming from a Republican lawyer who was passing on information he heard from a GOP lawmaker who said he didn't have direct knowledge of the allegations. In other words, it's bullshit.

To be taken by this shows your bias and your want to see Sanders and his progressive message taken down. Even if it means cheating, which we already know you support.

Funny how things come back to bite you in the ass, especially when you thought you were so smart :D
According to Jordan Chariton, the GOP source of the investigation admitted it was hearsay. This is coming from a Republican lawyer who was passing on information he heard from a GOP lawmaker who said he didn't have direct knowledge of the allegations. In other words, it's bullshit.

To be taken by this shows your bias and your want to see Sanders and his progressive message taken down. Even if it means cheating, which we already know you support.

Funny how things come back to bite you in the ass, especially when you thought you were so smart :D
I don't think he wants Democrats to win, otherwise he wouldn't be working so hard at the politics of division.
Lol, says the 40 year old virgin trying to split the Democrat vote and thus guarantee Republican regressive policies for the next decade or more.
So who would you vote for on a hypothetical ticket, Bernie Sanders as an Independent against Incumbent Donald Trump, or Hillary Clinton as a Democrat against Trump?

Based on policy, not party
So who would you vote for on a hypothetical ticket, Bernie Sanders as an Independent against Incumbent Donald Trump, or Hillary Clinton as a Democrat against Trump?

Based on policy, not party

you had that decision all of 6 months ago. you didn't vote on it at all. what a fucking loser you are.
Bernie, hands down.

Buck the Republican wannabe will miss the point of your question entirely.

you literally had the chance to vote for bernie over hillary or trump 6 months ago. he didn't even ask a hypothetical question. it just fucking happened.
Bernie Sanders
Tulsi Gabbard
Paula Swearengin
Ro Khanna
Alexandria Ocasio
Cori Bush
Anthony Clark
Paul Perry
Sarah Smith
Michael Hepburn
Chardo Richardson
Hector Morales
Sarah Smith
ok, when the fuck did i attack hector morales? he was just here helping me with an HVAC installation.