north korea launches ICBM capable of hitting U.S. while trump golfs


Active Member
And bigotry.
No come back to the posting I did.....other than bigotry. Like I said before I am entitled to my opinion. If you do not like the fact some people have freedoms in this country then you can move some where else. I really do not mind the cute name calling but you seem like a 2 trick pony


Active Member
No come back to the posting I did.....other than bigotry. Like I said before I am entitled to my opinion. If you do not like the fact some people have freedoms in this country then you can move some where else. I really do not mind the cute name calling but you seem like a 2 trick pony
Hey government tool, that is your new nick name


Active Member
3rd time quoting your own post.
Hey government tool, how do you see that the illegalization of hemp effected this country, was it positive or negative? Do you see the federAl legalization of cannabis any time soon. Don't worry I will not call you a bigot for answering in your own opinion


Well-Known Member
You have the mind that government likes, easily brainwashable...... do as your told

I give you an answer that is indeed 100% fact and you call me brainwashed.
you're so fucking dumb it is toxic. you're clearly a sock. you're out of your league trailer man


Active Member
Do you even have to ask that anymore? the answer is obvious now....
also you clearly don't know what bigotry is. sock
But what is your input government tool. Enlighten the first of the forum we do not know your personal view point how was it positive or negative. No one on here knows unless you use your key board and type more than 2 sentences.


Well-Known Member
But what is your input government tool. Enlighten the first of the forum we do not know your personal view point how was it positive or negative. No one on here knows unless you use your key board and type more than 2 sentences.
If you're not a sock then you don't need more than two sentences to know why.
You're just dumb.


Well-Known Member
People. Stop getting caught up in the minutia UB is the owner of a RED laser pen light, who has a ton of these threads all designed to distract.

You are all running around chasing the distraction. Try this for some real knowledge, and pay attention to what he says about OBL and the loss of Seal Team Six ... and at ~ 1:06 pedo
