iam retiring to the back yd,check it out

My honey x skidder and sea dragon crosses appeared to have taken but when I checked today I had to cut like 20 percent out due to rot and it's still got 4-5 weeks left so not sure it'll make it considering we've had almost no rain so far... the only spot that I can buy serenade around here Doesn't carry it anymore and it's like 60 bucks for one bottle after shipping on Amazon canada....gonna have to figure something out soon
I got a bottle of neem oil concentrate I could send ya if you need it. Hate to see ya lose everything over not being able to get some fungicide
im actually more worried about getting limes from a tick in the busy town i work in rather than my own woods.the deer travel in packs in town during winter.ive seen as many as 14 together at one time.i really only see solitary deers up my way during summer/winter.
from what i understand,a tick needs to be on one deer,drop off,get another deer to start the whole limes thing.but who fucking knows.i just plan on getting it and hoping for a cure.sad but true,those bastards are small and can be hard to find
I actually know a lot about lyme disease from my educational background. In short, the bacteria that causes lyme disease grow in the gut of animals. A tick has four primary life stages (egg, larvae, nymph, adult), each stage is generally marked by them feeding. So the cycle starts with a small rodent such as squirrels and mice and the ticks feed on them at this stage as nymph an picks up the bacteria at this point, it's a nymph and s small as a d on a dime.
Then they feed a second time on a larger mammal (deer/us) which could spread the disease. They are so small that this stage is tricky to see them on you. Then try grow to adults and have their last\third feeding as adults on large animals again and die.
Since the bacteria that causes lyme disease is in their gut, it's crucial to remove the tick from you with tweezers or similar tool, pulling there head an not pinching there body which is what runs the risk of them puking that shit out into you. I cringe when I watch viral "informational" videos on Facebook of people showing "tricks" to remove them using chemicals and other things. Now a days ticks carry so much more nasty disease causing bacteria that borrelia burgdorferi is sadly not the only one of concern anymore.
I actually know a lot about lyme disease from my educational background. In short, the bacteria that causes lyme disease grow in the gut of animals. A tick has four primary life stages (egg, larvae, nymph, adult), each stage is generally marked by them feeding. So the cycle starts with a small rodent such as squirrels and mice and the ticks feed on them at this stage as nymph an picks up the bacteria at this point, it's a nymph and s small as a d on a dime.
Then they feed a second time on a larger mammal (deer/us) which could spread the disease. They are so small that this stage is tricky to see them on you. Then try grow to adults and have their last\third feeding as adults on large animals again and die.
Since the bacteria that causes lyme disease is in their gut, it's crucial to remove the tick from you with tweezers or similar tool, pulling there head an not pinching there body which is what runs the risk of them puking that shit out into you. I cringe when I watch viral "informational" videos on Facebook of people showing "tricks" to remove them using chemicals and other things. Now a days ticks carry so much more nasty disease causing bacteria that borrelia burgdorferi is sadly not the only one of concern anymore.
i was hoping someone would chime in and explain lymes and how it becomes to be what it is.nice info
yeah,i get the tweezers thing and wanting to pull the whole thing out.i have a small jar of alcohol that i drop them in once removed.ive pulled quite a few of family members.sometimes its just not possible to get them completely out with tweezers though.for example,ones in the skull.especially if theyre small.i also understand you scoffing at youtube videos,those can be pretty hilarious.that being said,i recently had a relative see the peppermint oil trick on a tick.backed that fucker out 100% and they were able to bag it alive.js
Use a match. Light it, let it burn for a few seconds, blow it out. Put the hot match tip on the ticks ass. They back out on their own and you don't have to worry about leaving part of them in you.
I actually know a lot about lyme disease from my educational background. In short, the bacteria that causes lyme disease grow in the gut of animals. A tick has four primary life stages (egg, larvae, nymph, adult), each stage is generally marked by them feeding. So the cycle starts with a small rodent such as squirrels and mice and the ticks feed on them at this stage as nymph an picks up the bacteria at this point, it's a nymph and s small as a d on a dime.
Then they feed a second time on a larger mammal (deer/us) which could spread the disease. They are so small that this stage is tricky to see them on you. Then try grow to adults and have their last\third feeding as adults on large animals again and die.
Since the bacteria that causes lyme disease is in their gut, it's crucial to remove the tick from you with tweezers or similar tool, pulling there head an not pinching there body which is what runs the risk of them puking that shit out into you. I cringe when I watch viral "informational" videos on Facebook of people showing "tricks" to remove them using chemicals and other things. Now a days ticks carry so much more nasty disease causing bacteria that borrelia burgdorferi is sadly not the only one of concern anymore.
most folks think lyme comes from deer,they don't get lyme they r just a host for the tick that carries it
i was hoping someone would chime in and explain lymes and how it becomes to be what it is.nice info
yeah,i get the tweezers thing and wanting to pull the whole thing out.i have a small jar of alcohol that i drop them in once removed.ive pulled quite a few of family members.sometimes its just not possible to get them completely out with tweezers though.for example,ones in the skull.especially if theyre small.i also understand you scoffing at youtube videos,those can be pretty hilarious.that being said,i recently had a relative see the peppermint oil trick on a tick.backed that fucker out 100% and they were able to bag it alive.js
oil trick bad way to go,they puke there guts inside u as they back out, no joke if ya getting them buryed in ya not checking good enough,
oil trick bad way to go,they puke there guts inside u as they back out, no joke if ya getting them buryed in ya not checking good enough,
oh wtf,really? jesus,scary stuff.the oil methods out then.i check daily.4-5 hours tops from being outdoors.looks like i'll have to be more vigilante about checking
oh wtf,really? jesus,scary stuff.the oil methods out then.i check daily.4-5 hours tops from being outdoors.looks like i'll have to be more vigilante about checking
ya it takes them 18-24 hrs of diging to reach bloodstream,thats the window ,once they feeding never use oil or match.been picking ticks off me since late 70snever had one feeding.the last 6 months I have been to the docs twice for antibioctics two of the smallest ticks I have ever seen don't even feel them crawling.dont even see the wood-dog ticks any more all deer ticks something is changing
Use a match. Light it, let it burn for a few seconds, blow it out. Put the hot match tip on the ticks ass. They back out on their own and you don't have to worry about leaving part of them in you.
Do not do this. Use a tick key or tweezers. It gets them out without any throwup.
ya it takes them 18-24 hrs of diging to reach bloodstream,thats the window ,once they feeding never use oil or match.been picking ticks off me since late 70snever had one feeding.the last 6 months I have been to the docs twice for antibioctics two of the smallest ticks I have ever seen don't even feel them crawling.dont even see the wood-dog ticks any more all deer ticks something is changing
A couple three months ago I picked up a tiny tick while hiking. I didn't know he was there until I got up in the night to pee. I was scratching my groin area and felt him. No tweezers or tick key. I was days away from anywhere and I panicked. I squished him trying to pull him out. I had a red mark that lasted a few weeks. Now I have tick keys and tweezers in all my packs.
Wow. Looking good. Sweet peas have to be planted in late February or early March here. The heat gets them before they produce fruit if planted any later.
those planted april 28 ,most yrs the 15th is the day little late.no shell peas up here same with the beans all bush
those planted april 28 ,most yrs the 15th is the day little late.no shell peas up here same with the beans all bush
I grow Pink-eyed Purple Hulls [cow peas]. Always have a patch going. When I was truck farming I planted every 28 days all summer long. Now I don't mind a little break. My current patch is playing out, and the new patch is only 3-4 inches tall. Maybe I'll have a couple three weeks off from pea shelling.
I grow Pink-eyed Purple Hulls [cow peas]. Always have a patch going. When I was truck farming I planted every 28 days all summer long. Now I don't mind a little break. My current patch is playing out, and the new patch is only 3-4 inches tall. Maybe I'll have a couple three weeks off from pea shelling.
wish I had the space,i got 10 lbs shelled frozen now maybe 5 more.next week tear them out plant beans
wish I had the space,i got 10 lbs shelled frozen now maybe 5 more.next week tear them out plant beans
I garden about two acres. I try not to have all of it come off at the same time. Too much of everything, then it's all gone.

I pulled up my green beans. When it stays in the high 90's for a few days, they stop blooming. I picked the last beans last week and pulled the plants up. I'm still planting squash, cucumbers and peas. The heat eats them up too.
im actually more worried about getting limes from a tick in the busy town i work in rather than my own woods.the deer travel in packs in town during winter.ive seen as many as 14 together at one time.i really only see solitary deers up my way during summer/winter.
from what i understand,a tick needs to be on one deer,drop off,get another deer to start the whole limes thing.but who fucking knows.i just plan on getting it and hoping for a cure.sad but true,those bastards are small and can be hard to find
its when the tick gets engorged that lime disease poses a threat. It essentially vomits infected blood back into you. Its why you get them off asap. Get them off 24 hrs of being attached you shouldn't have to worry