north korea launches ICBM capable of hitting U.S. while trump golfs

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Apparently jewish, scottish, and irish black people can't be racist now.
the world is doomed
I didnt even know there was Irish Black people...They all seem pasty white and talk funny. I must say i was in Ireland along time ago- great place and warm people.


Well-Known Member
They were testing what were assumed to be nuclear bombs inside a mountain and Obama crippled them with sanctions...

Now they're testing real delivery systems and you're trying to excuse Trump for it?

You've been cucked, Tampon.
Trump has been President for a few months it took years to build that arsenal of ICBMs. Just face it Obama dropped the ball and left Trump with WW3.


Well-Known Member
why is there a pedophile in this thread?

It's Obama's fault he let it happen all he did was place sanctions which did nothing but hurt the people and give the people more of a reason to hate us!!

Sanctions hurt the citizens not the government.