10 hours on 14 hours off for flower


Well-Known Member
just for a few days I will have lights on for 10 hours and off for 14 hours will it still flower? It should because not on more than 12 hours light on,
just for a few days I will have lights on for 10 hours and off for 14 hours will it still flower? It should because not on more than 12 hours light on,
No, it should still flower because it has more than 12hrs dark. The long dark nights is what the plant measures, the light does not matter.

Auxins are built up in the dark long nights, and when this auxin is built up past a threshold(12hrs) flower is triggered.. Example: if you have 8hrs dark, then boom flip lights on, auxin is destroyed in the plant and it wont flower. Length of light perios does not matter, the plant measures the long nights. You wil be fine with 14hrs dark, no matter the length of light period.. you can give them just 4hrs light, then back to 14.. she will stay flowering.. just explaining some shit.
You will be fine.
lots of people flower with 13 on and 11 off, even 14/10 will often be enough to trigger the flowering

personally I prefer 11 on 13 off
Agreed here, Why do we set it at 12/12 when by observations we know plants actually begin to flower with longer than a 12/12 photoperiod. In my area I grow in outdoors my plants finnish within a week or two of the autumnal equinox.
Fix those leaks mate , they will affect your flowering even a standby light from a camera will affect them , no issue as agreed by most on lengthening the dark period however light leaks will leave you with a less than optimal result IMO
Does anyone have any info on extended light cycles, by that I mean, does the cycle have to be a 24rs period.
Could it be possible to grow with a cycle of say 30hrs... 24on 6off and repeat that way? Anybody tried this?
I've tried searching for any info on this and Google is terrible haha.
Does anyone have any info on extended light cycles, by that I mean, does the cycle have to be a 24rs period.
Could it be possible to grow with a cycle of say 30hrs... 24on 6off and repeat that way? Anybody tried this?
I've tried searching for any info on this and Google is terrible haha.
Why would you want to extend the day?
Most people would rather shorten the day to speed up the process
ok pure dark is the important thing, roughly 12 hours of it. Some strains can do it with less but we will just talk about 12 hours of dark to keep things simple..... and there is the 730 nm after lights out thing as well but again lets keep this simple. You can run 6 hours on and 12 off and you will flower fine, your numbers and quality will suck but it will flower. On the other end you can run 14 hours or 18 hours or even 24 hour on , as long as your off cycle is 12 hours you will flower. Obvoiously I am talking about days that are longer and shorter then 24 hours
just for a few days I will have lights on for 10 hours and off for 14 hours will it still flower? It should because not on more than 12 hours light on,
It'll show you things you won't see at 12/12 :wink:
Good things!! Doing it myself.... How many places in the world actually get 12 hours of direct light?
Yea 12/12 is rule of thumb that works seemingly well on all varieties, this does not mean an advanced grower couldnt tweak that for a specific plantband enviornment. But thats not your concern yet (nor mine) but still ull be good w few hours less especially temporarilly.

But also these gents are not blowing smoke up ur ass on the leaks. U need to be able to lock yourself in and not see your hand an inch from your eye. Yes theres caviates with green light or infared but dont worry those details yet. Think of being in a mine or cave with no light type dark wen u do the lock urself in test...