think my auto hermied or is a male week 3 veg

You should start an official thread for the grow. Therell probably be more you need help with later and it helps to have some more experienced growers see your plants so you can identify problems before they get out of hand
I kinda have a journal but i have a thread that iv been updating more its gunna be fucking awsome when i get to smoke it i havent smoked in like 3 months lol
I kinda have a journal but i have a thread that iv been updating more its gunna be fucking awsome when i get to smoke it i havent smoked in like 3 months lol
Yeah i majorly need to take a break. my tolerance is getting ridiculous from my last harvest being a little under 6 and a half ounces lol. started making oils and edibles and tincture. Was a great couple months
ye i hear ya when i was buying it i was going thru a half or a q in 3 days i was smashed constently think il only smoke once around bed time dont care what any one says id end up blowing my brains out all the bullshit and evils shit that goas on the worlds a fucken joke i have no idia how some pepole can go thru it sober nowing how the world works the worlds fucked
ye that thing in the pic fell of and the only sexual parts to grow since are pisstles so i think im out of the woods atleast i hope so lol
ye that thing in the pic fell of and the only sexual parts to grow since are pisstles so i think im out of the woods atleast i hope so lol
They mean those dark spots on that lower leaf. Doesnt look like any deficiency i know. I wouldnt worry about it unless you see it more
They mean those dark spots on that lower leaf. Doesnt look like any deficiency i know. I wouldnt worry about it unless you see it more
Lol oh thats from a tea i made i used a beni bacteria product by neutrog called gogo juice its got kelp in it to i think but ye i spilled a bit on the leaves and it stained