north korea launches ICBM capable of hitting U.S. while trump golfs


Well-Known Member
Nothin stops the bossman though from chilling on the golf course... minions must attend meetings but not the big man...sad, pathetic.
If only we could see th history books of another generation from now and see how history chronicles this era...
If only we could see th history books of another generation from now and see how history chronicles this era...

We will be remembered as the era when nobody did anything because someone else might get offended!

Time for someone to make hard decisions that won't make anyone happy...... well maybe a few will be happy.
yeah, those alpha trump voters who get the vapors if you wish them a happy holidays really are a bunch of whiny ass pussies.

That's exactly it though! Why the fuck do we care if some one says Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas? Does it really make a difference in the actual holiday? Is it less special if the cashier at Walmart says Happy holidays instead? However if you are in a country that celebrates certain holidays you don't follow then you would also have to respect the local customs like someone saying Merry Christmas to you. I'm not saying you have to run out and buy a Christmas tree but just respectful of each other's views and beliefs.

We have bigger things to think about. Like North Korea, South Korea, Japan and Alaska. Right now as it stands we are in a in a lose-lose situation. Does the world just sit back and keep sanctioning a country that doesn't give a fuck about sanctions and let them build more and more advanced weapons of mass destruction? Or do we invade North Korea and send tens of millions of people in North/South Korea and Japan to their graves? Do you go all Jason Bourne and assassinate Kim Jong Un with black ops and hope their next dictator is nicer and not bat shit crazy? At this point all choices are fucked up in one way or another. Glad I'm not making the decision, it's going to be a hard one. That being said, Trump making any decisions other than what colour socks he puts on in the morning scares the hell out of me!

He just said he hopes China will put a 'heavy move' on them..he can't remember one thought to the next- time for the 25th.

How much do you want to bet this meeting with Putin, which was upgraded from hallway 'hello's' to a full on meeting behind closed doors..we're going to wish he never attended G20.

I have a bad feeling.
War, only a last resort. China increasing trade with NK. SK wants more talk. Why are our fearless leaders afraid to raise, perhaps, the only option they have, THE PALACE COUP. Political correctness?
I thought he owned Palin ?
She doesn't live here anymore, last I checked.
there are 300,000+ people living in anchorage under the shadow of north korea's nuclear capable ICBMs.

and the regime is complaining about attending security meetings.

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Fort Greely up in the Fairbanks area, has 26 missile defenders, with a supposed efficiency rate of 50%.
Not very reliable, but it may soften the blow from the North Koreans, if they fired something at us.
I believe they would target Honolulu before Anchorage, if their missile could make the additional 800 mile trip.